
05 Apr 2019|Noida | I 2 Moot Court

"Scholarship Award Function"

To motivate and promote talent in academics and sports, Amity University organized the "Scholarship Award Function" at University campus, Sector 125 Noida.

On the first day, a total of 759 students from Noida and Greater Noida campus were awarded the Scholarship. 197 students received "Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan on Admission Scholarships", 186 were awarded "Continuation of Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan on Admission Scholarships"; 311 were awarded "On Admission Merit Scholarships (50%"); 11 students received On Admission Merit Scholarships (25%) and 55 were awarded On Admission Merit Scholarships (20%) by Mr. Amol Chauhan; Dr. Gurinder Singh, Amity Group Vice Chancellor, Dr. Balvinder Shukla, VC, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, and Dr. Bandyopadhyay, Chairman, Amity Law Schools.

Dr. Alka Munjaal, Chairperson, Scholarship Award Committee said that with a dream to improve education in the country, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan-Founder president of Amity Education Group has been awarding scholarships worth crores every year and explained various Scholarships that are being awarded to the students and criteria for being selected as a scholarship recipient.

She mentioned that depending upon the performance of students, they are being awarded with 100 percent and 50 percent fees waiver, which continue throughout the programme based on their performance every semester.

Congratulating the Scholarship recipients, Dr. Atul Chauhan, Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh said that it is a proud moment not just for the University but for the family members of the meritorious students who have gathered here today to celebrate their success. He lauded the parents and grandparents for nurturing the value system in their wards that have sowed the seed of brilliance from the very start. He apprised that there is no bigger dream for a parents than the success of their child and for them to have a better life, they sacrifice a lot in their life. 

Dr. Chauhan mentioned that Amity was established by respected Founder President Ashok K Chauhan with a vision to provide the best possible exposure to the young minds of India since he believe that Indians especially the young generation which will lead the world towards peace and make the world a better place.

He called upon the students to imbibe the value of educating and helping at least one person, in future, and encourage them to help others since the ripple effect of this deed will be phenomenal towards nation building. He shared that the marks and degrees is helpful by 10-15% in future but the right values imbibed at young age will help in being successful at a long run.

Dr. Chauhan advised the scholarship recipients, "Don't rest on your laurels as it is a competitive world and the day you stop moving forward means you are going backwards."

Addressing the gathering, welcoming the august gathering, Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor Amity University Uttar Pradesh congratulated the meritorious students and said, "It’s a day to celebrate the achievements of students who have put in a lot of hard work and dedication to achieve this feat." It is the blessings and untiring support of teachers and parents that encourage the students to perform their best, she added. Dr. Shukla remarked that for one to be successful in life, it is important for an individual to imbibe discipline and honesty is their life as well as profession.

She lauded the parents who have contributed immensely in the success of their wards and have made several sacrifices, kept them away from numerous distractions and non-productive activities.

She stressed that it is the partnership between teachers and parents that is a major contributor of student's success and excellence in life. Dr. Shukla congratulated the parents and grandparents who have come all the way to witness the proud moment. She averred that it is important to be a good human being along with scoring good marks and advised the students to accept their success with humbleness and keep aspiring for higher goals.

The proud recipients of the scholarships expressed their heartfelt gratitude to their parents, faculty members and institution for their achievement and success.

Expressing her gratitude, Anuriti Tiwari- a Scholarship recipient said that she is lucky to have two families, one at home and one at Amity, and it is the equal contribution of both that inspired her to achieve her goal. She thanked her parents her for giving her freedom of individuality and leading her own path that led her to perform her best. She assured to make her parents proud every year and bring more laurels to Alma Mater in future.

“I would like to thank Amity for motivating students to work hard and aspire them to be passionate towards their dreams and goals.” said Sparsh Patela, student of Amity Institute of Biotechnology and a Scholarship recipient.

Sharing their views, Parents of Sukanya Mehta who is pursuing MA in Psychology and a recipient of 100% Scholarship Award expressed their gratitude to Amity for providing a 'spring board' to their daughter from where she will jump high towards her goal. They appreciated the compulsory Military Training Camp as part of course curriculum and called it a one of a kind progarmme that has instilled good characteristics in the child which will be helpful to her lifelong. 

Mr. Anurag, father of Anushree - recipient of Continuation of Scholarship Award informed that both his children have been part of Amity family since nursery and he is extremely proud of it. He shared that it is not only the brilliant mindset that pursues the child perform best but it is the self-satisfaction they derive out of their success. He lauded Amity for imbibing the feeling of Independence and inculcating a strong value system that helps in their holistic development.

Father of Manan Kathuria, another 100% Scholarship Award recipient commended Amity for providing an atmosphere wherein a student seeks knowledge as well as wisdom. He apprised that the in Amity, the quest to learn increases with time in the students.