
24 May 2019|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall

Faculty Development Programme on the theme, ’Innovation in Teaching, Learning Process and Research’

 Amity Institution of Education in collaboration with Amity Academic Staff College is organizing a 7-day Faculty Development Programme on the theme, ’Innovation in Teaching, Learning Process and Research’ at Amity University, Noida from 24th May to 31st May, 2019. The objective of the programme is to hone the skills of the faculty members and encourage them to seek for newer and innovative methods of pedagogy.

Welcoming the guests and the audience, Prof. (Dr) Alka Muddgal, Head, Amity Institute of Education apprised that mode of imparting education across the world is changing rapidly therefore we need to adapt with the changing norms and modes of education. She exclaimed that “In order to hone the skills of our students, we first need to hone our own skills by making the best use of the technologies available. We nee to integrate the current technologies to make learning a better experience for the students.” She mentioned that social networking, blogging, digital portfolios, creating digital interface and organizing quizzes are various methods to make teaching a holistic experience. She stressed that Education 4.0, pioneered by Amity, has paved the way for teachers to shape their students into successful professionals and entrepreneurs in the industry. 

Prof. Arun C. Mehta, Head, Educational Management Information System, NUEPA very fervently stated the issues that the Indian Education System is facing in the current scenario. He apprised that earlier there was a dearth of data available about the educational institutions in India. He informed that through the Unified District Information System for Education (DISE) we can access the precise data available, about each and every educational institute in India. Through the available data the teachers can have a clear assessment about where they stand in the hierarchy of the system and what changes do we need to bring in for better pedagogy. Sharing and disseminating the data about the educational teaching can be very helpful in shaping the future of our country. 

Prof. Dr. Ranjana Bhatia, Acting Director, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences (AIPS) apprised the teachers about various methods through which their students can learn better. Some of them included Cross-over learning, learning through argumentation, incidental learning, context-based learning, computational learning, learning by doing, embodied learning, analytics of emotions and stealth analytics. She exclaimed the current phase is the best phase for experimentation and innovation in the field of pedagogy so as teachers we must not hesitate in seeking newer ways of teaching, remarked Professor Mehta.

The second day of FDP started with the welcoming of the resource persons Prof. (Dr.) Saroj Sharma Head, Department of Education, GGSIP University and Dr. Nisha Singh, Deputy Director (R&D), IGNOU by Prof.(Dr.)

Dr. Saroj Sharma presented her views on “Paradigm shift in methodology of Educational Research”.  Session II was taken by Dr. Nisha Singh on ‘Development of MOOCs’. In her keynote address Dr. Nisha highlighted the importance of indigenous MOOC’s for bridging the gap of lack of qualified teachers, resources, infrastructure to provide quality education to the masses.  The third day of the FDP commenced with the welcome of the resource person of the day Dr. G Mythili, Deputy Director STRIDE, IGNOU.The session theme ‘E-learning Platform and Virtual learning’ started off with introduction to e-learning by the resource person and then it led to design and development of the same.

The fourth Day started with the resource person, Prof. Pranati Panda from Comparative Education and International Cooperation Department, National University of Educational Planning and administration (NUEPA) Delhi. She delivered her lecture on “Global Trends and Innovations in Educational research”.  The fifth day of the FDP ,initiated with the plenary session  chaired by Dr. Alka Muddgal  and Dr. Gyanendra Nath Tiwari on, ‘Movies and Social Media to enhance teaching learning process’ with an interactive discussion on innovative measures used by teachers, during the session the faculty members and the other participants shared  their first hand experiences in their classrooms and with the learners. The sixth day of FDP started with Prof (Dr) Ramesh C Sharma, PhD (Educational Technology) having specialization in Web 2.0 technologies and on-line learning.  Dr Sharma presented his views on A Journey from Web 2.0 to web 4.0 in Education’. The resource person of last day Professor T.P. Sharma from Department of Science and Mathematics, NCERT started with a reflective discussion with participants about the need and significance of ‘Innovation in Teaching in current times’.

Prof. (Dr.) Alka Muddgal then convened the session wherein participants shared their views on character development of teachers for acting as perfect role models for students. She appealed the participants for being in touch with each other and acting as a community to try and bring some positive change in our society through the Education System. Dr. Mahima Gupta proposed the Vote of Thanks.

 Professors and Faculties from various departments and institutes participated in the programme.