
20 Apr 2018|Noida |

Inauguration of “Amity Society for Nuclear Security”

“AmitySociety for Nuclear Security” under the aegis of Amity Institute of NuclearScience & Technology (AINST) was inaugurated by Dr. Ashok K Chauhan,Founder President- Amity Education Group; Prof. R. Rajaraman, ProfessorEmeritus, School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University; Air MarshalVinod Patney, DG, Centre for Air Power Studies (CAPS); Dr. W Selvamurthy,President, Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation and Dr. AlpanaGoel, Director AINST, today at University campus, Sector 125, Noida.

AmitySociety for Nuclear Security aims to provide a common platform forAcademicians, Scholars and Experts dealing with Nuclear Science and Technologyin India. The society intend to focus on the challenges, strategies and reformsin providing access to Nuclear Security of Material/ Facility for Teaching andResearch.

Addressingthe gathering, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan said that nuclear energy plays anincreasingly important role in India’s energy security and sustainabledevelopment plans. He emphasized that understanding of nuclear security interms of technical, policy, and regulatory aspects is very important forachieving and maintaining e a high level of safety and security at nuclearfacilities, worldwide. Dr. Chauhan called upon the scientists to providevaluable suggestions towards reforming the security of nuclear energy.

Talkingabout “Role of Civil Society in Nuclear Security” Prof. R. Rajaraman,Professor Emeritus, School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University saidthat there have been anti-nuclear protests stressing the dangers ofradioactivity on people and the environment. After Fukushima reactor explosion,the protests were re-energized empowered. Prof. Rajaraman shared that officialsfrom Department of Atomic Energy have researched that villagers who live inareas adjoining the nuclear plants do not seem to have suffered statisticallysignificant increase of cancer or genetic damage. He emphasized the offices ofscientists and other employees wouldn’t had been located inside or around thenuclear plants, if these had posed hazard to health. He averred that nuclearenergy if not the only source of non-carbon based energy available to fill thegap of electricity generation. Severable renewable resources like wind andsolar energy units exist but are not persuaded seriously. Though, the presentgovernment is now strongly supporting the growth of solar energy.

Hestressed that Government and social activists must educate people about nuclearhazards pro-actively but in a responsible and balanced manner. There is a needto address the public perception and fears in the matter, he opined.

Sharinghis views, Dr. R. K. Singh, DAE Raja Ramanna Fellow, Ex-Head, Reactor SafetyDivision, BARC, Mumbai said that there are multiple challenges with alltypes of reactor systems. He stressed that need of the hour is to have asystematic research and development which is backed up by experimental programfollowed with analytic evaluations.

Speaking on the occasion, Air Marshal VinodPatney, DG, Centre for Air Power Studies (CAPS) said that there are variousways to enhance the nuclear security. He outlined that long term re-precautionsneed to be taken and surveys should be conducted to assess the number of peoplewho doesn’t have much knowledge or have misapprehensions regarding nuclearenergy. Air Marshal Patney pointed out that there are specified rules andpatterns for nuclear security which must be reviewed.