
11 Oct 2018|Noida | C Block Auditorium

Guest Lecture on the spiritual aspects of Judaism

A guest lecture on the spiritual aspects of Judaism under the lecture series on Learning through diverse philosophies was organized by Amity Institute of Education at University campus, Sector 125 Noida.

 Addressing the gathering, Prof. Ezekiel Isaac Malekar, Priest and head Jewish community, Delhi, Former registrar National human right commission, Delhi apprised about the idea of three subdivisions of Judaism i.e. Philosophy , Mythology, Religion . He shared that spirituality is all about inculcating values such as Humility, Compassion, Mercy, Love towards the fellow citizens. 

He brought along a varied range of symbols to show to the present audience, and make them understand the significance of each one.For eg. Kippah, a male prayer cap as a sign of respect towards god and Tallith,a shawl made up of 613 threads symbolic of the no. of commandments given toMoses. He laid emphasis on the importance of focusing on inner self instead of outer self is the main preaching of Spirituality, the 8th dimension of human life.

The lecture thereby, was enlightening, the students appreciated the session by a standing  ovation to Mr. Malekar for his words of wisdom.