
13 Mar 2015-15 Mar 2015|Gurgaon (Manesar) | DLF Gurgaon

Google Fare 2015

 28 Degree North is a Corporate Fest specially targeting Corporates in Gurgaon. It was held on 13th, 14th and 15th March 2015.

Students from ASCO, ACC and BBA were invited on the inaugural day. AUH was the only University that was representing a student body. There were special sessions with Mr.Rajan Anandan, CEO, Google India, Mr. Sanjeev Bikhchandani, Founder and EX. Vice Chairman,  There was an interesting session “careers with a twist” and the panelists were Elephant design founder and musician Mr. Shouvik Roy,Reckitt Benckiser CEO Nitish Kapoor, and Ad man Swapan Seth. The students interacted with all the panelists.

Also the morning session saw participation of corporate in Quiz, Music competition, Photography exhibition, gaming and open house.