
23 Aug 2019|Noida | I 2 Moot Court

Verbum Bellum" Asian Parliamentary Debate Competition,

 To nurture the oratory skills of budding legal professionals, The Debate Disciples- Amity University Debate Club in Association with Checkmate, Debating Society, Amity Law School, Noida organized “Verbum Bellum" Asian Parliamentary Debate Competition, which concluded today, at University Campus, Sector 125 Noida 

Verbum Bellum was a two day debate competition with an aim to cultivate debating spirits and knowledge about current issues that are riling and thought provoking, particularly concerning the Youth.

More than 30 teams (3 students in each team) and 30 Independent Adjudicators from various Law Educational Institutions across the country including Lady Shriram College, Miranda House, Shiv Nadar University, Rajiv Gandhi national University of Law, Delhi University of Arts and Commerce, NLIU Bhopal, Army Institute of Law Mohali, Jaipur National University and ICFAI Law School Hyderabad amongst others had participated in the competition.

During the two days, participants debated on vast array of themes including International Relations, Sports, Nuclear Energy, Sustainable Development, Technology and Art and Culture.

The ‘Best Team’ award was conferred upon Cross team of Navneet Khubbet, Tejasvi Yadav from Miranda House and Isshan Choudhary from Amberdkar University Shivangi Ananad, Aditya Sareen and Sista Shrinivas from Shaheed Bhagat Singh were declared as the “First Runner Up” and “Best Adjudicator” award was bagged by Kasvi Bharadwaj from Jesus & Mary College.

Addressing the gathering, Shri Krishan Pal Gurjar, Minister of State, Social Justice and Empowerment said that perseverance and hard work are the two important facets for success and one should not follow the path of shortcut. He motivated the participants and said that those who were not able to win in this competition should not lose heart as they will get more opportunities in future and they can always perform better.

Sh Gurjar mentioned that the all the good work and initiative done by the government are the result of youth power behind it. Talking about the removal of Article 370 for the betterment of Kashmir is due to the willpower and the confidence of voters in its government. He remarked that India is currently witnessing the wind of change and people must keep faith that the change is for a better tomorrow.

Dr Manoj Kumar, Founder & MD, Hammurabi & Solomon said that the budding legal professionals should imbibe the art of public policy and public debate along with high quality analytic mind which would take them to pinnacle of success in the legal profession. He opined that the ability to connect with people is very important to lead any discussion, particularly in context of parliamentary debate. He commended that participating in such competitions help in understanding the workings of Parliamentary sessions and process of deliberations over issues of National interest. Addressing the budding lawyers, he exclaimed that "The ideas of youth today, will be the policies of tomorrow."  


Dr. Kumar apprised about three important aspects that need to be kept in mind when debating over any issue are: The Parliamentary debate should be in context of value system of the region without any social, economic or political disparities. Sometimes, the developmental concerns tend to become heavier than the value system. Secondly, to rightly allocate and utilize the resources for societal benefit and lastly, understanding sustainability and its importance for a better tomorrow.


Speaking on the occasion, Ms Charu Pragya, National Incharge (Legal) BJP Youth Wing advised the participants to think beyond the classroom and learn from the environment i.e by visiting the court rooms and interacting with the professionals since the best learning is through practical experience. She further suggested to focus on self-building because only then one will be able to help others. Ms. Charu remarked that in order to see the change, youngsters should become part of the system and be the change makers. She averred that one should not focus on empowering oneself only and called upon the students to empower the people around them by using their skills and education. 


Welcoming the gathering, Prof. (Dr.) D.K. Bandyopadhyay, Chairman, Amity Law Schools said that debating skills are essential in legal profession and for a law student, it becomes imperative to develop the art of arguing or debating. Dr. Bandyopadhay expressed his hope that through this competition, the participants will be able to develop their articulating ability and learn through peers. He averrred that it is important to empower the students in terms of their own learning, and such competitions channelize and nurture their skills which help them in professional development.