
16 Apr 2016-|Mumbai | Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad

The Edutainment Show -2016

The Edutainment Show -2016

At the Edutainment Show -2016, around 40 students and 5 faculties from Media and Communication got a good opportunity and wonderful exposure to attend the Edutainment conference famously known as “ The Edutainment Show”.

The Edutainment Show exemplified the talent, dedication and innovation of students from all aspects of education. Ten students got a chance to intern with the show before the event as a part of event planning committee.

The show also showcased the best media and design schools from India. Students got an opportunity to meet and listen to the experts from the domain of media, communication and design practitioners and educationists. The got an experience and knowledge of working behind the scenes.

Benefits gained

Students learned different skills by working in a setting where they were supervised by a work-place professional, and had the opportunity to achieve their own learning goals.

They were mentored by working professional of the industry during the internship period.  Students made Social connections in education industry and got support networks that otherwise wouldn't be possible being in campus. They got access to knowledge and information from the stalwarts of the education industry.