
10 Jun 2019|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall

Guest lecture on “The WTO Dispute Settlement System: Is the end near?”


The International Affairs Department (IAD) of Amity University, Noida organized a Faculty Development Program wherein Prof. (Dr) Peter Van den Bossche, Director of Studies of the World Trade Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland delivered an Exclusive International Guest Lecture on “The WTO Dispute Settlement System: Is the end near?” at Amity University, Noida Campus.


The objective of the lecture was to familiarize the faculty members with the problems which the World trade organization (WTO) is facing in the contemporary scenario and the issues related to the dispute settlement system of the WTO.


Prof. (Dr) Peter Van den Bossche talked about the various facets of trade issues and how the trade related disputes and disagreements among the countries are getting more and more intricate in nature. He apprised, earlier the International appellate bodies had a time limit of 90 days to solve a trade related dispute. However, owing to the complexity of the issues and the testimonies presented by various countries, the deadline to solve the dispute is hardly met. He informed that often countries accuse the appellate courts of judicial activism if the judgement falls in the favor of the rival country. He averred that the WTO is facing a tough time when attempts are being made to undermine its independence and impartiality. He exclaimed that the only feasible solution to this problem is when there is a dialogue between the appellate court and the WTO members and when the countries themselves are willing and ready to have a dialogue among themselves about their dispute. He proposed that a new system can also be created for time being in order to fix these problems and expedite the process so that the International Relations could come to harmony till some extent.

Hundreds of Faculty members, Research Scholars, Academicians from Amity attended the lecture.