
08 Mar 2018|Noida | LG Floor, F ! Block

Assessment Camp for Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) conducted at Amity University

Amity Institute of Physiology &Allied Sciences (AIPAS), AmityInstitute of Physiotherapy (AIPT)and Amity Institute of Occupational Therapy (AIOT) in association with CiplaLtd. started a 3 days free Assessment Camp for Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) at Amity University Noida Campus.

Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) is animportant tool in the investigation and monitoring of patients with respiratorypathology, providing important information related to large and small airways,the pulmonary parenchyma and the size and integrity of the pulmonary capillarybed.

Morethan 100 students, faculty members and staff of Amity University were checkedduring camp.

Dr. Arpana Sarkar, Director, AIPASapprised that there has been sharp rise in cases of respiratory illness due toworsening air quality. She mentioned that smoking and lack of regular exerciseroutine are other major causes of respiratory diseases. Dr. Sarkar emphasizedthat the camp has been organized to evaluate the respiratory system ofstudents, faculty members and staff of Amity and also to spread awareness aboutrespiratory diseases and preventions that can be adopted for healthyrespiratory system.

Duringthe camp, Mr. Sanjeev Verma, Educator Manager, Breather Free campaign, CiplaLtd and Mr. Udit, Sr Technician conducted the  Pulmonary Function Test and also monitored the Blood Pressure, Pulse, weight and height.