
11 Oct 2018|Noida | F 2 Auditorium

Conference ‘Infinity 2018’ on the theme “Digitization and Digitalization: Past, Present and Future”

To abreast the budding professionals about emerging opportunities and impact on business models due to digital movement, Amity Business School commenced a two day conference ‘Infinity 2018’ on the theme “Digitization and Digitalization: Past, Present and Future” at Amity University Noida campus.

Welcoming the gathering, Dr. J S Sodhi, Group CIO & Sr Vice President-Amity Education Group said that a new security paradigm has been created with a shift from industrial era to information era, resulting in new threats at National level as well as for individual security. “With rapid penetration of technology and growing automation, developed Nations enjoy a better technological life but it makes them more vulnerable too.” he avers. He stressed that emerging threats such as cyber-crime, cyber terrorism cyber espionage and cyber raw seems to happen almost daily. Despite the knowing potential harm, many organizations doesn’t take necessary steps to defend their companies against such attacks. He mentioned that there is a need for a systematic National response and cyber protection plan. Dr. Sodhi remarked that cyber insecure Digital India can turn from a strategic asset to an unaffordable liability causing direct threat to National security. “India must ensure safe navigation through cyber space and it is absolutely imperative that security isbuilt in as an essential design parameter.” emphasizes Dr. Sodhi

Apprising about various digital initiatives by Government of India, Ms. Tulika Pandey, Scientist 'F' at Department of Electronics & Information Technology, Govt.of India said that the initiatives by the Government are designed in such away wherein youngsters can partake not only as beneficiaries but can also contribute by innovating applications, suggesting new ways of using the existing technology and signifying new technological interference for providing better services. She informed that Aadhar scheme was introduced with intend to provide a digital identity to every user to help them become a smart citizen in the developing cyber world. She further briefed about e-library services,digital locker for storing documents online, UMANG to access Indian Government services online etc.

Ms. Pandey stressed that every individual’s personal data is a precious commodity and is sold in cyber world by the data providers. The data is collected through the information people simply fill and share on various social platforms. She emphasized that it is important for people to realize that their data is a personal property and must learn to bifurcate the information for personal use and general use, digitally. She averred that the need of the hour is to impart digital literacy amongst the people to make them digitally empowered. She remarked that a person cannot be called a ‘Digital Literate’ if the individual is not aware about the ethics and etiquettes of using social media, various apps and their impact of downloading without validating its source, storing passwords digitally or sharing content online without any seriousness. She called upon the gathering to introspect whether they are digitally literate intrue sense or not.

Addressing the gathering, Mr. Biswajit Rath, Chief Operating Officer, Network Services said that technology has evolved in manifolds but India is still behind 10 years as per global standards.  He explained that digital presence has become mandatory for every person, similarly, business models are redefined to create an impact digitally- in sync with the digital information shared by the people. He shared that there is a difference in the way technology is being used by native digital companies and those companies who are taking incremental steps for being digital to transform themselves from being system of records to system of experiences. He pointed out that digitization and digitalization has opened new avenues to explore for budding professionals. Mr. Rath urged the students to create a successful business model by leveraging the existing gap sand providing better services through technology. He advised the students to be digital savvy and suggested them to unlearn in order to learn new things otherwise they will get marginalized.

During the occasion, Model Career Centre in association with Ministry of Labour &Employment was inaugurated at Amity by the delegates.

Unveiling the Model Career Centre, Shri S. B. Singh- DDG (Emp), Ministry of Labour & Employment said, “this initiative by Government of India is to provide education and employment opportunities to youth through a single platform.” He highlighted the key components of the project including National Career Service Portal, Model Career Centre and interlinked with the Employment agencies. He emphasized on the fact that the Model Career Centres would go along way in bridging the skill requirement by industry with the work force available through counseling and training. He shared that digitization of services will help netizens have access of nationwide opportunities. Shri Singh opined that in this digital era, digitization is the only solution to fulfill the people’s needs.

Prof.(Dr.) Sanjeev Bansal, Dean FMS, Director ABS & Chairperson INFINITY 2018 briefed about the objectives of Infinity 2018 which is aimed to provide a common platform to researchers, academicians, scientists, industry leaders and students to discuss about the expected paradigm shift in future business models and entrepreneurship opportunities due to digital advancements. 

During the plenary sessions, eminent speakers including Col Inderjeet, CIO & CISO,Vara United, Society for Data Science; Mr. Nishith Pathak, Vice President at Accenture Technology Labs; Ms. Rama Vedashree, CEO - Data Security Council of India; Mr. Rakesh Kharwal, Director- Enterprise Business at McAfee deliberated upon various topics including ‘Cyber Security and Cyber Warfare’ and ‘Block Chain Technology’.