
26 Apr 2016|Raipur | MOOT Court Room

Internal Moot Court In Campus

 Event In-charge: Mr. Prashant Rahangdale

No. of Students Participated: 19


Objectives of the Event

Court Room Exercise is an integral part of the curriculum of Law Courses and in furtherance to the objective, Moot Court Competition is a regular feature of Amity Law School which helps in sharpening the legal acumen of the students through perfecting the art of legal research, analytical aptitude and legal writing.

Event Brief:    In the Internal Moot Court Competition of ALS, AUC it is mandatory for all the UG students to participate. The students are given a hypothetical case and a few legal prepositions are enlisted as Issues. The students are required to put in their efforts in preparing memorials for both the Petitioner and the Respondent sides and to present their arguments before the designated Courts. The sides are decided through draw of lots and students appear for the sides within the given time.

The legal proposition for the present competition was that domestic agreements, such as one between a mother and daughter, are presumed not to be legally binding unless there is clear intention.