
17 Jan 2020-19 Jan 2020|Noida | F-2 Auditorium

Students Pledge to Ignite Change at AMIMUN’20 organized at Amity University


Over 400 Delegates from various reputed Universities and Colleges including Amity Campuses attended and deliberated at 9th Amity International Model United Nations 2020 (AMIMUN’20), a conference recognized by the United Nations and organized in collaboration with the United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan that concluded today at Amity University. This year’s theme ‘Audere est Facere’ (To Dare is to Do) reflected the spirit and determination of the youth to make right choices and contribute towards building a prosperous society to which the students also pledged to ignite a change in the society.


Sana Beg, Director of Communications, Doctors Without Borders, shared with the students how human attention has become the scarcest resource in the 21st century. “This scarcity has created apathy, fatigue and doesn’t connect people with humanitarian issues,” shared Beg. She hoped and asked the students to respect the theme of the conference and dare to bring about a change. “I hope you will take these debates as a foundation to ignite change and bring a difference. I also hope that this group will be the torchbearer and a catalyst for change,” averred Sana Beg.


Anirban Gupta, Co-Founder, Dhriiti-The Courage Within, a non-governmental organization asked students to not base their education on any assumptions and be open to unlearn and relearn to move forward in life. “Do a field check and work forward in your goals. Also, build your own theory of change. Base it what you have seen and felt and not on existing statistics,” advised Anirban Gupta. He also shared how in the present socio-political era where independence for one is separation for others and asked participating delegates to learn to hear people out and see if they can convince or get convinced.


Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Vice-Chancellor, Amity University congratulated the delegates on the successful conclusion of the three-day AMIMUN’20 and hoped that students will work on each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and take them beyond paper not only for India but also for the rest of the world. “To make this world a better place to live, we need peace everywhere and that can only happen when every mind thinks not just for their own self but for everyone around. This goal can only be achieved by working together for a common cause,” said Dr Shukla.


AMIMUN 2020 is a simulation of the United Nations which spans over a period of three days that saw enthusiastic participation and was termed as exceedingly interesting and interactive. At AMIMUN, delegates learn and understand the art of diplomacy, international relations and the United Nations and also inculcate Leadership skills, Communication skills, Debating skills, Inter-Personal skills, Organizational skills and teamwork. The event witnessed the simulation of nine conventional committees including United Nations Human Rights Council; United Nations Futuristic General Assembly; United Nations Historic Security Council; United Nations Commission on the Status of Women; United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs; World Trade Organization; Central Intelligence Agency; All India Political Parties Meet and International Press.