Year 2025
- Goyal, N., Kumar, S., Saraswat, M., Prediction of Soil Quality Using Deep Forest Based Soil Fertility Model, 2025, GMSARN International Journal
- Gupta, A., Mishra, N., Jatana, N., Malik, S., Gepreel, K.A., Asmat, F., Mohanty, S.N., Predicting stroke risk: An effective stroke prediction model based on neural networks, 2025, Journal of Neurorestoratology
- Gupta, A., Mishra, N., Jatana, N., Malik, S., Gepreel, K.A., Asmat, F., Mohanty, S.N., Predicting stroke risk: An effective stroke prediction model based on neural networks, 2025, Journal of Neurorestoratology
Year 2024
- Gupta, S., Thakur, S., Gupta, A., Comparative study of different machine learning models for automatic diabetic retinopathy detection using fundus image, 2024, Multimedia Tools and Applications
- Joshi, J., Vats, S., Sharma, S., Sahu, G., Debnath, N.C., Tropical Plant Disease Assessment Using Convolutional Neural Network, 2024, International Journal of Computers and their Applications
- Sinha, S., Sharma, S., Debnath, N., QUANTUM COMPUTING AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 2024, International Journal of Computers and their Applications
- Singh, P., Sharma, S., Kamal, A.E., Kumar, S., Road Surface Analysis through Machine Learning Techniques, 2024, IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
- Rao, A.K., Nagwanshi, K.K., Shukla, M.K., An optimized secure cluster-based routing protocol for IoT-based WSN structures in smart agriculture with blockchain-based integrity checking, 2024, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications
- Dubey, A.K., Thanikkal, J.G., Sharma, P., Shukla, M.K., A unique morpho-feature extraction algorithm for medicinal plant identification, 2024, Expert Systems
- Suhag, V., Dubey, S.K., Sharma, B.K., Software defect prediction using global and local models, 2024, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
- Dudeja, T., Dubey, S.K., Bhatt, A.K., Multinomial classification of CT-MRI image retrieval by optimizing EffResNet-4 architecture in deep neural models, 2024, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
- Suhag, V., Dubey, S.K., Sharma, B.K., SOFTWARE DEFECT PREDICTION USING GLOBAL AND LOCAL MODELS, 2024, Journal of Engineering and Technology for Industrial Applications
- Ahmed, F., Kumar, S., Singh, P.K., Variable Neighborhood Search Based Human Learning Optimization Algorithm for Secure Data Analysis and Computing, 2024, SN Computer Science
- Vijh, S., Gupta, N., Kumar, S., Bansal, P., New bag of features using reinforcement Aquila optimization and weighted Bayesian Gaussian mixture modelling for dental images, 2024, Expert Systems
- Ahmed, F., Kumar, S., Singh, P.K., Modified Memetic Algorithm to Solve Partitional Clustering Problem in Complex Network, 2024, GMSARN International Journal
- Raheja, S., Garg, R., Garg, R., A ranking framework for the selection of IoT cloud platforms using hybrid multi-attribute decision-making method, 2024, International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics
- Pahuja, S., Garg, R., Garg, R., Raheja, S., A fuzzy Euclidean taxicab distance-based MCDM approach for optimal personnel selection, 2024, International Journal of Applied Management Science
- Nagpal, R., Rana, D., Mir, N.B., Dwivedi, A., Mehrotra, D., Predicting the future trends for circular economy, 2024, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
- Rathi, S., Nagpal, R., Srivastava, G., Mehrotra, D., A multi-objective fitness dependent optimizer for workflow scheduling, 2024, Applied Soft Computing
- Mishra, R., Mishra, S., Sharma, D., Pdf based node deployment scheme targeting efficient coverage in WSNs, 2024, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
- Lamba, M., Munjal, G., Gigras, Y., Two-Stage Gene Selection Technique For Identifying Significant Prognosis Biomarkers In Breast Cancer, 2024, International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems
- Lamba, M., Munjal, G., Gigras, Y., IBCBML: interpreting breast cancer biomarker using machine learning, 2024, Health and Technology
- Singh, I., Munjal, G., Modified YOLOv5 for small target detection in aerial images, 2024, Multimedia Tools and Applications
- Gupta, N.A., Bansal, M., Sharma, S., Mehrotra, D., Kakkar, M., Detection of vulnerabilities in blockchain smart contracts using deep learning, 2024, Wireless Networks
- Shukla, G., Singh, S., Dhule, C., Agrawal, R., Saraswat, S., Al-Rasheed, A., Alqahtani, M.S., Soufiene, B.O., Point biserial correlation symbiotic organism search nanoengineering based drug delivery for tumor diagnosis, 2024, Scientific Reports
- Gupta, N.A., Bansal, M., Sharma, S., Mehrotra, D., Kakkar, M., Detection of vulnerabilities in blockchain smart contracts using deep learning, 2024, Wireless Networks
- Gupta, A., Khan, T., Mishra, N., Jatana, N., Malik, S., Garg, V., Proposing and Optimizing COVID-19 Predictions: A Comprehensive Ensemble Approach for Time Series Forecasting in India, 2024, SN Computer Science
- Mishra, N., Khan, F., Mishra, A., Revolutionizing Text Summarization: A Breakthrough in Content Compression, 2024, International Journal of Performability Engineering
- Kumar, P., Rakhimzhanova, M., Rawat, S., Orynbek, A., Kamra, V., Deep learning based COVID and pneumonia detection using chest X-ray, 2024, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Shalu, Rathee, S., Yadav, A., Kherwa, P., Gandhi, R., An Intelligent Lane and Obstacle Detection using YOLO algorithm, 2024, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering
- Gupta, A., Suri, B., Sharma, D., Misra, S., Fernandez-Sanz, L., Code smells analysis for android applications and a solution for less battery consumption, 2024, Scientific Reports
- Mehta, S., Jain, G., Mala, S., Untapped Location Discovery on Social Media by Combining Geospatial Clustering with Natural Language Processing, 2024, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management
- Bali, R., Sharma, A., Mala, S., Malhan, Y., Modeling the Geospatial Trend Changes in Jobs and Layoffs by Performing Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data, 2024, International Journal of Performability Engineering
- Rana, J., Jain, R., Nehra, V., Utility and Acceptability of AI-Enabled Chatbots on the Online Customer Journey in E-Retailing, 2024, International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems
- Massenon, R., Gambo, I., Ogundokun, R.O., Ogundepo, E.A., Srivastava, S., Agarwal, S., Pak, W., Mobile app review analysis for crowdsourcing of software requirements: a mapping study of automated and semi-automated tools, 2024, PeerJ Computer Science
- Vijh, S., Gupta, N., Kumar, S., Bansal, P., New bag of features using reinforcement Aquila optimization and weighted Bayesian Gaussian mixture modelling for dental images, 2024, Expert Systems
- Ganapathi, A., Sharma, U., Gupta, S., Deshwal, A., Vijh, S., Kumar, S., Predictive analysis on histopathological images using metaheuristics and machine learning method, 2024, International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications
Year 2023
- Sharma, S., Sharma, S., Choudhury, T., A Study of Post Quantum Cryptographic Security Model Using Symmetric Key Algorithm, 2023, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering
- Sawhney, R., Malik, A., Sharma, S., Narayan, V., A comparative assessment of artificial intelligence models used for early prediction and evaluation of chronic kidney disease, 2023, Decision Analytics Journal
- Habib, S., Shukla, M.K., Kapoor, R., A RECURSIVE ALGORITHM FOR SEGMENTATION OF DEGRADED DEVANAGARI SCRIPT, 2023, Mechatronic Systems and Control
- Suhag, V., Dubey, S.K., Sharma, B.K., Transfer Learning based Low Shot Classifier for Software Defect Prediction, 2023, Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence
- Dudeja, T., Dubey, S.K., Bhatt, A.K., Ensembled EfficientNetB3 architecture for multi-class classification of tumours in MRI images, 2023, Intelligent Decision Technologies
- Vijh, S., Gaurav, P., Kumar, S., Bansal, P., Singh, M., Khan, M.A., Palade, V., USMA-BOF: A Novel Bag-of-Features Algorithm for Classification of Infected Plant Leaf Images in Precision Agriculture, 2023, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine
- Gupta, N., Kumar, S., Gupta, V., Vijh, S., Novel Automatic Approach Using Modified Differential Evaluation to Software Module Clustering Problem, 2023, SN Computer Science
- Keshari, S.K., Kansal, V., Kumar, S., Bansal, P., An intelligent energy efficient optimized approach to control the traffic flow in Software-Defined IoT networks, 2023, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
- Vijh, S., Saraswat, M., Kumar, S., Automatic multilevel image thresholding segmentation using hybrid bio-inspired algorithm and artificial neural network for histopathology images, 2023, Multimedia Tools and Applications
- Raheja, S., Kasturia, S., Cheng, X., Kumar, M., Machine learning-based diffusion model for prediction of coronavirus-19 outbreak, 2023, Neural Computing and Applications
- Garg, R., Raheja, S., Gupta, A., Munjal, G., A multi-criteria decision support system for the assessment of cities based on air quality indicators, 2023, International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences
- Mishra, A.K., Nagpal, R., Seth, K., Sehgal, R., A Framework to Evaluate Maintainability of Service-oriented Architecture using Fuzzy, 2023, International Journal of Performability Engineering
- Nagpal, R., Mehrotra, D., Sehgal, R., Srivastava, G., Lin, J.C.-W., Overcoming Smart City Barriers Using Multi-Modal Interpretive Structural Modeling, 2023, Journal of Signal Processing Systems
- Mishra, A.K., Nagpal, R., Seth, K., Sehgal, R., Maintainability of Service-Oriented Architecture using Hybrid K-means Clustering Approach, 2023, International Journal of Performability Engineering
- Mishra, R., Sharma, D., A PDF Based Scale-Free Topology Construction Model for Wireless Sensor Networks, 2023, Wireless Personal Communications
- Lamba, M., Munjal, G., Gigras, Y., Kumar, M., Breast cancer prediction and categorization in the molecular era of histologic grade, 2023, Multimedia Tools and Applications
- Lamba, M., Munjal, G., Gigras, Y., Ranking of Classification Algorithm in Breast Cancer Based On Estrogen Receptor Using MCDM Technique, 2023, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making
- Nagaraj, S., Kathole, A.B., Arya, L., Tyagi, N., Goyal, S.B., Rajawat, A.S., Raboaca, M.S., Mihaltan, T.C., Verma, C., Suciu, G., Improved Secure Encryption with Energy Optimization Using Random Permutation Pseudo Algorithm Based on Internet of Thing in Wireless Sensor Networks, 2023, Energies
- Sharma, S., Mehrotra, D., Saoud, N.B.B., The Integration of Hadoop and a Smart Utility Scoring with a Case-Based Reasoning System for Managing Large and Complex Medical Case Base, 2023, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management
- Chauhan, B., Tabassum, R., Tomar, S., Pal, A., Analysis for the prediction of solar and wind generation in India using ARIMA, linear regression and random forest algorithms, 2023, Wind Engineering
- Garg, S., Saxena, A., Gupta, R., Yoga pose classification: a CNN and MediaPipe inspired deep learning approach for real-world application, 2023, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
- Gupta, R., Gunjan, Garg, R., Karwal, S., Goyal, A., Singla, N., A framework for dysgraphia detection in children using convolutional neural network, 2023, International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications
- Kamra, V., Kumar, P., Mohammadian, M., An intelligent disease prediction system for psychological diseases by implementing hybrid hopfield recurrent neural network approach, 2023, Intelligent Systems with Applications
- Gupta, A., Gandhi, R., Jatana, N., Jatain, D., Panda, S.K., Ramesh, J.V.N., A Severity Assessment of Python Code Smells, 2023, IEEE Access
- Vijh, S., Gaurav, P., Kumar, S., Bansal, P., Singh, M., Khan, M.A., Palade, V., USMA-BOF: A Novel Bag-of-Features Algorithm for Classification of Infected Plant Leaf Images in Precision Agriculture, 2023, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine
- Gupta, N., Kumar, S., Gupta, V., Vijh, S., Novel Automatic Approach Using Modified Differential Evaluation to Software Module Clustering Problem, 2023, SN Computer Science
- Vijh, S., Gaurav, P., Pandey, H.M., Hybrid bio-inspired algorithm and convolutional neural network for automatic lung tumor detection, 2023, Neural Computing and Applications
- Vijh, S., Saraswat, M., Kumar, S., Automatic multilevel image thresholding segmentation using hybrid bio-inspired algorithm and artificial neural network for histopathology images, 2023, Multimedia Tools and Applications
Year 2022
- Gupta, S., Thakur, S., Gupta, A., Optimized hybrid machine learning approach for smartphone based diabetic retinopathy detection, 2022, Multimedia Tools and Applications
- Nidhya, R., Kumar, M., Shankar, A., Mala, S., Thakur, S., Cheng, X., Remodeled chaotic compressive sensing scheme for secure and energy-efficient data forwarding in body-to-body network, 2022, Computers and Electrical Engineering
- Sawhney, R., Sharma, S., Vashishtha, P., Kothari, A., Gupta, V., Choudhury, T., An Efficient Deep Neural Framework for Nucleus Semantic Segmentation with Enhanced UNet, 2022, Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle
- Sharma, A., Sharma, S., Gulati, S., Choudhury, T., CAPTCHA Robustness- AI Approach Using to Web Security, 2022, Ingenierie des Systemes d'Information
- Gupta, S., Singh, S.N., Kansal, V., Monitoring and Locating Oceanic Sailors Through Wireless Sensor Network, 2022, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers
- Kumar, P., Singh, S.N., Dawra, S., Software component reusability prediction using extra tree classifier and enhanced Harris hawks optimization algorithm, 2022, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
- Sharma, R., Singh, S.N., Towards Accurate Heart Disease Prediction System: An Enhanced Machine Learning Approach, 2022, International Journal of Performability Engineering
- Khanna, L., Singh, S.N., Kumar, R., Alam, M., Analysis of dependence of grade point average over psychological factors incorporating advanced data mining, 2022, International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise
- Sukhija, K., Singh, S.N., Kumar, M., Mehrotra, D., Spatial and temporal trends reveal: hotspot identification of crimes using machine learning approach, 2022, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering
- Gaur, D., Dubey, S.K., Development of Activity Recognition Model using LSTM-RNN Deep Learning Algorithm, 2022, Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences
- Mahendru, M., Dubey, S.K., Portable Learning Approach towards Capturing Social Intimidating Activities using Big Data and Deep Learning Technologies, 2022, International Journal of Performability Engineering
- Bateja, R., Dubey, S.K., Bhatt, A., Prescription Based Recommender System for Diabetic Patients Using Efficient Map Reduce, 2022, Engineering Journal
- Agarwal, J., Dubey, S.K., Tiwari, R., Usability estimation of component-based software system using adaptive neuro fuzzy approach, 2022, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms
- Vijh, S., Kumar, S., Saraswat, M., New bag-of-feature for histopathology image classification using reinforced cat swarm algorithm and weighted Gaussian mixture modelling, 2022, Complex and Intelligent Systems
- Mittal, H., Pandey, A.C., Saraswat, M., Kumar, S., Pal, R., Modwel, G., A comprehensive survey of image segmentation: clustering methods, performance parameters, and benchmark datasets, 2022, Multimedia Tools and Applications
- Bansal, P., Vanjani, A., Mehta, A., Kavitha, J.C., Kumar, S., Improving the classification accuracy of melanoma detection by performing feature selection using binary Harris hawks optimization algorithm, 2022, Soft Computing
- Sharma, R., Vashisht, V., Singh, U., Fuzzy modelling based energy aware clustering in wireless sensor networks using modified invasive weed optimization, 2022, Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences
- Deb, V., Vashisht, V., Arora, N., Knowledge base and BOTs - redefining workforce estimation model, 2022, International Journal of Services and Operations Management
- Raheja, S., Asthana, A., Sentiment Analysis of Tweets During the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Multinomial Logistic Regression, 2022, International Journal of Software Innovation
- Raheja, S., Obaidat, M.S., Kumar, M., Sadoun, B., Bhushan, S., A hybrid MCDM framework and simulation analysis for the assessment of worst polluted cities, 2022, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
- Raheja, S., An Adaptive Fuzzy-Based Two-Layered HRRN CPU Scheduler: FHRRN, 2022, International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications
- Raheja, S., Analysis of Psychological Distress During COVID-19 Among Professionals, 2022, International Journal of Software Innovation
- Garg, R., Raheja, S., Deterministic Decision Support System for the Assessment of Cities Based on Air Quality Indicators: Decision Support System Using DBA, 2022, International Journal of Decision Support System Technology
- Rathi, S., Nagpal, R., Mehrotra, D., Srivastava, G., A metric focused performance assessment of fog computing environments: A critical review, 2022, Computers and Electrical Engineering
- Sehgal, R., Mehrotra, D., Nagpal, R., Sharma, R., Green software: Refactoring approach, 2022, Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences
- Sehgal, R., Mehrotra, D., Nagpal, R., Is refactoring a solution to resolve code smell?, 2022, International Journal of System of Systems Engineering
- Tulshyan, V., Sharma, D., Mittal, M., An Eye on the Future of COVID-19: Prediction of Likely Positive Cases and Fatality in India over a 30-Day Horizon Using the Prophet Model, 2022, Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness
- Verma, G., Sharma, D., Seeing Through the Walls with Wireless Technology: A Review, 2022, International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control
- Gupta, R., Mehrotra, D., Tyagi, R.K., Hybrid edge-based fractal image encoding using K-NN search, 2022, Multimedia Tools and Applications
- Gupta, A., Sharma, D., Phulli, K., ANN Modelling on Vulnerabilities Detection in Code Smells-Associated Android Applications, 2022, Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences
- Gupta, A., Chauhan, N.K., A Severity-Based Classification Assessment of Code Smells in Kotlin and Java Application, 2022, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
- Nidhya, R., Kumar, M., Shankar, A., Mala, S., Thakur, S., Cheng, X., Remodeled chaotic compressive sensing scheme for secure and energy-efficient data forwarding in body-to-body network, 2022, Computers and Electrical Engineering
- Srivastava, S., Stephan, T., Sahana, S.K., An Innovative Hybrid Biologically Inspired Method for Traffic Optimization Problem, 2022, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools
- Vijh, S., Kumar, S., Saraswat, M., New bag-of-feature for histopathology image classification using reinforced cat swarm algorithm and weighted Gaussian mixture modelling, 2022, Complex and Intelligent Systems