
21 Feb 2019|Noida | E 2 Auditorium

Antarrashtriya Matrabhasha Diwas

Amity Institute of Education (AIS) in association with Commission of Scientific and Technical Terminology (Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India) organized a two-day consortium at Amity University, Noida. The consortium focused at empowering our native language and change the perception which people have about their native language. Dignitaries from various fields were present during the inaugural session of the event. Dr. Alka Mudgal. Head / Professor, AIS and Dr. Ranjana Bhatia, Acting Director, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, welcomed all the guests on the occasion.

Addressing the gathering, Mr. Rahul Mahajan, Chief Editor, Rajya Sabha Television said that people often view the English language from a different perspective and think that if they are unable to speak English, they will acquire no status in the society. He told that every language has its own importance, which is important for communication. He averred, “Sanskrit language is instilled with knowledge and culture therefore this language is beyond comparison.” He apprised that for countries like China, Russia, Japan and France, their native language holds top importance and they do not give much significance to English language therefore they are successful.

Shri Sanatan Kumar, Deputy Director, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, said that he is glad to be a part of the event which aims to empower our native language. He exclaimed that in English, as a language, is hardly 400-500 years old however Hindi is much older than it. He told that our language has not got the status which it should have had acquired in the current scenario.

Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice-Chancellor, Amity University exclaimed that people have developed this mentality that those who use Hindi as a mode of communication are perceived as less intellectual. Language should never be a factor to assess the knowledge and intelligence of a person. She opined that if we don’t love our language, it means that we don’t love ourselves. The technological advancements that are taking place today, their developments have already been written thousands of years back in our Vedas. She exclaimed that we must always respect our vernacular language because only when we respect our language, we won’t be addressed as slaves of other’s language.

Faculties and guests of Amity University were also present on the occasion.