
12 Aug 2016|Gurgaon (Manesar) | Amity University Gurgaon

Department of Dietetics and Applied Nutrition, Amity Medical School Organized Guest Lecture on FAD DIETS

Department of Dietetics and Applied Nutrition, Amity Medical School organized Guest Lecture on FAD DIETS by Ms. Deepti Verma , Technical Head , India Division , VLCC  on 12th August 2016. FAD Diet is a diet that makes promises of weight loss or other health advantages such as longer life without backing by solid science, and in many cases are characterized by highly restrictive or unusual food choices The lecture included the fads and fallacies related to diet as well as she cleared about the concept of Blood group diets. She also clarified that these diets are generally restrictive, and are characterized by promises of fast weight loss or great physical health and which are not grounded in sound science.These diets attract people who want to lose weight quickly and easily and keep that weight off  or who want to be healthy. She defined very well the misconceptions related to diet and that are scientifically evident also.  Overall Session was very useful for all the students.