
28 Sep 2018|Noida | F2 Auditorium

2nd National Conference, AMIFOST-2018 on the theme “Recent Innovations and Technological Developments in Food Science & Technology”

Increasing demand from healthconscious consumers, the global trend is for developing food products thatprovide nutritional and health benefits. Providing a platform to discuss the trends & innovations in the field,Amity Institute of Food Technology in association with National SugarInstitute, Kanpur organized 2nd National Conference, AMIFOST-2018 onthe theme “Recent Innovations and Technological Developments in Food Science& Technology” at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida.

Theobjective of the conference was to deliberate on innovations in technology fora diverse emerging, global food processing industry.

Welcomingthe gathering, Dr. V.K. Modi, Head of Institution, Amity Institute of FoodTechnology, said that processed food industries have played a vital role inimproving the marketability and consumer acceptability of the foods by usingnewer developed technologies. He also mentioned a few new concepts that havebeen adopted by food processors which have proved a success story in the world.

Inthe introductory address, Dr. AshutoshBajpai, Professor, National Sugar Institute mentioned that India is theglobal leader in sugar production. He also clarified the myth that sugar isresponsible for the lifestyle diseases. He stressed the fact that sugar is agood source of energy to masses and moderate use of sugar is the way forward togood health.

Addressing the gathering Mr. Arun Mishra, ExecutiveVice President & Head-ISC, Glaxo Smith Kline ConsumerHealthcare, Gurugram,said that India being a booming economy, consumer convenience factor should bethe key consideration in food innovations. He emphasized on interdisciplinaryresearch and expressed that the budding researchers should not confinethemselves to the silos of their own fields. He highlighted the diverse benefits the consumers canreap through such interdisciplinary research. He also emphasized on strengthening collaborative researchbetween industry and academia.

Sharingher views, Dr. Neena Gupta, DG, Family Welfare, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh stressed on theimportance and need of processed food as one of the healthier option for thesociety. This will ultimately help in reducing the agricultural unprocessedwaste and boost the economic growth. She also expressed her views onbenchmarking of traditional Indian food which our society is consuming sinceages.

TheTechnical Session-1 was addressed by eminent researchers and industry personnelsuch as Prof. Dr. Manjeet Aggarwal, HoD(BAS) & Dean (Research), National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurshipand Management, Sonepat, Dr. R.R.Sharma,Principal Scientist, IndianAgricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, Dr. Rituja Upadhyay, Sr. PostDoc. Fellow, ZJGSU, Hangzhou, China, Ms. Padmaparna Dasgupta, Head-Policy, Regulatory & Govt. Affairs, Kellogg’s India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhiand Mr. Krishan Gupta, Managing Director, Organic Wellness Products Pvt.Ltd. Gurugram.

 Thesession was chaired by Mr.Parminder Singh Joshi, Category Technical Expert- SAR Region(Foods), Nestle (India) Ltd., Gurugram. Prof. Manjeet talked about the recent innovations in food science andtechnology. Dr. R. R. Sharma informed the audience about particle films as anew technology for preservation of fruits whereas Dr. Rituja talked about Food Oral Processing and Tribology in foods. Sheemphasized that oral tribology is an unexplored field and will be an advancingstep in Food Technology. Ms. Padmaparna Dasgupta expressed the need for regulations in thefood industry and how regulations can lead to innovations. She explained thiswith the current regulations on use of plastic and how it has paved way for thealternatives. She also talked about the dynamic changes and harmonization ofdifferent food regulations laws in India. Mr. Krishnan also discussed about therole of the new innovation technologies in the farmer and village level. Heemphasized on the importance of these innovations at grass root level.


The Technical Session-II saw industry experts Dr. G.S.C.Rao, Chairman& MD, Global Cane Sugar Services Pvt. Ltd., Mr. R. L. Tamak, Executive Director, DCM Sriram Ltd., Mr. Sanjay Awasthi, President- SugarTechnologist’s Association of India and Business Head, ISGEC Heavy EngineeringLtd. and Mr. Ramit Gupta, BusinessHead, Integrated Casetech Pvt. Ltd., deliberate on innovations and new markettrends in Sugar and sugar derivatives. The session was chaired by Dr. Ashutosh Bajpai. They discussedabout the status, developments and issues faced by sugar industry in India.They also explained the use of sugar derivatives in food processing and as asugar substitute.

Theconference was attended by around 300 participants from Pan India. During theday, 80 researchers from different institutions showcased their research in theoral and poster presentations.