Year 2017:
- Flyod Moodley, Jean-Paul Van Belle and Nitasha Hasteer, “Crowdsourced Software Development; Exploring the Motivational and Inhibiting Factors of the South African Crowd”, International Conference on Cloud Computing on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering, January 2017, Accepted, Proceedings by IEEE Xplore, New York, USA.
- Rajneesh Tanwar, K. Krishnakanth, Sunil Kumar Chowdhary, Abhishek Srivastava, Michalis Papoutsidakis, “Decentralized Content Downloading Service: Intelligent Way of Traffic Congestion Control”, International Conference on Cloud Computing on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering, January 2017, Accepted, Proceedings by IEEE Xplore, New York, USA.
- Hina Gupta, Nitasha Hasteer, Rana Majumdar, “Interpretive Structure Modelling For Feature Dependency In Sentiment Analysis”, 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering, 12-13th Jan , 2017, Amity University.
- Chetna Choudhary, P.K.Kapur, A.K.Shrivastava, Sunil K. Khatri, "Effort Based Release and Patching Time with Warranty using Change Point", Joint International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and 8th International Conference on Quality, Reliability Engineering, Infocom Technology and Business Operations (JIRICQRIT 2017) during Feb 8-10, 2017 at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Presented and Accepted.
- Neha Gaur and Saru Dhir, “Comparative Analysis between Manual and Automated Testing using TOPSIS Method”, JIRICQRIT, 2017.
Year 2016:
- Shruti Sharma, Nitasha Hasteer, S.P Mishra and Jean-Paul Van Belle, “Identifying the Contextual Relationship among the Agile Adoption Factors through Interpretive Structural Modeling” International Conference on Information Technology, October 2016, Proceedings by IEEE Xplore, New York, USA.
- Rana Majumdar, P.K.Kapur, S.K. Khatri “Measuring Testing Efficiency & Effectiveness for Software upgradation and its impact on CBP”, International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS), ISBN 978-93-84935-69-6, DOI: 10.1109/ICICCS.2016.7542347, pp 123-28, 2016.
- Sunil K Khatri , Aakansha Sonik, Rana Majumdar , “Modelling the Successive Software Release Time of S-Shaped Model with Imperfect Debugging”, International Conference on Information Technology , 6-7th Oct,2016, Amity University.
- Sunil K Khatri , Sijo John , Rana Majumdar , “Quantifying Software Reliability using Testing Effort”, International Conference on Information Technology , 6-7th Oct,2016, Amity University
- Rajneesh Tanwar, Rana Majumdar, Gursewak Singh Sidhu, Abhishek Srivastava , “Removing traffic congestion at traffic lights using GPS technology”, cloud System and Big Data Engineering (Confluence), 2016 6th International Conference,14-15th Jan, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/CONFLUENCE.2016.7508185 .
- Savy Gupta, Subhash Chand Gupta, Rana Majumdar, YS Rathore Measuring Cloud Security from risks perspective, c loud System and Big Data Engineering (Confluence), 2016 6th International Conference,14-15th Jan, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/CONFLUENCE.2016.7508116
- Surbhi Paltani, Saru Dhir and Avi Bhardwaj , “ Compute the Requirements and Need of an Online Donation Platform for Non-Monetary Resources using Statistical Analyses”, icicse 2016
- Shivangi Gupta and Saru Dhir, “Issues, Challenges and Estimation Process for Secure Web Application Development”, Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Communication Technology, CICT 2016, IEEE, pp: 219-222.
- Ruchie Goswami, Mansi Jasuja and Saru Dhir, “Impact of Different Estimation Approaches in Traditional and Agile Development”, Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Communication Technology, CICT 2016, IEEE, pp: 679-682.
- Saurabh Mishra, Saru Dhir and Madhurima Hooda, " A Study On Cyber Security, Its Issues And Cyber Crime Rates In India ", Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, published proceeding in Advances in Intelligent systems and computing, Springer journal volume 413, Page No. 249, 2016
- Chandrika Sikka, Saru Dhir and Madhurima Hooda, " A survey on challenges in Software Development during the Adoption of Agile Environment ", Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, published proceeding in Advances in Intelligent systems and computing, Springer journal volume 413, Page No. 219, 2016
- Ayushi Shukla and Saru Dhir, “Tools for Data Visualization in Business Intelligence: Case Study Using the Tool Qlikview”, in International Conference on Information System Design and Intelligent Application 2016, published proceeding in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 433, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2755-7_11 Springer Journal Volume 434, pp 319-326.
- Sobia Amen,Arti Tiwari,Abhishek Srivastava, “Analytical Review on Shadow detection and removal in Images and videos”, 3rd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, 2016 (INDIACom)
- Abhishek Srivastava” Solving traffic congestion — An application of VANET” 2016 International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS-INBUSH)
Year 2015
- Hasteer N., Nair N., Bansal A., Murthy B.K. Crowdsourced Software Development: Many Benefits Many Concerns, International Conference on Information Security & Privacy, 2015 Elsevier Publisher,.
- Chawla, Preeti ; Kumar, Prashant ; Singh, Manisha ; Hasteer, Nitasha ; Ghanshyam, C. Prediction of pollution potential of Indian rivers using empirical equation consisting of water quality parameters . Proc. Of IEEE Conference Technological Innovation in ICT for Agriculture and Rural Development (TIAR), 2015 DOI: 10.1109/TIAR.2015.7358560 , IEEE.
- Lipika Bose, Rana Majumdar,“Automation of Web Link Validation Using a Generic & Reusable Automation Framework” International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering & Applications-2015.
- Lipika Bose, Rana Majumdar “Handling Mutual Exclusion in a Distributed Application through Zookeeper”, International Conference on International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering & Applications-2015.
- Anchal Kakkar, Rana Majumdar ,“Search engine optimization: A game of page ranking”, 2nd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 2015.
- Utkarsh Saxena, Rana Majumdar , “Static and Dynamic Malware Behavioural Analysis Based on Arm Based Board” 2nd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 2015
- Rana Majumdar, Chetna Choudhary, Ritu Gupta , “Testing Efficiency: A prototype for Early vs. late testing and its Impact on CBRP “National Conference on Innovation on Computing and Information Technology, COGNITION 2015, Amity University, Gurgaon.
- Rana Majumdar, P.K.Kapur, S.K. Khatri, “Measuring Testing Efficiency: An Alternative Approach”, 4th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2015), Amity University.
- Rana Majumdar, Nitin Sachdeva, P.K.Kapur, “Genetic Algorithm Based Cost Optimization of Multi Modular Software”, Conference Proceedings of Mathematical Modelling, Optimization and Information Technology”, Lambert Publishing House, Germany, 2015.
- Parv Gupta, Rana Majumdar, Mrigendra Kumar, Nishant Chauhan, Subhas Gupta “Gram Sandesh Transmission-A Web Based Information System for Farmers” 4th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2015), Amity University.
- Rana Majumdar, Hina Gupta, Sakshi Goel and Abhishek Srivastava, “Paradigmatic Approach to Cloud Security: Challenges and Remedies “50th Golden Jubilee Annual Convention on “Digital Life”, 02nd – 05th December, 2015, New Delhi.
- Rana Majumdar, P.K.Kapur, S.K. Khatri “Evolutionary Algorithm based Faults Optimization of Multi- Modular Software” 7th International Conference Quality, Reliability, Infocom Technology and Business Operations (Trends and Future Directions), Delhi University 2015.
- Arushi Vasin , Rana Majumdar, Chetna Choudhary, Abhishek Srivastava , “Role of Parameter estimation and prediction during development of software using SRGM “,4th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2015), Amity University.
- Arvind Kumar, Aanchal Kakkar, Rana Majumdar, Anurag Singh Baghel,” Spatial data mining: Recent trends and techniques” , International Conference on Computer and Computational Sciences (ICCCS), 2015 27-29 Jan. 2015 DOI: 10.1109/ICCACS.2015.7361319 .
- Madhurima, Anuj Kumar Chauhan, Madhulika, Saru Dhir. Momentousness and Appositeness of Software Testing Tools and Techniques in Indian Universities: A Survey Analysis Using Spss. CSI-2015 50th Golden Jubilee Annual Convention on “Digital Life”, 02nd – 05th December, 2015.
- Saurabh Mishra, Madhurima Hooda, Saru Dhir and Alisha Sharma. iCop: A System for Mitigation of Felonious Encroachment Using GCM Push Notification, CSI-2015 50th Golden Jubilee Annual Convention on “Digital Life”, 02nd – 05th December, 2015.
- Komal Panzade, Anchal Sood, Madhurima Hooda and Saru Dhir. FarmApp: A Proposed Framework for Solution to Challenges Faced by Indian Farmers. CSI-2015 50th Golden Jubilee Annual Convention on “Digital Life”, 02nd – 05th December, 2015.
- Madhurima Hooda, , Saru Dhir and Madhulika, “Difficulties and Challenges Faced in Testing AJAX Applications “, International conference on soft computing techniques and implementations, ICSCTA2015, IEEE
- Mahima, Saru Dhir, “Appraisement of different Software Estimation Models: A Rumination and Contradistinction” ,International conference on soft computing techniques and implementations, ICSCTA2015, IEEE.
- Vyomkesh, Madhurima, Saru Dhir and Anchal Garg, “Statistical Analysis of Indian E-Commerce Market, “International conference on soft computing techniques and implementations, ICSCTA2015, IEEE
- Saru Dhir and Deepak Kumar, “Automation Software Testing On Web Based Application”, CSI 2015.
- Saru Dhir, Deepak Kumar and V.B. Singh, “Success and Failure Factors that Impact on Project Implementation using Agile Software Development Methodology ”, CSI 2015
- Preeti Rai, Madhurima, Saru Dhir, Madhulika and Anchal Garg, "A Prologue of JENKINS with Comparative Scrutiny of Various Software Integration Tools", Proceedings of the 9th INDIACom; INDIACom-2015; IEEE Conference.
Year 2014
- Tuli A., Hasteer N., Sharma M., Bansal A., Framework to Leverage Cloud for the Modernization of the Indian Agriculture System, IEEE International Conference EIT 2014, Milwaukee, USA, June 2014 DOI 10.1109/EIT.2014.6871748 IEEE.
- K Selvi, Rana Majumdar , “Applying Six Sigma Techniques to Reduce the Number of Defects Of Software”, at International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Cutting Edge Technology (ICETSCET) at YMCA CP 28th Sept’2014.
- Himdeep Kurana, Rana Majumdar , “Classifying faults in modular software based on Genetic Algorithm using Dumpster-Shafer Theory” Emerging Trends in Advanced Computing & Information Communication Technology”(ETACICT-2014) on 21st Feb., 2014.
- Sahil Aggarwal and Saru Dhir, "Swift Tack: A New Development Approach", in International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques on 07-08th February, 2014 in IEEE explorer
Year 2013
- Tuli A., Hasteer N., Sharma M., Bansal A., Exploring Challenges in Mobile Cloud Computing : An Overview, Proc. of 4th International Conference Confluence 2013, September 2013. DOI: 10.1049/cp.2013.2364 , IET.
- Bhatia, Madhulika, Divakar Yadav, Madhurima, Pritee Gupta, Gurpreet Kaur, Jyoti Singh, Mallika Gandhi, and Ajeet Singh. "Implementing edge detection for medical diagnosis of a bone in Matlab." 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN), 2013, pp. 270-274. IEEE, 2013.
- Deepak Kumar and Saru Dhir, “A Role of Non-Functional computing in software Engineering”, ICRITO 2013 (Co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society), at Amity Institute of Information and Technology on 29th -30th Jan.,2013, page 133.
Year 2012
- Anju Mishra, Anchal Garg and Saru Dhir, “A Cybernetic Approach for Controlling Employee Attitude for Implementation of Green Organization”, World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST) 2012, London (UK), 19-22 nov 12,IEEE.
Year 2011
- Bansal A., Hasteer N., Security Hazards for Web Services Based Applications in the Cloud, International Conference on Internet & Web Engineering (ICIWE), Kuala lumpur, Malaysia DOI:10.1115/1.859735.paper67, ASME Publsiher.
- Hasteer N., Smart Security: Analyzing concerns of security in Cloud Computing and implementing smarter security across SDLC, Conference Confluence: The Next Generation IT Summit 2011, January 2011.
- Pankaj Gupta, Rana Majumdar , “Design & Implementation of Key Stream generators with improved security “ at The 13th International Conference on Advanced Computing Technology held in Phoenix Park, Republic of Korea on Feb 13 – 16 ,2011 ISBN No: 978-89-5519-154-7 98560
- Rana Majumdar, Anupam Saxena, “Spyware: The Persistent Threat” in NCACT 8th & 9th Feb 2011 in Amity University, Noida, Utter Pradesh.
- Rana Majumdar, Sapna Sinha, Rachana Jain , “Wireless Openness & Conflict” in Data Management & Security 22nd Sept & 23rd Sept 2011 in Amity University Rajasthan, Rajasthan.
Year 2010
- Rana Majumdar,“A Survey: Information hiding for Authentication” International Conference SRIJAN’10 MAIMT on 8th May 2010 in Maharaja Agrasen Institute Management & Technology, Jadaghri.
- Naveen Garg, Saru Dhir , Rana Majumdar , “Recognition of Handwritten Gurumukhi Characters Using Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks” in International conference on Data Management on March’2010 in Institute of Management Technology (IMT), Ghaziabad, Utter Pradesh.
- Rana Majumdar, Naveen Garg , , “An Efficient method to divide a Bitmap Image into 4x4 Matrix” in International conference on engineering Innovations-A Fillip on Economic Development on February’2010 in Continental Group of Institutions, Fatehgarh sahib, Punjab.
- Rana Majumdar , “Bitmap Image: A Puzzle “The 2010 International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics and Computer Applications (ICICCA2010) July 19-21, Jain University, Bangalore, India.
- Rashmi Dubey, Rana Majumdar , “A STIRMARK standard for image processing attacks and its effects on 24-bit watermarked colored image” International Conference SRIJAN’10 MAIMT on 8th May 2010 in Maharaja Agrasen Institute Management & Technology, Jadaghri.
- Pankaj Gupta, Rana Majumdar , “Text summarisation by ranking text units according to shallow linguistic features" International Conference SRIJAN’10 MAIMT on 8th May 2010 in Maharaja Agrasen Institute Management & Technology, Jadaghri.
- Pankaj Gupta, Gaurav Gupta , Rana Majumdar, “Document Clustering Using Modified NMF Base Vector” International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics and Computer Applications (ICICCA2010) July 19-21, Jain University, Bangalore, India.
- Swati Tiwari, Chetna Choudhary, Soniya Goyal "Performance Measurement of various routing protocols in Ad-hoc Network" in Modern Trends in computer Science and information technology (Cyber-UTTHAN) Jhansi, 2010.
- Madhulika, Madhurima. “Artificial Intelligence and Robotics- from Wireless Sensor Networks to tangible user Interfaces” presented and published in proceeding of National Conference on “Advances in Computer Networks & Information Technology” NCACNIT-09 organized by Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar on 24-25 March 2009.
- Madhurima, Madhulika. “Importance of Password Recovery and Cracking Methodologies” presented and published in proceeding of National Conference on “Advances in Computer Networks & Information Technology” NCACNIT-09 organized by Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar on 24-25 March 2009.
- Madhulika, Madhurima. “Next Generation Networks-Case Study” presented and published in proceeding of National Conference on “Advances in Computer Networks & Information Technology” NCACNIT-09 organized by Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar on 24-25 March 2009.
- Madhurima, Madhulika. “An object oriented development approach to produce reliable and reusable software components” presented and published in proceeding of National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Computing” ETIC- 2010 organized by Gurgaon Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon on 27 March 2010.
- Madhurima, Madhulika. “Feature Based Object tracking in a video sequence using SIFT Approach”, National Conference on Emerging Technologies and Advancements in computing (NCETAC’10), Gurgaon (May 2010).
Year 2009
- Madhurima, Madhulika. “Principal Methods of Password Attack: A Case Study” presented and published in proceeding of International Conference on “Down Trend Challenges in IT” DCIT-09 organized by Punjab College of Technical Education Ludhiana on 22 May 2009.
- Madhurima, Madhulika. “Use Case Modeling: A Boon for System Engineering” presented and published in proceeding of International Conference on “Down Trend Challenges in IT” DCIT-09 organized by Punjab College of Technical Education Ludhiana on 22 May 2009.
- Madhulika, Madhulika. “Image Reconstruction and Edge Recognition Using Various Filters in MATLAB” presented and published in proceeding of International Conference on “International Conference on Innovative Technologies: Research and Development in Science” ICIT-09 organized by PDM, Bahadurgarh on 18-19 June 2009.
- Madhurima, Madhulika. “A Facial Expression recognition System using Neural Networks” presented and published in proceeding of National Conference on “Soft Computing and Artificial Intelligence” NCSCAI-09” organized by Lingaya’s University on 15-16 January, 2009.
- Madhurima, Madhulika. “OOHDM-Importance for Web Based Applications” presented and published in proceeding of National Conference on “Emerging Technologies” NCET-09” organized by Moradabad Institute of Technology, Moradabad(Accredited by NBA & AICTE approved) on 24-25 January, 2009.