17 Aug 2018|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall
Dr.James Carson, The University of Waikato delivers lecture at Amity
Dr.James Carson, The University of Waikato delivers lecture at Amity
Underthe Interactive International Lecture series, Amity International AffairsDivision organized a guest lecture by Dr. James Carson, Senior Lecturer, Schoolof Engineering, The University of Waikato on topic ‘The science and engineeringbehind New Zealand’s long distance food exports’ at Amity University, Sector125 Noida
Welcomingthe gathering, Mr. Manoj Sharma, International Affairs Division briefedabout the guest, Dr. James Carson and said that Dr. Carson has researchinterests in refrigeration, food engineering and thermo dynamics. He mentionedthat the lecture will help students understand the importance of research forimproving a business.
Addressingthe gathering, Dr. James Carson shared that New Zealand has land andclimate ideal for farming. He apprised that food exports is critical to NewZealand’s economy since about 45% of export earnings are from food products butdue to geographical isolation, the major challenge in food export is to ensurethat food arrives at it’s destination in a sale-able state. He pointed that theCountry’s export cold chains are some of the longest in the world and is veryvital for the economy. He remarked that continual adaptation and improvementare required in order to remain competitive.
Dr.Carson mentioned that the recent practice by shipping lines of reducing thespeed, known as slow steaming, poses threats to New Zealand's export markets,particularly chilled food products. Since increase in time of travel willdecrease the shelf life of the product. He informed that researchers andscientists are conducting extensive research to improve processing hygiene toextend the shelf life of food products.
Briefingabout the research projects, Dr. Carson said that major research themes forrefrigerated foods relate to shelf life extension and product qualitymaintenance or enhancement during processing such as experiments are done bylowering transportation temperature while maintaining the chilled state, alsothe food processing is tested by varying aging time, temperature and freezingtime to improve the quality.
Thelecture was attended by hundreds of students of Amity University.