Noida today stands as a symbol of systematic growth, prosperity, aesthetics and affluent lifestyle.
Located right on the border of Delhi, it is easily accessible from all parts of the city. In fact, a six lane flyover has reduced travel time from the city by half. A Delhi Metro station is coming up very near to the campus which will further reduce the traveling time
Amity Universities and the Degrees awarded by them are recognized by the UGC.
Letter of UGC on Recognition of Amity University Click Here
Amity University is a full fledged university and not a deemed university.
Amity University Uttar Pradesh Act has been notified by Govt. Notification No. 403/VII-V-I-I (Ka) I. Amity University is listed in the official website of Government of Uttar Pradesh http://upgov.nic.in
Amity University Rajasthan Act has been notified by Govt. Notification No. F.2 (10) VIDHI/2
Amity University Uttar Pradesh has been accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC ) with "A"
Click Here to view the listing on NAAC website.
As per law, Universities do not require AICTE approval. Only institutions which are affiliated to Universities require approval. As Amity University is a Bonafide University established by a State Act, it does not require AICTE approval. This standing of law is notified in the case of Bharathidasan University Vs AICTE.
Click Here to view copy of the relevant judgement.
Amity University has been recognized as a Scientific and Research Organisation by DISR, Ministry of Science Technology, Government of India.
Member of International Telecom Union(ITU), Geneva , UN body for Telecom Sector which enables our faculty and students to access latest study reports, recommendations and case studies of Telecom Sector globally and to attend international conferences
The response of the Ministry of HRD in the Lok Sabha on the recognition of Amity University: Click here
The Amity University is a member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU).
Click Here to view Amity University listed under the AIU Members List
Amity University is included in the list of Universities maintained by the International Association of Universities (IAU).
Click here for information on United Nations Listing.
Click here to see the list.
Amity University is Accredited by ASIC, UK (Accreditation Service for International Colleges) with rare distinction as "Premier College".
Click here to see the listing on ASIC website.
Engineering programmes of Amity University listed under the International Accredited programmes by the Institution of Engineering and Engineering (IET).
Click Here to view the list.
Engineering programmes of Amity University listed under the International Accredited programmes by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).
Like any UGC recognized Degrees of any University in India, students passing out from Amity University are eligible to sit in examinations like GATE, CAT, UPSC, GMAT, GRE, JRF etc.