
25 Sep 2019|Noida | E 2 Auditorium

Amity signs MoU with ZTE Telecom

Today, Amity University Uttar Pradesh signed a MoU with ZTE Telecom India for educational collaboration to provide training to students of Electronics and Telecommunications domains, subsequently offering recruitment opportunities.


The MoU was signed by CEO-Designate  of ZTE Telecom India , Mr. Yan Xiao and Dr. Ajay Rana, Senior Vice President Amity Education Group and Director, Amity Technical Placement Cell in the presence of senior officials of ZTE and Amity.


As part of the MoU, experts from ZTE will conduct certification programs and provide 20-30 hours of training on 4G Wireless, 5G Wireless, Virtual Instrumentation and radio Signals


Welcoming the gathering, Mrs. Pooja Chauhan, Chairperson, Amity School of Film and Drama said that it is a momentous occasion when two organizations, with similar vision, are collaborating for nurturing future professionals. “We are living in a world which is global and not bounded by any boundaries or culture, and at this time of globalization, technology plays a very important role.” she averred. It is responsibility of educational institutions and industry to train the young generation by nurturing technological skills which will be essential in future. Mrs Chauhan emphasized upon the weightage given to interaction at Amity and further called upon the students to utilize the platform wherein they are provided with an opportunity to learn from global experts. Subsequently helping in shaping their career. She advised the students to use their knowledge for the betterment of society and nation building. “You are in the right era with right people, make most of it by working hard.” she adds.


Interacting with the students of Amity University, CEO-Designate  of ZTE Telecom India , Mr. Yan Xiao expressed his delight to be a part of Amity family through this association. He added that it is always a pleasure to interact with youth since young minds always have fresh ideas and constructive suggestion which benefit him. He exclaimed that with the evolution of 5G, the world is again witnessing a great revolution in the technological field.  It is the right time for the youth to explore the opportunity and learn about the advancing technology for career growth. “ZTE is world leading technology company that fully supports the digital transformation in India. I hope that through our training efforts and practice of students, we can come across the future CEO from India.” he opined. Mr. Xiao called upon the budding professionals to construct the country in a manner that India becomes the ICT leader in coming years. Sharing career advice with the students, he recommended to make a learned decision while selecting the company for work, secondly, taking one step at a time and lastly, keep learning and practicing. Don’t complain if you face any challenge, make your path towards the solution.


Dr. Ajay Rana, Senior Vice President, Amity Education Group and Director, Amity Technical Placement Cell shared the vision of Dr. Ashok K Chauhan Founder President, Amity Group of Institutions that the world doesn’t need ICT it needs ICD where I stand for Innovation, i.e inventing as per demand of system, C stand for Communication, i.e communicating your idea to the society in a right manner and lastly, D for Die, i.e if you fail then the idea may not die but can be carried forward by someone else. He apprised, “Amity has partnered with ZTE to offer Training on Latest Technology to the Electronics & Communication Branch students of 3rd year and 4th year. The course will prepare students to become Certified Technology Specialist and give them a chance to work with ZTE and get trained in their Head Quarters at China.”



The event was attended by the delegates of ZTE, senior officials and thousands of students from Amity University.