
21 May 2018|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall

Amity Institute of Education in collaboration with Academic Staff College commences Faculty Development Programme

Amity Institute of Education in collaboration with Academic Staff College commences seven- DayFaculty Development Programme on 'Blending ICT with teaching –learning andResearch' at Amity University wherein 112 delegates have participated across the country.

Dr. Gyanendra Nath Tiwari highlighted the objectives of the development programme followed by welcome address by Prof. (Dr.) Alka Muddgal, Head of Amity Instituteof Education.

Guest of Honor, Prof. (Dr.) Harjit Kaur Bhatia talked about importance of technology inone’s life. She pointed out that technology has made us and curriculum shouldinclude technology in the form of multimedia or any other mode of ICT. Shetalked about SWAYAM PRABHA and SWAYAM platforms of learning.

Addressing the gathering, Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh Prof. (Dr.)Balvinder Shukla talked about the relevance of the team and need ofcollaborations in teaching learning and research.  She focussed on the efforts of Amity toachieve the goal of quality education at national and international level. 

The inauguralsession ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Mahima Gupta.

After a short break plenary session started bythe speaker Prof. Harjeet K Bhatia. The first subject for discussion was aboutflipped learning Pedagogy and Flipped classroom as an instructional strategyand a type of blended learning that facilitates the traditional learningenvironment by delivering instructional content often online, outside theclassroom. Prof. Dr. Harjeet K Bhatia talked about two assumptions; first onewas technology does not transform education and need of curiosity essential forlearning in flipped classroom