
16 May 2018|Noida | I 2 Moot Court

Amitasha students mesmerize audience during their Annual Day performance!

Inorder to spread the message of equality and welfare of the girl child, Amitycelebrated the Annual Day function of Amitasha (a school for the lessprivileged girl children) based on the theme ‘Sandesh Tarang’.


Amitashahas served as a powerful tool for the unprivileged girls to live their lifewith love, respect, and dignity. The Founder President of Amity Dr Ashok KChauhan, Chairperson of Amity International Schools, Dr Mrs Amita Chauhan, MsGeeta Pandey, Distinguished Guest (Editor, India Women and Social Affairs, BBCNews online, BBC News) and many other prominent dignitaries from all walks oflife including Padma Bhushan Dr. Saroja Vaidyanathan, a choreographer, guru andexponent of Bharatanatyam were present during the occasion.


Thetheme of the function was ‘Sandesh Tarang’, wherein girls from Amitashaperformed a dance drama divided into short stories adapted from Hitopadeshwhere each story had a takeaway message in the end for the audience likefriendship, equality, courtesy and etiquettes.


Theaudience was spell bound by their fabulous performance on stage. The girls ofAmitasha exhibited confidence, pride and exuberance while presenting themselvesin front of the large gathering present at the occasion. Dressed in colourfulattires, their faces were lit up with joy and gratitude as they shared theirjourney with Amistasha and how they have transformed from unprivileged girls tobetter, confident, educated and accomplished individuals who are ready to takeon the world. Although they are provided education in Hindi, but the girlsconfidently compered the function in fluent English and proved that thelanguage is not a barrier to their learning. The parents of the girls werebeaming with happiness and felt proud seeing their captivating performance infront of such a large audience.


Addressing the gathering, Dr. (Mrs.) AmitaChauhan thanked everyone for their presence which she stressed, will go along way in motivating Amitasha girls. She emphasized that it is very importantto nurture girls with good values and ethics as they are the backbones of theirfamilies. She mentioned that Amitasha believes in instilling righteousness,good values and hard work in all the students. Motivatingthe students, Dr. (Mrs.) Chauhan remarked that Amitasha students have enormouspotential as they secure higher percentage in board exams than some of theprivileged ones since they have the will and enthusiasm to study. She alsomentioned that due to Amity’s teach beyond classrooms approach, these studentsexcel in all walks of life.


Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President of AmityEducation Group, remarked that the thought behind Amitasha is extraordinary aseducating one girl child means educating many others. He also urged theaudience to take out some time from their everyday life and contribute towardssocial good.


Distinguished guest of the evening, Ms GeetaPandey said that she is extremely happy to be a part of such a wonderfulevent. She made an appeal to all the parents in audience to let their girl childstudy for as long as possible as good education would make them independent andwill also empower them to fulfill their dreams. She also said that students ofAmitasha are the future of India and world and that they are our hope for abetter tomorrow.


Dr Mrs Amita Chauhan felicitated all the donorsof Amitasha who had whole heartedly contributed towards the noble cause of ‘educatingthe girl child.’


Students of Amitasha were also awarded withtrophies for their excellence in terms of results, discipline, punctuality andneatness etc. Anushka Mishra, a class 12 student was declared as the BestAll-Rounder student and was conferred upon with Dr. (Mrs) Asha BhargavaMemorial Award for her academic excellence, sincerity, discipline and diligence.


Receiving the award, Anushka expressedher gratitude towards Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan for providing her opportunitiesand access to quality education which has helped her in becoming a better andmore capable individual. Feeling confident about herself, Anushka expressed heraspiration to become a psychologist in future and help other unprivileged girlsin shaping their futures.


About Amitasha


Amitasha, is not just a social initiative, buta commitment to empower girls with holistic education to become worthy citizensof India. The goal is achieved through providing quality education, personalityenhancement and healthcare facilities; thus empowering a whole generation toface the challenges of life with the same spirit and bring them at the samelevel as that of the privileged ones.  It started in the year 2000 withonly 35 girl students and today, there are five Amitasha schools in Delhi andNCR with over 1200 girls enrolled in them who are provided free meals, books,uniforms etc. The school aims to give wings to the girl children for fulfillingtheir dreams and realizing their potential to the fullest.