Amity Journal of Corporate Governance
ISSN: 2455-989X (Print)    |    ISSN: 2456-1533 (Online)    |    RNI: UPENG/2017/72670

Amity Journal of Corporate Governance (AJCG), established in 2016, publishes leading advances, high quality and pioneering research in the broad and upcoming area of corporate governance. The aim of AJCG is to create a research platform where academicians and industry practitioners can share their research findings, thoughts and ideas and collaborate to undertake inter-disciplinary research. This makes AJCG play a significant role in enhancing the study of the corporate governance concepts for the benefit of academia, business and society at large.

An International, Indexed, Biannual, Double-blind Reviewed and Refereed Journal, Amity Journal of Corporate Governance (AJCG) publishes divergent areas of theoretical and practical advances in the field of corporate governance including but not limited to models and theories of corporate governance, impact of corporate governance on performance; board performance; institutional ownership; corporate social responsibility; role of auditors; shareholder activism, future trends of corporate governance and so on. Published twice a year, the journal is the official publication of Amity Directorate of Management and Allied Areas (ADMAA), a research unit of Amity University, a leading innovation and research driven Private University in India.

Amity Journal of Corporate Governance (AJCG) aims to have a wide scope for publication and accepts theoretical/conceptual, empirical, original, cross-functional and applied research papers, articles, case studies, technical notes, monographs, book reviews and doctoral dissertations for review.


Prof. (Dr.) Ramanjeet Singh


Amity Journal of Corporate Governance (AJCG)

Amity Directorate of Management and Allied Areas

Amity University

G-09, I-3 Block, Sector -125

Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201 313, India        

Ph: +91(0)-120-4392147                 



Published by:

Amity Directorate of Management and Allied Areas (ADMAA)

Amity University 

G-09, I-3 Block, Sector -125

Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201 313, India     



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