
30 Aug 2016-31 Aug 2016|Mumbai | Amity University Mumbai

Android Development Workshop

Android Development Workshop

An Android Development Workshop was held on 30th and 31st August 2016 for the student’s of AUM. This initiative was taken by ASET under the guidance of Prof.Dr.Kamatchi Iyer(HOI, ASET) and Prof.Dalin . The workshop was held by Experts from , Ecell , well known for their workshops and seminars across the country, the team collaborated with AUM students to give them a hands-on experience on the trending technical knowledge.

Besides from the core curriculum, at AUM we believe in upgrading the students from the day to day “Tech-Growing” world.

Students not only from the computer application background, but from different courses like mechanical , civil etc. showed their interest in the workshop.

The course was an International certification course which will surely help the students for their future outputs.

Starting from “What is Android? “, students were brought to a level, where they designed their own very basic Applications.

At the end of the 2-day workshop, a competition was held amongst the students, to design an application based on the given knowledge, and merit was given the top 3 students.

Students who won this competition were :

1) Dhirag Sekhani (B.Tech-CSE-3rd Year)

2) Ashish Jacob Sam (B.Tech-1st Year)

3) Bhavya Kamana(B.Tech-CSE-2nd Year)

The student co-ordinators were: Megha S Chauhan, Dhirag Sekhani, Paarth Sanhotra, Sweedel Tandel

AUM thanks, E-cell for this wonderful experience.