
27 Sep 2019|Noida | F-2 Auditorium

National Seminar on “Positive Childhood and Parenting in Contemporary times”


National Seminar on “Positive Childhood and Parenting in Contemporary times”


To just be a parent or also be a friend? Are we raising children of hope or hopelessness? Is the child being treated as an individual or an extension of the parents were a few questions deliberated upon at the national seminar on “Positive Childhood and Parenting in Contemporary times” held at Amity University, which was organized by Amity Institute of Psychology & Allied Sciences. Referring to the theme as most relevant in today’s changing and turbulent times, experts called for giving a positive, interactive, warm and engaging environment to children and experience the same as parents themselves for a better tomorrow.

Experts collectively opined that with the changing economic paradigm that’s making both the parents work for sustenance and the withering away of the joint family system, children today have been left to fend for themselves without much support and are constantly being pushed into competition right from the beginning. “With the breakdown of joint families, it’s important to understand and ponder on how we can create a family system and respond to the changing needs of these young children,” shared Dr. Renu Singh, Executive Director, Young Lives Research to Policy Centre.

Dr. Asha Singh, Retd. Associate Professor, Delhi University reiterated how the changing fabric of the society has brought a need to look at positive childhood and parenting. “Following the four-pronged approach of Play, Talk, Sing and Movement with your child can help in creating an experience of positivity for the children. If you want to be in your children’s memories, be in their present today,” said Dr Singh.

Dr. Naveen Kumar, Associate Professor, Delhi University stressed on the need to look at the issue of parenting and childhood in a holistic manner. “However, if families themselves are on fault lines, how can they create a support system for their children,” asked Dr Kumar referring to the increasing cases if divorce and separation.

Dr. Swati Patra, Professor, IGNOU highlighted the need to look at the child as an individual in their own rights and not as an extension of the parents. “The goals of parenting should be positive and move towards a solution-based approach and also differentiate from being a bad kid to bad behavior,” said Dr Patra.

Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, AUUP emphasized on how parenting has assumed an important and critical position in today’s times. “Parents should not impose their aspirations on the children. Instead, they should teach them what’s right and wrong, build their values and help them deal with social challenges. We cannot correct our past, but how we can be responsible for the future mindset of the present generation is in our hands,” said Dr Shukla.

The seminar was conceived to focus on latest research on comprehensive global discussions that address current issues on Positive Childhood and Parenting in Contemporary Times as an important precursor to human quality of life. A substantial gathering of Academicians, Practitioners, Psychologists, Behavioral Scientists, and Professionals from other allied fields deliberated on the theme. Around 70+Research Paper were also presented during the seminar along with the release of a ‘Souvenir’.