
28 Jun 2016-29 Jun 2016|Gurgaon (Manesar) | AMITY UNIVERSITY GURGAON

Workshop on MATLAB (28th to 29th June 2016)


Workshop on MATLAB (28th to 29th June 2016)




Times are changing fast and it is important for a faculty member or a research scholar to continuously adopt those teaching/learning pedagogies which help in uplifting the professional standards.


MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization, and programming. MATLAB can be used to analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models and applications. The language, tools, and built-in math functions enable the user to explore multiple approaches and reach a solution faster than with spreadsheets or traditional programming languages, such as C/C++ or Java.

MATLAB can be used for a range of applications, including signal processing and communications, image and video processing, control systems, test and measurement, computational finance, and computational biology. More than a Million engineers and scientists in industry and academia use MATLAB, the language of technical computing.





The proposed two-day workshop is intended to give the participant, a practical introduction to scientific computing using MATLAB. The key points are as to aware the participants about the importance of MATLAB in scientific computing, to introduce constituent of MATLAB which can be used in programming, data analysis and visualization.




Amity Campus (faculty/student):     Rs. 250/-


Non-Amity Campus (faculty/student):   Rs. 500/-


Click here to download the Registration Form

Please send the fully filled scanned registration form on above email IDs only up to June 27, 2016 positively.

Amitian participant should submit their fess up to June 27, 2016 to Ravi Rathi (07503505887) and Dr. Chander Shekhar (09671475854) at D-Block -3rd Floor, Faculty Room.


Out-side Participant can submit their fees on the spot.




Note: Seats are limited (only 30) on the basis of first come first serve.


Interested participants should bring their laptop for hands on session.





Dr. P.B. Sharma,

Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, AUH


WORKSHOP DIRECTOR                                                                                        

Dr. N.M. Chadha,                                                                                                                
M.Sc (IIT, Roorkee), Ph.D (University of Limerick, Ireland)    

Resource Person:

Dr. RK. Thakur

HOI, Amity School of Applied Science,

Amity University Haryana                              





Program Schedule of Workshop


Day 1 (28th June, 2016)



09:30 hrs Registration 10:00 hrs Inauguration 10:45 hrs Tea Break


11:15hrs Technical Session: Introductory Session to MATLAB

13:00 hrs Lunch Break


14:00 hrs Technical Session: Introduction to Programming using Script file and Function files

15:00 hrs Tea Break


15:10 hrs Technical Session: Session Continue …………

16:10 Closing


Day 2 (29th July, 2016)

10:00 hrs Technical Session: Introduction to few commonly used built in functions for scientific computing including for system of linear equation and other related mathematical problems


11:00 hrs Tea Break


11:30 hrs Technical Session: Session  Contd……….


13:00 hrs Lunch Break


14:00 hrs Technical Session: Solution of various types of Differential equation (Non-stiff and Stiff IBVP) 



15:00 hrs Tea Break


15:10 hrs Technical Session: Session Continued


16:00 Closing


16:10  Certificate Distribution and Vote of Thanks.