S.No | Faculty Name | Title of research paper | other authors | Conference proceedings Name/ Journal Name | Indexed in | Month, year of publishing |
1. | Dr Sujata Pandey | Study and Implementation of IOT based smart health care system | with students and faculty Chahande |
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology ICECA 2017 at RVS Technical Campus Coimbatore TN | IEEE | 20-22 April 2017 |
2, | Dr Sujata Pandey | Two Dimensional Modelling of II-V heterojunction gate all around tunnel field effect transistor | Manjula Vijh and R S Gupta | JOURNAL OF NANO- AND ELECTRONIC PHYSICS Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 01030-1 - 01030-4 , March, 2017 |
ESCI, Scopus Indexed | Feb-17 |
3. | Dr Sujata Pandey | III-V Junctionless Nanowire Transistor with high-k Dielectric material and schottky contacts | Neel Chaterjee and Akriti Gupta | Journal of Nanoelectronics and optoelectronics Vol. 12, pp. 925-931, 2017 |
SCIE, Scopus indexed | in the year 2017 |
4. | Dr Sujata Pandey | Novel design techniques for noise tolerant power gated CMOS circuits | Rumi Rastogi | Journal of semiconductors Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 015001 - 6 Jan 2017 |
ESCI, Scopus Indexed | in the year 2017 |
5. | Dr Sujata Pandey | On Calibration Techniques for pipelined ADCs | Swina Narula | Int. Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 9 Issue 35, pp. 432-441, Sept 2017 |
NA | Jul-17 |
6. | Dr Sujata Pandey | Study of IOT based Health Monitoring Devices | Int. Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 9, Issue 35, pp. 451-456, |
NA | Jul-17 | |
7. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Anti Collision Vehicle with voice recognition | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology ICECA 2017 at RVS Technical Campus Coimbatore TN | IEEE | 20-22 April 2017 | |
8. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Vehicular Technology Enabled with Bluetooth | Proc. of DST Sponsored Int. Conf. on Advancement in Energy, Drive & Control ICAEDC 2017 at I.T.S ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GREATER NOIDA | Springer &IEEE | 7-8 April 2017 | |
9. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Anti Collision Automobile with Voice Control (Robotic Voice Controlled Automobile | Proc. of Int.Conf. on Innovation in Information Embedded and communication systems (ICIIECS) at karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore | IEEE | 17 Mar - 18 Mar 2017 | |
10. | Mr V K Sharma | Vehicular Technology Enabled with Bluetooth | Proc. of DST Sponsored Int. Conf. on Advancement in Energy, Drive & Control ICAEDC 2017 at I.T.S ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GREATER NOIDA | Springer &IEEE | 7-8 April 2017 | |
11. | Mr V K Sharma | Anti Collision Automobile with Voice Control (Robotic Voice Controlled Automobile | Proc. of Int.Conf. on Innovation in Information Embedded and communication systems (ICIIECS) at karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore | IEEE | 17 Mar - 18 Mar 2017 | |
12. | Mr V K Sharma | Anti Collision Vehicle with voice recognition | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology ICECA 2017 at RVS Technical Campus Coimbatore TN | IEEE | 20-22 April 2017 | |
13 | Ms Manisha Gururani | LED Propeller display with Android Application | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology ICECA 2017 at RVS Technical Campus Coimbatore TN | IEEE | 20-22 April 2017 | |
14. | Ms Manisha Gururani | Device for Blind People Navigation | Int. Journal of Neo Technology and Research | NextGen Research Publications | Apr-17 | |
Ms Manisha Gururani | ELECTRONIC TRAVEL AID SYSTEM FOR BLIND PEOPLE | International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication, ISSN: 2320-2084 Volume-5, Issue-6 | Jun-2017 | |||
15. | Ms Manisha Gururani | Electronic Travel Aid system for Blind people | Int. Conf. on Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Pune (ICEEE) | WRFER | 16th April 2017 | |
16. | Dr Anil Kumar Shukla | LED Propeller display with Android Application | Himanshu kashyap,Ashish jain, and Manisha Gururani | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology ICECA 2017 at RVS Technical Campus Coimbatore TN | IEEE | 20-22 April 2017 |
17. | Dr Anil Kumar Shukla | Design of All-Optical Logical AND Gate Based on Photonic Crystal Using T-shaped Waveguide |
Tanvi Sachdeva and G.N. Pandey | Advances in Optical Science and Engineering, Springer Proceedings in Physics |
Springer | Nov. 2017 |
18. | Dr Anil Kumar Shukla | Design of 1x4 All Optical Splitter Based on 2D Photonic Crystal |
Bani Gandhi, and G.N. Pandey | Advances in Optical Science and Engineering, Springer Proceedings in Physics |
Springer | Nov-2017 |
19. | Dr Anil Kumar Shukla | Enhanced of Photonic Bandgaps in One- Dimensional Plasma Photonic Crystal with Defect |
G.N. Pandey, and Others | Advances in Optical Science and Engineering, Springer Proceedings in Physics |
Springer | Nov-2017 |
20. | Dr Anil Kumar Shukla | A Novel Design of All optical AND Gate Based on 2-D Photonic Crystal | Alan Macker and Ved Prakash Dubey | Proc. Of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies (ICETCCT 2017), 17-18 Nov. 2017, Graphic Era Hill University,, Dehradun, India. | IEEE | Dec-2017 |
21. | Dr Anil Kumar Shukla | Design of All optical OR Gate Based on 2-D Photonic Crystal | Sagarika Dey and Ved Prakash Dubey | Proc. Of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies (ICETCCT 2017), 17-18 Nov. 2017, Graphic Era Hill University,, Dehradun, India. | IEEE | Dec-2017 |
22. | Jyoti Agarwal | Proposal and validation of usability model for component based software system | S K Dubey and Rajdev Tiwari | Engineering Journal (Eng. J.), Vol 2, No. 1(5), pp: 243-255. | Scopus | Sep-17 |
23. | Jyoti Agarwal | A Roadmap to Identify Complexity Metrics for Measuring Usability of Component based software system | S K Dubey and Rajdev Tiwari | In Advances in Computer and Computational Sciences, pp. 33-41. Springer, Singapore, 2017. | Scopus | May, 2017 |
24. | Jyoti Agarwal | Selection and validation of software system based on quality factors using AHP-Energy method | S K Dubey | Int. Conf. on Computing for sustainable Global Development INDIACom 2017 at Bharti Vidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications, N Delhi | Scopus | In press |
25. | J S Jadon | An Analytical survey on smart electricity metre using GSM | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Smart Computing & Informatics (SCI) at Visakhapatnam | Springer | 3-4 March 2017 | |
26. | J S Jadon | Study of Advancement in Smart Electricity Metre | Proc. of DST Sponsored Int. Conf. on Advancement in Energy, Drive & Control ICAEDC 2017 at I.T.S ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GREATER NOIDA | Springer &IEEE | 7-8 April 2017 | |
27. | J S Jadon | Design of Sign to voice Converter Using Magic Glove | Proc. of DST Sponsored Int. Conf. on Advancement in Energy, Drive & Control ICAEDC 2017 at I.T.S ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GREATER NOIDA | Springer &IEEE | 7-8 April 2017 | |
28. | J S Jadon | Analysis and comparision of transmit diversity scheme using MRC and EGC | Int. Conf. on Smart Technologies for Smart Nation at REVA University, Bangalore | IEEE | 17-19 Aug 2017 | |
29. | J S Jadon | Quality of Service in MANETs | Int. Conf. on Smart Technologies for Smart Nation at REVA University, Bangalore | IEEE | 17-19 Aug 2017 | |
30. | J S Jadon | Performance Analysis for SNR vs BER of transmit diversity scheme using EGC | Int. Conf. on Smart Technologies for Smart Nation at REVA University, Bangalore | IEEE | 17-19 Aug 2017 | |
31. | Neha Arora | An Analytical survey on smart electricity metre using GSM | Proc of Int. Conf. on Smart Computing & Informatics (SCI) at Visakhapatnam | Springer | 3-4 March 2017 | |
32. | Neha Arora | A Review Automated Restaurant Menu Ordering System | Proc. of DST Sponsored Int. Conf. on Advancement in Energy, Drive & Control ICAEDC 2017 at I.T.S ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GREATER NOIDA | Springer &IEEE | 7-8 April 2017 | |
33. | Neha Arora | Analysis and comparision of transmit diversity scheme using MRC and EGC | Int. Conf. on Smart Technologies for Smart Nation at REVA University, Bangalore | IEEE | 17-19 Aug 2017 | |
34. | Neha Arora | Performance Analysis for SNR vs BER of transmit diversity scheme using EGC | Int. Conf. on Smart Technologies for Smart Nation at REVA University, Bangalore | IEEE | 17-19 Aug 2017 | |
35. | Mukul Varshney | Study of Advancement in Smart Electricity Metre | Proc. of DST Sponsored Int. Conf. on Advancement in Energy, Drive & Control ICAEDC 2017 at I.T.S ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GREATER NOIDA | Springer &IEEE | 7-8 April 2017 | |
36. | Mukul Varshney | An Insight into the working and application of stenography | Int. Journal of Engineering and Technology | Jul-17 | ||
37. | Dr Vangmayee Sharda | Design of Sign to voice Converter Using Magic Glove | With students and faculty Mr. J S Jadon | Proc. of DST Sponsored Int. Conf. on Advancement in Energy, Drive & Control ICAEDC 2017 at I.T.S ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GREATER NOIDA | Springer &IEEE | 7-8 April 2017 |
38. | Dr Vangmayee Sharda | Car Surveillance Security System System | With students and faculty Ms. Shubhra Dixit | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology ICECA 2017 at RVS Technical Campus Coimbatore TN | IEEE | 20-22 April 2017 |
39. | Dr Vangmayee Sharda | Study of logic gates at 16nm with Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnects and FinFETs | With student Ms. Nishtha Khare | Int. Conf. for Convergence in Technology at Pune | IEEE | 7-9th April 2017 |
40. | Dr Vangmayee Sharda | Smart Vehicle Tracking Cum Theft Monitor | With students and faculty Ms. Shubhra Dixit | Proc. of DST Sponsored Int. Conf. on Advancement in Energy, Drive & Control ICAEDC 2017 at I.T.S ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GREATER NOIDA | Springer &IEEE | 7-8 April 2017 |
41. | Dr Vangmayee Sharda | Voice Controlled Home Automated Using Arduino | With students and faculty Ms. Shubhra Dixit | Proc. of Int.Conf. on Innovation in Information Embedded and communication systems (ICIIECS) at karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore | IEEE | 17 Mar - 18 Mar 2017 |
42. | Manisha Chahande | Study and Implementation of IOT based smart health care system | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology ICECA 2017 at RVS Technical Campus Coimbatore TN | IEEE | 20-22 April 2017 | |
43. | Manisha Chahande | Study and Implementation of IOT based smart health care system | Int. Conf. on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICEI 2017) at Tirunelveli, India | IEEE | 11-12 May 2017 | |
44. | Manisha Chahande | Study of IOT based Health monitoring devices | Int. Conf. on Modern Technologies in Engg. And Sciences (ICMTES-2017) at Knewton Institute of Research in Engineering & Technology, Andra Pradesh | 2-3 Jun 2017 | ||
45. | Shubhra Dixit | Design and Analysis of Cascaded LMS Adaptive Filters for Noise Cancellation | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology ICECA 2017 at RVS Technical Campus Coimbatore TN February 2017, Volume 36, Issue 2, pp 742–766 | Springer | 20-22 April 2017 | |
46. | Shubhra Dixit | Car Surveillance Security System System | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology ICECA 2017 at RVS Technical Campus Coimbatore TN | IEEE | 20-22 April 2017 |
S.No | Faculty Name | Title of research paper | other authors | Conference proceedings Name/ Journal Name | Indexed in | Month, year of publishing |
1. | Dr Sujata Pandey | Quantum Mechanical Analysis of GaN Nanowire Transistor for high voltage Applications | Neel Chaterjee | JOURNAL OF NANO- AND ELECTRONIC PHYSICS Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 04063-1 - 04063-6), November 2016. |
ESCI, Scopus | Dec-16 |
2. | Dr Sujata Pandey | Simulation and finite element nalysis of electrical Chracterstics of gate-all around junctionless Nanowire Transistors | Neel Chaterjee | JOURNAL OF NANO- AND ELECTRONIC PHYSICS Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 01025-1 - 01025-5 |
ESCI, Scopus | Mar-16 |
3. | Dr Sujata Pandey | A Novel Multi-Threshold CMOS based 64-bit adder design in 45nm CMOS technology for low power application | Rumi Rastogi | International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science & Technology Vol.17, No. 33, pp. 14.1-14.6 |
Scopus | in the year 2016 |
4. | Dr Sujata Pandey | A Novel Digital Background Calibration Technique for 16 bit SHA-LESS MULTIBIT PIPELINED ADC | Swina Narula, Munish Vashishath | Journal-The Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering VOLUME: 14, NUMBER: 5, 2016 | DECEMBER pp. 571-582, |
Scopus | Dec-16 |
5. | Dr Sujata Pandey | High performance 14-bit pipelined redundant signed digit ADC | Swina Narula | Jornal of Semiconductors (IOP Science)) Vol. 37, Issue 4, pp. 035001-10, March,2016 |
ESCI, Scopus | Mar-16 |
6. | Dr Sujata Pandey | Multiphysics analysis of heat transfer in gate all around (GAA) silicon nanowire transistor:Material Perspective | Neel Chaterjee | Recent trends in Material and devices (Proceedings ICRTMD 2015) | Scopus | Oct-16 |
7. | Dr Sujata Pandey | A Novel Design of fractal antennal: Effect of different dielectric substrate materials | Ishita Aggarwal and M R Tripathy | Recent trends in Material and devices (Proceedings ICRTMD 2015) | Scopus | Oct-16 |
8. | Dr Sujata Pandey | Simulation and analysis of Si GAA nanowire tunneling FET | Neel Chaterjee and akriti Gupta | International Conf. on Computational Techniques in information and communication technologies at GGSIU, Delhi | IEEE. Scopus | 11-13 March 2016 |
9. | Dr Sujata Pandey | Design of a wide output range and reduced current mismatch charge pump PLL with improved performance | Monika Bharadwaj | In. Conf. on advances in computing, communication and informatics, Jaipur | IEEE, Scopus | 21-24 Sep 2016 |
10. | Dr Sujata Pandey | Computational analysis of potential profile of III-V heterojunction gate-all-around tunneling FET for Low power digital circuits | Manjuka Vijh and R S Gupta | Int. conf. on recent trends in electronic information communication technology, Banglore | IEEE, Scopus | 20-21 May 2016 |
11. | Dr Sujata Pandey | IoTEE- an integrated framework for rapid trusted IOT application development | Anil Yadav, Nitin Rakesh and Rajat K Singh | Int. conf. on recent trends in electronic information communication technology, Banglore | IEEE, Scopus | 20-21 May 2016 |
12. | Dr Sujata Pandey | Design and simulation of GaN HEMT and its application to RF Amplifiers | Akriti Gupta, Neel Chaterjee, M R Tripathi | Progress in electromagnetic research symposium, China | IEEE | 8-11 August 2016 |
13. | Dr Sujata Pandey | An Efficient Multistage Security System for User Authentication | Ashutosh Gupta, Prerna Medhi, Pradeep Kumar, Saket Kumar and H P Singh | Int. Conf. on Electrical, Electronics and optimization techniques, Chennai | IEEE | 3-5 March 2016 |
14. | Dr Sujata Pandey | CMOS Voltage Controlled oscillator with Negative delay for improved performance | Monika Bharadwaj | Int. Conf. on Electrical, Electronics and optimization techniques, Chennai | IEEE | 3-5 March 2016 |
15. | Dr Sujata Pandey | Physical Design Implementation of 32 bit AMBA ASB APB module with improved performance | Ashutosh gupta, Kiran rawat, Pradeep Kumar, Saket Kumar, H P Singh | Int. Conf. on Electrical, Electronics and optimization techniques, Chennai | IEEE | 3-5 March 2016 |
16. | Shubhra Dixit | Design and Analysis of casecaded LMS Adaptive filters for Noise Cancellation | Deepak Nagaria | Journal Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing | Springer | May-16 |
17. | Prof R K Kapur | Analyzing Reactive Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks | Sunil Kumar Khatri | International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Ehgg. | world scientific | Jun-16 |
18. | Prof R K Kapur | Performance analysis of routing protocols under different types of attacks in MANETs | Int. Conf. on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization | IEEE | 7-9 Sep 2016 | |
19. | Prof R K Kapur | Image Enhancement using Hybrrid GSA-Particle Swarm Optimization | Int. Conf on Contemporary Computing and Informatics | IEEE | 14-17 Dec 2016 | |
20. | Jyoti Agarwal | Mining frequent Quality factors of software sytem using APRIORI ALGORITHM | S K Dubey and Rajdev Tiwari | In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology, pp. 481-490. Springer Singapore | Scopus | Aug, 2016 |
21. | Jyoti Agarwal | A Roadmap to Identify Complexity Metrics for Measuring Usability of Component based software system | S K Dubey and Rajdev Tiwari | Springer's Int Conf. on Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences (IC4S-2016) at Ajmer | Springer | 12-13 Aug 2016 |
22. | Mr J S Jadon | LTE Evolution towards carrier aggregation (LTE-advanced) | Journal of telecommunication system and management | Index Copernicus | Jan-16 | |
23. | Mr J S Jadon | Designing and performance metrics analysis of microstrip antenna and microstrip patch fractal antenna | Proceedings of 6th Int. Conf. on Cloud System and big data engineering (Confluence) at Amity University | IEEE | 14-15 Jan 2016 | |
24. | Mr J S Jadon | Interconnectivity of a master and a slave white space device under the control of a TVWSDB | Proceedings of 6th Int. Conf. on Cloud System and big data engineering (Confluence) at Amity University | IEEE | 14-15 Jan 2016 | |
25. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Designing and performance metrics analysis of microstrip antenna and microstrip patch fractal antenna | Proceedings of 6th Int. Conf. on Cloud System and big data engineering (Confluence) at Amity University | IEEE | 14-15 Jan 2016 | |
26. | Dr. Vangmayee Sharda | New Contender for Nano Regime VLSI MLGNR Interconnect with Fin FET driver at 16nm technology | R P Agarwal | Int. Conf. on Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engg. At SRM Univ. Ghaziabad | IEEE | 22-23 Sep 2016 |
27. | Dr. Vangmayee Sharda | New Contender for Nano Regime VLSI MLGNR Interconnect with Fin FET driver at 16nm technology | R P Agarwal | Int. Conf. on Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engg. At SRM Univ. Ghaziabad | IEEE | 22-23 Sep 2016 |
28. | Manisha M Chahande | Multiple Object Detection with Kalman Filter for Indoor and Outdoor Scenes | International Conference on Advanced Material Technologies, Dadi Institute of Engg. & Tech., Visakhapatnam | 27-28th Dec 2016 |
S.No | Faculty Name | Title of research paper | other authors | Conference proceedings Name/ Journal Name | Indexed in | Month, year of publishing |
1 | Prof Raj Kamal Kapur | Analysis of attacks on Routing Protocols in MANETs | Sunil Kumar Khatri | Int. Conf. on Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications at IMS Engg. College Ghaziabad | IEEE | 19-20 March 2015 |
2. | Prof Raj Kamal Kapur | Secure data transfer in MANET using symmetrical and asymmetrical cryptography | Sunil Kumar Khatri | Proc of 4th International Conf. on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) | IEEE | 2-4 Sep 2015 |
3. | Ashima Agarwal | Optimizing Recruitment Cost Ratio | Marshal Sahni | Int. Management Research Conf. at Amity University | 15-16 May 2014 | |
4. | Atul Srivastava | Detection and correction of E1 lines | (th Int. Conf. on Advances in soft-computing E-learning, Information & Communication Technology at JNU, Delhi | 20th June 2015 | ||
5. | Dr Arun Kumar | Broadening and tuning of omni-directional reflection gap in a 1D photonic crystal consisting semiconducting constituents | Optik | Elsevier | Feb-15 | |
6. | Dr Arun Kumar | Omnidirectional reflector using linearly graded refractive index profile of 1D binary and ternary photonic crystal | Optik | Elsevier | Mar-15 | |
7. | Dr Arun Kumar | Design of a thermally tunable optical filter based on one dimensional ternary photonic band gap material | Optik | Elsevier | Jul-15 | |
8. | Dr Arun Kumar | Enhanced ODR Range Using Exponentially Graded Refractive Index Profile of ID Binary Photonic Crystal | S Sharma, R Kumar, Kh S Singh and Deepti Jain | Proc. of Int. conf. on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics ICC 2015 | AIP | Oct-15 |
9. | Dr Vangmayee Sharda | Signal Integrity analysis of MLGNR interconnects with FinFET driver for technology beyond 16nm | R P Agarwal | Int. Journal of application and innovation in engg. And management | Vol. 04, No. 02, pp. 165-171, Feb. 2015 | |
10. | Dr Vangmayee Sharda | Analysis of Graphene Nanoribbon (GNR) interconnects with Multi-gate Device Technology for VLSI Applications | R P Agarwal | Conference on Electrical Computer and Electronics at IIIT Allahbad | IEEE | 4-6 Dec 2015 |
11. | Dr Dheeraj Pawar | Application of statistics in Forensic Science | National Conf. on Recent trends and developments in Statistics at MD University Rohtak | CIARS | 21-23 Feb 2015 | |
12. | Dr Dheeraj Pawar | Profit analysis of a single-unit weathering server system | National Conf. on Recent trends and developments in Statistics at MD University Rohtak | CIARS | 21-23 Feb 2015 | |
13. | Dr Dheeraj Pawar | Profit Analysi of a Single-Unit System with no repair activities in Abnormal weather | 24th Int. Conference FIM 2015 Barcelona (Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics) at Univ of Barcelona, Spain | 18-20 Nov 2015 | ||
14. | Dr Priyanka Agarwal | Radio Network Improvement using heterogeneous networks in India | Int. Conf. on Telecommunication Technology and management-2015 at IIT Delhi | 11-12 April 2015 | ||
15. | Dr Priyanka Agarwal | Competancy mapping | Int. journal of marketing & tech. | May-15 | ||
16. | Dr Priyanka Agarwal | Impact of stress on Employee's performance | Int. Conf. on Science, Technology and management at Delhi University on 27th Sep 2015 and published in Int. Journal of science Technology and Mangement | Sep-15 | ||
17. | Dr Priyanka Agarwal | Study of dimensions and consequences of organisational citizenshipship Behaviour | Int. Conf. on recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management at JNU Convention Centre, JNU | 22nd Nov 2015 | ||
18. | Arvind Kumar | Telecommunication Networks and their role in Universities | Int. Conf. on Telecommunication Technology and management-2015 at IIT Delhi | 11-12 April 2015 | ||
19. | Arvind Kumar | Medical Image diagnosis Using Image enhacement algorithms | Bilingual Int. Conf. Inf. Tech.: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow by DRDO and DESIDOC | 19-21 Feb 2015 | ||
20. | Arvind Kumar | Circularly polarised multi band switchable microstrip slotted patch antenna | Bilingual Int. Conf. Inf. Tech.: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow by DRDO & DESIDOC | 19-21 Feb 2015 | ||
21. | Arvind Kumar | Study Report on waveguide coupled microstrip patch antenna experiment and analysis using matlab | Bilingual Int. Conf. Inf. Tech.: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow by DRDO & DESIDOC | 19-21 Feb 2015 | ||
22. | Manisha M Chahande | Surf and Harris feature analysis for dynamic indoor and outdoor scene for surveillance application | Vinay gohoka | Bilingual Int. Conf. Inf. Tech.: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow by DRDO & DESIDOC | 19-21 Feb 2015 | |
23. | Manisha M Chahande | POSTER PRESENTATION: Harris and fast corner detection feature analysis for surveillance applications | Bilingual Int. Conf. Inf. Tech.: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow by DRDO & DESIDOC | 19-21 Feb 2015 | ||
24. | Manisha M Chahande | Managing Organisational Change: A Study of change Management Practices Deployed by Information Technology Companies | Ashutosh Nigam | Int. Journal of Management Sciences | Dec-15 | |
25. | Dr Anil Shukla | Design of two stage CMOS Operational Amplifier with enhanced slew rate for high speed applications | Int. Journal of applied Engineering Research | Dec-15 |
S.No | Faculty Name | Title of research paper | other authors | Conference proceedings Name/ Journal Name | Indexed in | Month, year of publishing |
1. | Mr M K Jain | Free Space Optics (FSO): Present Status and Future Trends | Lingyaya's Journal of Professional Studies | Jan-Jun 2014 | ||
2. | Mr M K Jain | Free Space Optics (FSO): Present Scenario and Developments | Shruti R,Sonali Chugh, Nicky Niranjan, C Ramachandran | HCTL: Open Science and Technology Letters | Feb-14 | |
3. | Mr M K Jain | Terrstrial Free-Space Optics System: Wavelength Considerations: 10micrometre vis-à-vis shorter Wavelengths | Shruti R,Sonali Chugh, Nicky Niranjan, C Ramachandran | Int. Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research | May-14 | |
4. | Mr M K Jain | Free space Optics based terrestrial Commjunication Systems: Performance & Wavelength Considerations | Shruti R,Sonali Chugh, Nicky Niranjan, C Ramachandran | NCITIPM 2014 | CSI | 15th March 2014 |
5. | Ashima Agarwal | Study on Competition in Mutual Funds in India | National Conf. on organizational Re-Engineering:New Age tool for Competitive Advantage | 25th Jan 2014 | ||
6. | Prof Raj Kamal Kapur | Impact of Sectorization on UMTS Radio Access Network Coverage Planning | Int. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences | March-May 2014 | ||
7. | Manisha M Chahande | Performance Analysis of Combining Techniques used in MIMO wireless Communication System Using MATLAB | Int. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences | March-May 2014 | ||
8. | Manisha M Chahande | Simulation Study of Receive Diversity Techniques for MIMO Wireless Communication System Using MATLAB | Int. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences | Dec 13 to Feb 14 | ||
9. | Dr Anil Kumar Shukla | A Review on Optical Ethernet and its Evolution | Int. Journal of Applied Engineering Research | Nov-14 | ||
10. | Dr Anil Kumar Shukla | EEG Interface Module for Cognitive Assessment Through Neurophysiologic Tests | Kundan Lal Verma, A K jaiswal,Manish Mishra | Int. Journal of cognitive research in science, engineering and education | Feb-14 | |
11. | Bakul Choudhary | Study of QOS Parameters Using OFDM based PHY | Meenakshi Moza & Romika Choudhary | Int. Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research | Jun-14 | |
12. | Bakul Choudhary | Perusal of Load Balanced Routing Protocols in MANETs with Simulation of working of MANETs | Meenakshi Moza | Int. Journal of Computer Applications | Apr-14 | |
13. | Mamta Sharma | Future Challenges in Talent Mangement | Marshal Sahni & Priyanka Agarwal | International Management Research Conf. at Amity University Noida | 15-16 May 2014 | |
14. | Dr Priyanka Agarwal | Future Challenges in Talent Mangement | Marshal Sahni & Mamta Sharma | International Management Research Conf. at Amity University Noida | 15-16 May 2014 | |
15. | Dr Priyanka Agarwal | Role of HR Professionals in Environmental Management | VIMARSH, IFTM University, Moradabad | Jan-Jun 2014 | ||
16. | Dr. Vangmayee Sharda | Review of Graphene Nanoribbons : A rising Candidate in VLSI Interconnect Domain | R P Agarwal | Proceedings of 2014 Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Sciences (RAECS) at University Institute of Engineering & Tehnology Panjab University Sector-25 Chandigarh, India |
IEEE | 6-8 March 2014 |
17, | Dr. Vangmayee Sharda | Delay Performance of MLGNR Interconnects with Multi-gate Driver | R P Agarwal | Int. Journal of contemporary Research in Engg. & Technology (Half Yearly Journal by Shobhit University) | Vol. 4, No. 1 &2, pp. 165-171, Jan.-Dec. 2014 | |
18. | Dr. Vangmayee Sharda | MLGNR Interconnects with FINFET Driver:Optimized Delay and power performance for technology beyond 16NM | R P Agarwal | Int. Journal of research in Engineering and technology | Vol. 03, No. 09, pp. 117-123, Sept. 2014 | |
19. | V K Sharma | Optical Amplifier: A key element of high high speed optical network | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques at KIET Gfhaziabad | 07 Feb - 08 Feb 2014 | ||
20. | V K Sharma | Performance Analysis of high speed optical network based on dense wavelength division multiplexing | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques at KIET Gfhaziabad | 07 Feb - 08 Feb 2014 | ||
21. | Dr Arun Kumar | Optical Amplifier: A key element of high high speed optical network | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques at KIET Gfhaziabad | 07 Feb - 08 Feb 2014 | ||
22. | Dr Arun Kumar | Performance Analysis of high speed optical network based on dense wavelength division multiplexing | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques at KIET Gfhaziabad | 07 Feb - 08 Feb 2014 | ||
23. | Dr Arun Kumar | Single chanel tunable wavelength demultiplexer using nonlinear one dimensional defect mode photonic crystal | S Sharma, Rajendra Kumar, Kh S Singhand Vipin Kumar | Optik | Elsevier | Apr-14 |
24. | Dr Arun Kumar | Analytical study of optical component for optogenetic application | Optik | Elsevier | Aug-14 | |
25, | Dr Arun Kumar | Performance analysis of dense wavelength division demultiplexer based on one dimensional defect mode nonlinear photonic crystal | S Sharma, Rajendra Kumar, Kh S Singhand Vipin Kumar | Journal of optoelectronics and Advanced materials | Sep-Oct 2014 | |
26. | Mr J S Jadon | Robust Physical Optimization for LTE Network | International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies | May-14 | ||
27 | Mr J S Jadon | Spectral Analysis of Sine & Cosine BOC Modulated Signals | Int. Conf. on Signal Processing & Integrated Networks (SPIN 2014) at Amity University | IEEE | 20-21 Feb 2014 | |
28. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Design of a Microstrip patch array antenna for GSM Application | 101th Indian Science Congress Conference at University of Jammu | 3-7 Feb 2014 | ||
29. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Performance of smart Antenna and various DOA Estimation and Beamforming schemes | Int. Conf. on Communication and signal processing | 3-5 April 2014 | ||
30. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Microstrip Patch antenna with defected ground structures: A Present trend | 10th Int. Conf. on Microwaves, Antennas, Propagation and remote sensing ICMARS 2014 at Jodhpur | 9-12 Dec 2014 | ||
31. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Analysis of various DOA Estimation and beamforming schemes for smarty antenna | Int. Conf. on Communication and signal processing | 7-9 Sep 2014 | ||
32. | Mr Atul Srivastava | Overview of search engine and crawler | Gaurav Kumar Srivastava and Irphan Ali | Int. Journal of Computer Applications | Feb-14 | |
33. | Mr Atul Srivastava | A Novel Technique for Spare web page detection in parallel web crawler | Gaurav Kumar Srivastava and Irphan Ali | Int. Journal of Computer Applications | Feb-14 | |
34. | Soni Gupta | Performance analysis of jitter in on-demand and table driven manet protocol | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advanced in Engineering and technology at Roorkee | 24-25 May 2014 | ||
35. | Soni Gupta | Comparitive Analysis of AODV, DSR and DSDV protocol using visual graphical simulation | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advanced in Engineering and technology at Roorkee | 24-25 May 2014 | ||
36. | Neha Arora | Performance evaluation of Kalman Filter sensor fusion based algorithm and gain fusion based algorithm | Int. Journal for Scientific Research & Development | Mar-14 | ||
37. | Neha Arora | Localization of BTS using Genetic Algorithm | Int. Journal for Scientific Research & Development | Feb-14 | ||
38. | Neha Arora | An approach to BTS localization using optimization techniques | Int. Journal of Engg. Research and technology | Apr-14 | ||
39. | Neha Arora | Optimal Placement of BTS using ABC Algorithm | Int. Journal of research in Information Technology (IJRIT) | Apr-14 | ||
40. | Shubhra Dixit | Neural Network Implementation of Least Mean Square Adaptive Noise Cancellation | Deepak Nagaria | Int. Conf. on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques at KIET Ghaziabad | IEEE | 7-8 Feb 2014 |
41. | A Devi Priya | Cloud Specific vulnerabilities, Threats,Attacks and Mitigation | Sudhir Shenai | Int. Conf. on Advances in Engg. And Tech at Nagapattinam, TN. | 2-3 May 2014 | |
42. | Jyoti Agarwal | Proposed Algorithm for frequent item set generation | Archana Singh | Contemporary Computing (IC3), 2014 Seventh International Conference on. IEEE, 2014. | IEEE | 7-9 Aug 2014 |
43. | Jyoti Agarwal | Frequent item set generation based on transaction hashing | Archana Singh | Confluence The Next Generation Information Technology Summit (Confluence), 2014 5th International Conference - | IEEE | 25-26 Sep 2014 |
S.No | Faculty Name | Title of research paper | other authors | Conference proceedings Name/ Journal Name | Indexed in / Publisher | Month, year of publishing |
1 | Dr Arun Kumar | Effect of Temperature on Photonic Band Gaps in Semiconductor-Based one dimensional Photonic Crystal | J V Malik, K D Jindal, Vinay Kumar, Vipin Kumar, Kh. S. Singh and T P Singh | Advances in Optical Technologies | Hindwai | Jul-13 |
2. | Dr Arun Kumar | Digital Signal Processing and Remote sensing for phased Array acoustic wind profiler-an application to atmospheric | National Con. On Machine Intelligence (NCMI in Haryana Engg. College at Jagdhari | 29th Nov 2013 | ||
3. | Dr Arun Kumar | Angular and Thermal Dependence of Defect Modes in Si-Based One Dimensional Photonic Crysatl | K D Jindal, V Kumar, B Suthar and Kh. S Singh | Physical Review & Research International Journal | Science Domain International | 7th Oct 2013 |
4. | Dr Arun Kumar | Non Linear Transmission and reflection characterstics of plasma/polystyrene one dimensional photonic crystal | V Kumar, B Suthar, Kh. S Singh and S P Ojha | Journal-Optik | Elsevier | Jun-13 |
5. | Dr Arun Kumar | TM Polarised Filter Using 1D Photonic Crystal | V Kumar, B Suthar, Kh. S Singh and S P Ojha | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Recent trends in Applied Physics and Material Science in Govt Engg College Bikaner | AIP | 1-3 Feb 2013 |
6. | Dr Arun Kumar | Design of Omni-Directional Reflector Using 1 D Superconductor-Semiconductor Photonic Crystal | Vinay Kumar, Vipin Kumar, P Kumar and S P Ojha | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Recent trends in Applied Physics and Material Science in Govt Engg College Bikaner | AIP | 1-3 Feb 2013 |
7. | Dr Arun Kumar | Thermal Effects on Photonic Band Gap in Semiconductor Based 1D Photonic Crystal | J V Malik, V Kumar, Arvind Kumar and T P Singh | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Recent trends in Applied Physics and Material Science in Govt Engg College Bikaner | AIP | 1-3 Feb 2013 |
8. | Dr Arun Kumar | Reflection properties of one dimensional plasma photonic Crystal | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Recent trends in Applied Physics and Material Science in Govt Engg College Bikaner | AIP | 1-3 Feb 2013 | |
9. | Dr Arun Kumar | Gap Soliton in nonlinear-plasma 1 D photonic crystal | V Kumar, B Suthar, Aprajita Sharma (student), Kh. S Singh and S P Ojha | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Recent trends in Applied Physics and Material Science in Govt Engg College Bikaner | AIP | 1-3 Feb 2013 |
10. | Dr Arun Kumar | Self Transparency in NonLinear Multilayer Structure | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Recent trends in Applied Physics and Material Science in Govt Engg College Bikaner | AIP | 1-3 Feb 2013 | |
11. | Dr Arun Kumar | Optogenetics: Past, Present and Future | ) | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Recent trends in Applied Physics and Material Science in Govt Engg College Bikaner | AIP | 1-3 Feb 2013 |
12. | Dr Arun Kumar | Defect Mode Properties and Origin in one dimensional Photonic Crystal | V Kumar, B Suthar, J V Malik, Kh S Singh, T P Singh and A Bhargava | Photonics and Optoelectronics Journal | Jan-13 | |
13. | Dr Arun Kumar | Trapping of light in Nonlinear 1D Photonic Crystal | Vipin Kumar, Bhuvneshwer Suthar, M Ojha, Kh. S Singh and S P Ojha | Photonic Technology Letters | IEEE | Feb-13 |
14. | Dr Arun Kumar | The Effect of temperature and angle of incidence on photonic band gap in a dispersive Si-based one dimensional photonic crystal | V Kumar, B Suthar, Kh S Singh and A Bhargava | Physica B | Elsevier | Jan-13 |
15. | Dr Arun Kumar | Silicon Based one dimensional photonic Crystal as a TM Mode Filter | V Kumar, B Suthar, Kh S Singh, A Bhargava and S P Ojha | Silicon | Springer | Jul-13 |
16. | Dr Arun Kumar | Formation of gap soliton in negative Kerr nonlinear one dimensional photonic crystal | V Kumar, G N Pandey, Kh S Singh & S P Ojha | Optoelectronics and advanced materials - rapid communications | Aug-13 | |
17. | Dr Arun Kumar | Design of optical logic gates by trapping light in 1D photonic band gap materials | muneendra ojha & sangeetha R G | Proc. of First National Conf. on Mapping the materials Genome at Shiv Nadar Univ, Dadri, UP | 8-10 March 2013 | |
18. | Jyoti Agarwal | Performance Measure of Similis and FP-Growth Algorithm | Archana Singh, Ajay Rana | Int. Journal of Computer Applications | Jan-13 | |
19. | Arvind Kumar | Design and Analysis of Excitation Techniques Used in Microstrip Patch Antenna | 2nd Int. Conf. in Intelligent Computing & Communication in GCET Greater Noida | 2013 | ||
20. | Arvind Kumar | Design and Implementation of a MIMO Smart Antenna, A Candidate for Green Technology | Global Jornal of Researches in Engineering | Oct-13 | ||
21. | Arvind Kumar | Synthesis and Analysis of an edge feed and planar array microstrip patch antenna at 1.8 GHz | Int. Journal of Engineering Research & Technology | Sep-13 | ||
22. | Arvind Kumar |
Synthesis and analysis of adaptive beamforming smart antenna for advanced communication systems | Int. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and applied sciences | Feb-13 | ||
23. | Arvind Kumar |
A Multi band Compact dielectric Resonator patched antenna using multiple feed techniques | Int. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and applied sciences | March-May 2013 | ||
24. | Mr J S Jadon | Mobile Radio Network Planning: A Survey | Int. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences | Sep-Nov 2013 | ||
25. | Mr J S Jadon |
Work Flow of Network Operation Centre for a Cellular Mobile System | Int. Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications | Jun-Aug 2013 | ||
26. | Mr J S Jadon |
Different Power Supply planning options available for a BTS Site | Int. Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications | Sep-Nov 2013 | ||
27. | Mr J S Jadon |
Review on 2G, 3G and 4G Radio Network Planning | Int. Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications | Sep-Nov 2013 | ||
28. | Mr J S Jadon |
Study and Implementation of Drive test for development of GSM Network | Int. Journal of Engg. Trends and technology | Oct-13 | ||
29. | Mr J S Jadon |
Network Audit and Quality Check for Live BTS sites | Int. Journal of Engg. Trends and technology | Aug-13 | ||
30. | Mr J S Jadon | RF Survey and Drive test: The very first step towards network planning | Int. Conf. on Recent trends in Computing | Jul-05-13 | ||
31. | Mr J S Jadon | Trends in Network Planning in Pre mature and mature network : A Review | InternationalJournal of trends in Computer Science | Nov-13 | ||
33. | Mr J S Jadon | RF Survey and Drive Test: The very first Step towards Network Planning | Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing at SRM University Ghaziabad | 4-5 Oct 2013 | ||
34. | Mr J S Jadon | Designing of a GSM Radio Network Using Mapinfo | Int. Journal of Trends in Computer Science | Nov-13 | ||
35. | Ms Neha Arora | MIMO in Wireless Communication: A Comprehensive Review | Int. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences | in the year 2013 | ||
36. | Ms Neha Arora | Comparitive Analysis of Routing Protocols and TCP in MANETs | Int. Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering & Technology | Jan-13 | ||
37. | Ms Neha Arora | Trends in Network Planning in Pre mature and mature network : A Review | InternationalJournal of trends in Computer Science | Nov-13 | ||
38. | Ms Neha Arora | RF Survey and Drive Test: The very first Step towards Network Planning | Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing at SRM University Ghaziabad | 4-5 Oct 2013 | ||
39. | Mr Atul Kumar Srivastava | Comparision between Agile and traditional Software Development methodologies & Design a Hybrid Software Development Methodology | Iti Kapoor, Prem Sagar Sharma | Proc. of TELNET 2013 | Feb-13 | |
40. | Mr Atul Kumar Srivastava | Single Document summarization Using TF/IDF Technique | Proc. of TELNET 2013 | Feb-13 | ||
41. | A Devi Priya | Survey on Security Issues in Cloud Environment | Sudhir Shenai, M Aramudhan | TELNET 2013 | Feb-13 | |
42. | A Devi Priya | Practical Approach for Configauration of location routing number for MNP | Int. Journal of Engg. Business and Enterprise Applications | Jun-Aug 2013 | ||
43. | Shubhra Dixit | Mean-Square Error Performance of Adaptive Filter Algorithms for Adaptive Noise Cancellation | Deepak nagaria | 7th Int. Conf. on Advanced Computing and communication Technologies in APIIT | 16th Nov 2013 | |
44. | Manisha Gururani | Software as a Service (SaaS) Approach for E-Learning | M K Sharma | TENET 2013 | Feb-13 | |
45. | Manisha Gururani | An Enhancement on Ad_Hoc Network protocols using Qualnet Simulator | Nidhi Khetwal | Int. Journal of Inf. Tech. & Comp. Sc. Perspectives vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 551-554, April-June,2013. |
Feb-13 | |
46. | Mr M K Jain |
Managing Telecommunication Enterprise-Issues, Challenges ans Success Story | Proc. of Nat. Conf. on Innovative Practices in Management | Nov-13 | ||
47. | Mr M K Jain |
Comparitive Study of gradient decent algorithm based adaptive filters for noise cancellation | Darshan Kundu, Poonam | National Conf. on Recent trends in Electronics & Telecommunication Design | 25-26 Jul 2013 | |
48. | Mr M K Jain |
Issues and Challenges: WDM Optical Fibre Systems | Manisha | National Conf. on Recent trends in Electronics & Telecommunication Design | 25-26 Jul 2013 | |
49. | Mr M K Jain |
The comparitive study of adaptive chanel equalizer based on fixed and variable step-size LMS Algorithm & its variants for Non Stationary wireless Channel | IJETT | Jun-13 | ||
50. | Mr M K Jain |
The Comparitive Study of adaptive chanel equalizer based on feed forward back propagation, radial basis function neural network & Least Mean Square (LMS) Algorithm | Darshan Kundu | IJSER | Sep-13 | |
51. | Mr M K Jain |
Performance analysis of MIMO Systems using OSTBCs | Sudhir Kumar | IJETT | Jul-13 | |
52. | Dr Dheeraj Pawar | Weathering Server System Operations | S C Malik & Reetu | Indian Journal of Science & Technology | Oct-13 |
S.No | Faculty Name | Title of research paper | other authors | Conference proceedings Name/ Journal Name | Indexed in | Month, year of publishing | |
1. | Mr Arvind Kumar | C-Shaped Dielectric Resonator Patched Antenna with Extended Bandwidth for Wireless Application" | 8th International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation & Remote Sensing (ICMARS 2012) in Jodhpur | 11-15 Dec 2012 | |||
2. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Andrew B: The Bomb Diffusing Robot | National Conference on Emerging Information Technology and its solutions in Northern India Engineering College | 22-Mar-12 | |||
3. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Pascal Matrix Method A replacement to BZT for IIR filter design | National Conference on Emerging Information Technology and its solutions in Northern India Engineering College | 22-Mar-12 | |||
4. | Mr Arvind Kumar | A Simulation Approach to Image Deionising Using neighbouring window shrinkage | UGC National Conf. on Emerging trends in computer Communication and Networks (ETCN-2012) at MBM Engg College, Jodhpur | 24-25 March 2012 | |||
5. | Mr Arvind Kumar | A Simulation approach to frequency transformation of IIR Filters | Int. Conf. on Innovation and advancements in Information and Communication Technology at Gautam Buddha University, Gr Noida | CSI | 30-31 March 2012 | ||
6. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Andrew B: The Bomb sensing and defusing Robot | Int. Conf. on Information, Computing and Telecommunications at Delhi | 1-2 April 2012 | |||
7. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Image Differencing approaches to medical image classification | Emerging Trends in Intelligent computing and Communication at GCET, Gr. Noida | 13-14 April 2012 | |||
8. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Compression Effects of PSNR & MSE for motion estimation | Emerging Trends in Intelligent computing and Communication at GCET, Gr. Noida | 13-14 April 2012 | |||
9. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Image/Video deionising using neighbouring block shrinkage | Emerging Trends in Intelligent computing and Communication at GCET, Gr. Noida | 13-14 April 2012 | |||
10. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Ethical Hacking based bomb Defusing Robot | Int. Conf. on Emerging Paradigms and practise in Information & Communication Technology and Management at Gautam Budh University, Gr. Noida | 26-28 Jul 2012 | |||
11. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Block Shrinkage an Improvement to neigh shrink for image deionising | Int. Conf. on Emerging Paradigms and practise in Information & Communication Technology and Management at Gautam Budh University, Gr. Noida | 26-28 Jul 2012 | |||
12. | Mr Arvind Kumar | Microcontroller based automatic face recognition attendance system | Int. Journal of applied information system | Dec-12 | |||
13. | Mr Atul Kumar Srivastava | A Domain Specific Question Answer System Design | Prem Sagar Sharma | Proceedings of National Conference "EOIP:The Future Deployment Scenario" In Amity University NOIDA | 2-3 March 2012 | ||
14. | Mr Atul Kumar Srivastava | Ontology based domain specific Named Entity Recognition from Web Documents | Prem Sagar Sharma | Proc of Confluence 2012 | Sep-12 | ||
15. | Dr Arun Kumar | Analysis of optoelectronic devices based on thin film technology | Proc. of 8th International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna Propagation and Remote Sensing ICMARS 2012 at Jodhpur | 11-15 Dec 2012 | |||
16. | Dr Arun Kumar | Historical Narrative of study of naophotonics and plasmonics | Proc. of 8th International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna Propagation and Remote Sensing ICMARS 2012 at Jodhpur | 11-15 Dec 2012 | |||
17. | Dr Arun Kumar | Thermal Tuning of Defect Modes in Si-based One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal with a Defect | J V Malik, V Kumar, T P Singh and Kh. S Singh | Int. Journal of Engg. And Innovative Technology | Sep-12 | ||
18. | Dr Arun Kumar | Wide Range Temperature Sensors Based on One dimensional Photonic Crystal with a single Defect | V Kumar, B Suthar, A Bhargava, Kh. S Singh and S P Ojha | Int. Journal Of Microwave Science and Technology | Hindwai | Jun-12 | |
19. | Dr Arun Kumar | Wave Transmission in Dispersive Si-Based One Dimensional Photonic Crystal | V Kumar, B Suthar, Vinay Kumar, Kh. S Singh, A Bhargava and S P Ojha | Optics & Photonic Journal | Scientific Research | Sep-12 | |
20 . | Dr Arun Kumar | Velocity of Gap Soliton in nonlinear one dimensional photonic crystal | Kh. S Singh, V Kumar, B Suthar and S P Ojha | Journal of Optoelectronics and advanced materials | Sep-Oct 2012 | ||
21. | Jyoti Agarwal | Information Hiding Using Stenography | Sanjay Kumar Dubey | Proc. of In. Conf. -Confluence 2012 at Amity University | 27-28 Sep 2012 | ||
22. | Dr Anil Kumar Shukla | Design of a 100MHz Highly Linear source Coupled CMOS Voltage Oscillator | Raj Kumar Tiwari | Int. Journal Of Electronics Engineering | Jan-12 | ||
23. | Dr Anil Kumar Shukla | Operational Amplifier Design with rail to rail supply voltage output having reduced power dissipation | Raj Kumar Tiwari | IJVD | Jan-12 | ||
24. | Ms Manisha M Chahande | Rectangular Microstrip patch Antenna Design & Simulation | Proc. of 8th International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna Propagation and Remote Sensing ICMARS 2012 at Jodhpur | 11-15 Dec 2012 | |||
25. | Ms Manisha M Chahande | Block Shrinkage an Improvement to neigh shrink for image deionising | Int. Conf. on Emerging Paradigms and practise in Information & Communication Technology and Management at Gautam Budh University, Gr. Noida | 26-28 Jul 2012 | |||
26. | Ms Manisha M Chahande | Pascal Matrix Method A replacement to BZT for IIR filter design | National Conference on Emerging Information Technology and its solutions in Northern India Engineering College | 22-Mar-12 | |||
27. | Ms Mamta Sharma | A Study of changes in Information Technology Sector in India | Ashutosh Nigam | 6th Int. Conf. on Contemporary Business | 18-19 Oct 2012 | ||
28. | Ms Mamta Sharma | A Study of changes in Information Technology Sector in India | Ashutosh Nigam | Int. Journal of Management Sciences | Dec-12 | ||
29. | Dr Priyanka Agarwal | High Attrition rate- The Major Issue of BPO Industry | VIMARSH | Jul-DEC 2012 | |||
30. | Shubhra Dixit | Hardware Implementation of LMS-ANC for stationary Environment | Deepak nagaria | Int. Journal of Electronic Engineering | Feb-12 | ||
31. | Manisha Gururani | Advantages of cloud computing to offer e-governance Service | National Annual Conf. of Gwalior academy of mathematical sciences and national symposium on computational mathematics and Inf. Tech. at Jayee Univ. of Ehgg. And Tech., Guna M.P | 7-9 Dec 2012 |
S.No | Faculty Name | Title of research paper | other authors | Conference proceedings Name/ Journal Name | Indexed in | Month, year of publishing |
1 | Dr Anil Kumar Shukla | Gain Enhancement in folded-Cascode OP-AMP with class AB Output Buffer | Raj Kumar Tiwari | International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Communication Engineering | Feb-Mar 2011 | |
2. | Dr Anil Kumar Shukla | Noise Analysis of Class AB CMOS Current Conveyor | Raj Kumar Tiwari and Ganga Ram Mishra | Ulta Scientists | Jan-11 | |
3. | Dr Anil Kumar Shukla | Microcontroller based automatic irrigation system with Moisture Sensors | Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Science and Engineering at RG Education Society Rohtak | 21-23 Jan 2011 | ||
4. | Dr Dheeraj Pawar | Performance Measures of a Single - Unit System Subject to Different Failure Modes with Operation in Abnormal Weather | S C Malik | International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology | May-11 | |
5. | Dr Arun Kumar | Enhance of Omni-directional Reflection Range by 1 D photonic crystal Quantum Well Structures | Vipin Kumar, Kh S Singh and Pawan Kumar | International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing at JIIT Noida | March 24th to 26th 2011 | |
6. | Dr Arun Kumar | Designing skin response meter for psycho galvanic reflex | Int. Conf. on Methods and Models in Science and Technology (AIP Conf. Proc.) in Jaipur | AIP | 19-21 Nov 2011 | |
7. | Dr Arun Kumar | Eye watch system for home use | Int. Conf. on Methods and Models in Science and Technology (AIP Conf. Proc.) in Jaipur | AIP | 19-21 Nov 2011 | |
8. | Dr Arun Kumar | Broadening of Omni Directional Reflection range by cascade 1D photonic Crystal | V Kumar, Kh. S Singh and P Kumar | Journal-Optoelectronics and advanced Materials-Rapid Communications | May-11 | |
9. | Mr J S Jadon | Adaptive protocol suite for next generation wireless internet analysis of transport layer | Abhishek Dixit | Proc. of 4th National Conference on Temperory & Future Technologies for Social Change At ITM Gwalior | 11-12 March 2011 | |
10. | Mr J S Jadon | Power Estimation and signal analysis of an all optical OFDM system by using optical sensors | Abhishek Dixit | Proc. of 4th National Conference on Temperory & Future Technologies for Social Change At ITM Gwalior | 11-12 March 2011 | |
11. | Mr J S Jadon | An efficient Image segmentation method based on normalised cat. | Vaibhav Sharma | Proc. International Conf. on Future trends in Information and Communication Technologies at RKGIT, Ghaziabad | 11-Feb-11 | |
12. | Mr J S Jadon | Performance Analysis of an all optical OFDM System by Using Optical Sensors | National Level Presentation & Conference on "Electronics, Communication and Information Security (NCECIS 2011) at pravara Rural Engg. College-Loni | 7th April 2011 | ||
13. | Ms Manisha Chahande | Object Detection and tracking in vedio sequences | 2nd Int. Conf. on Advances in Engg. And Technology in Noida | 20-21 Dec 2011 | ||
14. | Vangmayee Sharma | 500 MHz Delay Locked based 128-bin, 256 ns deep analog memory ASIC "Anusmriti" | Menka Sukhwani, V B Chandratre and Megha Thomas | Computer Scociety Annual Symposium on VLSI | IEEE | 2011 |
S.No | Faculty Name | Title of research paper | other authors | Conference proceedings Name/ Journal Name | Indexed in | Month, year of publishing |
1 | Prof R K Kapur | Geographic Information system, A Critical Infrastructure for Net Centric Operations | NA | The United Service Institution of India Journal | 2010 | |
2. | Dr Dheeraj Pawar | Steady Stae Analysis of an Operating System with Repair at Different Levels of damages subject to inspection and weather conditions | S C Malik and S Bahl | Int. Journal of Agricultural Statistics Science | Jan-10 | |
3. | Dr Dheeraj Pawar | Analysis of a System Working under Different Weather Conditions with On-Line Repair Random Appearance of the Server at Partial Failure Stage | S C Malik and Jitender Kumar | Int. Journal of Statistics and Systems | Apr-10 | |
4. | Dr Dheeraj Pawar | Reliability and Economic Measures of a system with Inspection for On-Line Repair and No-repair activity in Abnormal Weather | S C Malik | Bulletin of Pure and Applied Science | Feb-10 | |
5. | Dr Arun Kumar | Design of a single Channel Filter Using NonLinearity in One Dimentional Photonic Crystal | Kh. S Singh and S P Ojha | International Transactions in Applied Sciences | Jan-10 | |
6. | Dr Arun Kumar | Existence of gap soliton in nonlinear one dimensional photonic crystal | Kh. S Singh and S P Ojha | Optoelectronics and advanced Materials-Rapid Communications | Jul-10 | |
7. | Ms Neha Arora | Performance Comparision of routing protocols and TCP in MANETs | National Conf. in Vaish College of Engineering, Rohtak on Advanced Computing and Communication Technology | 25-26 Jun 2010 | ||
8. | Ms Neha Arora | Comparitive Analysis of Urban Propagation Models | National Conf. in Vaish College of Engineering, Rohtak on Advanced Computing and Communication Technology | 25-26 Jun 2010 | ||
9. | Ms Neha Arora | Evaluation of DCF, PCF and EDFC mechanism for QOS in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Network | National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology & Computing at GITM-Gurgaon | 27th March 2010 | ||
10. | Neha Arora | Performance Comparision of routing protocols and TCP in MANETs | Sapna Arora | 2010 International Conference on Multimedia, Information Technology and its Applications (MITA 2010) | Aug-10 | |
11. | Vangmayee Sharma | Design of a high speed 128 bin 500 MHz analog memory "Anusmriti" ASIC | Menka Sukhwani, V B Chandratre | National Symposium on uclear Instrumentation (NSNI 2010) in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 24-26 Feb 2010 | |
12. | Vangmayee Sharma | "Anusmriti" ASIC: Design of a 128 - bin, 500 MHz High speed analog Memory | V B Chandrate, Menka Sukhwani and P K Mukhopadhyay | Proc. of Control Instrumentation System Conference | in the 2010 |
S.No | Faculty Name | Title of research paper | other authors | Conference proceedings Name/ Journal Name | Indexed in | Month, year of publishing |
1 | Shubhra Dixit | Simulation of Noise Cancellation Using Least-Mean Square Adaptive Filter | A K Maurya | International Journal of Emerging Technolofies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences | July-Dec 2009 | |
2. | Shubhra Dixit | Recursive Least Square Adaptive Filter Simulation for Noise Cancellation | A K Maurya | International Journal of Emerging Technolofies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences | April-Sep 2009 | |
3. | Arun Kumar | Design of Optical Reflector using Superconductor Dielectric photonic Crystal | Girijesh N Pandey, K S Singh and S P Ojha | Proceedings of International Conference on Trends of Optics and Photonics, 188 (ICONTOP-2009), Kolkata India | 2009 | |
4. | Arun Kumar | Band Structure and Reflection Behaviour of One Dimensional Magnetic Photonic Crystal | G N Pandey, Khem B Thapa and S P Ojha | Int. Conf. on Optics and Photonics in Chandigarh | 30 Oct-01 Nov 2009 | |
5. | Arun Kumar | Omni Directional Reflection Properties of One Dimnesional Superconductor Photonic Crystal | G N Pandey, Khem B Thapa and S P Ojha | Int. Conf. on Optics and Photonics in Chandigarh | 30 Oct-01 Nov 2009 |