Climate Action Plan

Amity University Haryana developed a climate action plan under the mandate of Environmental and Sustainability Policy adopted back in year 2016. Climate action plan encompasses all the efforts made to reduce the impact of climate change and increase the capacity to combat the climate change under following headings:

1. Low carbon energy transition

  • Phase wise reduction of grid energy consumption by installation of Solar PV plants on roof-top and ground to ensure carbon neutrality by 2028 in direct energy consumption (Scope 1 and 2)
  • Development of Bioenergy based energy production based on food and dairy waste to add up carbon neutrality university target.
  • Provision of solar powered wastewater treatment plant to recycle and reuse at appropriate places to reduce water dependence.

2. Efficient Energy Consumption

  • Green building design to reduce energy consumption in lighting.
  • Provision of Efficient lighting i.e. LED and smart wiring.
  • Climate friendly building design like sunken court and sunken corridor to reduce heat extreme in both summer and winter.
  • Rooftop Solar PV prevent heating and overall reduce energy consumption in air conditioning.

3. Climate and Sustainability Education

  • Ensure basic environmental/sustainability education at all levels.
  • Integration of climate and sustainability prospective at appropriate educational programmes.
  • Dedicated school/center to run environmental/climate specific programmes.
  • Value addition exercise includes training and skilling in the border area of climate and sustainability.

4. Awareness and outreach

  • Emphasis to engage all stakeholders and community on relevant issues of climate change including risk and adaptation measures.
  • Monitoring and sharing of climate related parameters and information among relevant stakeholders.
  • Robust networking and collaboration in area of climate change for monitoring as well as benchmarking of university operations.

5. Flexibility for change

  • Open to develop climate resilience capacity.
  • Commitment to reduce transport and other indirect emissions (Scope 3)
  • Paperless office transition (Scope 3)
LEED Platinum Campus
LEED Lab Certificate
LEED Lab Empanelment

Solar Rooftop and Ground Solar Plant

Tree Plantation Drive ‘Mission Green