
07 May 2018|Noida | I 2 Moot Court

‘Week of Belongingness’ commences at Amity to strengthen the bond amongst Amitians

Aweek long celebrations kicked off today to commemorate the ‘Day ofBelongingness’ which marks the birthday of Amity University Uttar Pradesh’sChancellor, Dr. Atul Chauhan, at Amity University, Sector 125 Noida.

Thisday is observed to spread the message of love, brotherhood and compassionamongst the Amitians, to display the sense of belongingness. 

Welcomingthe gathering, Dr (Prof.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, AmityUniversity Uttar Pradesh emphasized on the importance of ‘Belongingness’ inboth personal and professional life.  She briefed about variousachievements and milestones attained by Amity over the years under the ableguidance of Dr. Atul Chauhan. Dr. Shukla referred Dr. Atul Chauhan as a truerole model for his compassion, integrity and commitment to core values and tothe institution.

Chairperson,Amity International Schools, Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhannarrated a few couplets from the very poem-Karamveer by Ram Dhani Dinkar andmentioned that Dr. Atul is not only a visionary leader to students but also agreat human being.

Highlightingthe distinguished achievements of Dr. Atul Chauhan, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan,Founder President,Amity Education Group said Chancellor AUUP hascharismatic approach and utmost dedication to achieve goals. He remarked thatbelongingness is a powerful tool which holds great values and if rightlyimbibed can bring peace and harmony into the world.  Dr. Chauhan furtheremphasized on the importance of principle of connectivity.

Sharinghis views, Dr. Aseem Chauhan, Chancellor, Amity University Haryana saidthat Dr.Atul Chauhan has always promoted the concept of common goal and commitmenttowards achieving a mission amongst Amitians. He mentioned that over the years,Dr. Atul has influenced lives of millions and has redefined the future with hishardwork and persistence. He called upon every Amitian to hold on the feelingof belongingness and further multiply it to make Amity the most impactful andrelevant education group in the world.

Mr.Ajith Chauhan, Chairman, Amity Directorate of Distance & Online Education calledDr. Atul Chatham as a Superhero and referred to him as a 'true Alexander ofAmity' with a vision to establish Amity campus across the globe.

Expressinghis gratitude towards the blessings and wishes, Dr. Atul Chauhan,Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh said that he can feel thecompassion and sense of belongingness amongst every person associated withAmity. He appreciated the faculty members and staff of Amity who havecontributed immensely for the growth of Amity group and putting Amity’s welfareas priority. He remarked that the biggest strength is the strength of familybond and no greatness can be achieved alone. Dr. Chauhan opined that with thesupport of such committed people, together, Amity can create a history andleave behind a legacy of achievements. He called upon the faculty members toinculcate the feeling of belongingness in every student of Amity as when theywill praise about Amity to others then it will be marked as the real success.

Dr.Chauhan also announced a new mission called ‘Students’ Happiness’ wherein everyweek an initiative by University will be conducted to ensure that the happinessof students are increased.

During the occasion,Amity Rejuvenation Club was launched by the delegates and an initiative torecognize and award the Amitians was also announced by the Chancellor, AmityUniversity Uttar Pradesh.