Department of Electronics & Telecommunication is the most preferred destination for the Telecom and ICT Sector to recruit trained resources equipped with the latest skill-set as per industry requirement.
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication conducts the following courses:"Building the nation and the society through providing total, integrated and trans-cultural quality education and to be the global front runner in value education & nurturing talent in which modernity blends with tradition."
"To provide education at all levels in all disciplines of modern times and in the futuristic and emerging frontier areas of knowledge, learning and research and to develop the overall personality of students by making them not only excellent professionals, but also good individuals, with understanding and regard for human values, pride in their heritage and culture, a sense of right and wrong, and yearning for perfection and imbibe attributes of courage of conviction and action."
Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan
Founder President, Ritnand Balved Education Foundation
(The Foundation of Amity Institutions and the sponsoring body of Amity Universities) Chairman, AKC Group of Companies
The Indian Telecom Industry has grown at an astronomical pace in the recent past and will continue to grow consistently. The growth is associated with advancement in Engineering and value added services. The impressive boom is the result of immense competition and investments made by telecom majors. This, in turn, has raised the issue of the void that exists in the "Human capital with comprehensive techno-commercial & managerial skills". The need of the hour was an institution with unique responsibility & capability to meet the growing requirements of the industry. The challenging assignment was undertaken by the Amity University in 2002. In a short period of time, students of Electronics & Telecommunication became the preferred choice for the telecom industry to recruit professionals with Technical & managerial skills, who shall be leaders in service delivery, entrepreneurship and management. In addition to the Engineering & Management courses, Department of Electronics & Telecommunication has embarked on corporate customized training. I am proud that the institute has trained engineers from Tata Teleservices, Ericsson, HFCL, UT Starcom, Indian Army, Bharti Televentures and TCIL.
We believe in the process of inductive learning that goes beyond facts and theories, a process that teaches individuals not only to manage organizations but also how to continually grow and learn, professionally and ethically throughout their lives. We believe in creating a revolution through education, which will empower different sections of the society.
Each one of our students will be a success story. This is my dream, this is my commitment.
Prof. Raj Kamal Kapur
Dy Director & Head ECE and E&T
At Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering , we are committed in creating an ambience of learning, knowledge creation, generation of new ideas and leaders of tomorrow. It is most preferred for the Telecom and ICT Sector. We conduct B. Tech (Electronics and Telecommunication (E & T)), MBA (Telecom Management (TM)) and M. Tech (Telecom Switching Engineering (TSE)). The programmes are focused on the current and Next Generation Technologies as per the requirements of Electronics, Telecom and IT Industry.
The students on joining the programs in Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering receive inputs through class room training, research projects and industry interaction. We are the first in the country to co-opt skill training with UG and PG programmes. Successful students are awarded skill certificates of Level 5 and 6 from Government of India. We have lab with live Telecom equipments. It has the best and most consistent placement record in the entire University coupled with excellent Industry tie-ups.
The rich and unique learning environment develops the students physically, intellectually and emotionally. Number of activities such as technical exhibitions, industry focused seminars and expert lectures, cultural and sports competitions and extra curricular activities expose students to challenges of leadership.
I invite potential students to join the Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering for overall growth and learning experience.