
14 Feb 2018|Noida | F2 Auditorium

Amity Business School organizes International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Leadership (ICEL)

AmityUniversity Uttar Pradesh (AUUP) in association with MSME, DI-New Delhi startedthree day International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Leadership (ICEL) onthe theme “Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Value Creation” at UniversityCampus, Sector 125 Noida. The objectives of the three dayconference is to provide a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs, academia,industry, Government and policy makers to share their research and ideas toinstill entrepreneurial spirit amongst students and community in general and topromote the basic and applied entrepreneurial research in different sectors ofbusiness industry.


Addressingthe gathering, Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla, Chair-ICEL’18 & ViceChancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh said that entrepreneurs have thecapability to be catalyst to transform the economy. Dr. Shukla apprised thatwith fierce competition in market, constant innovation is required. Businessesneed to be redefined every day. She averred that collaborative efforts ofGovernment, Educational Institutions and aspiring Entrepreneurs will resultinto sustained economic growth.


Inauguratingthe conference, Mr. Scott McKinley, Global Head, Amazon Web Services (AWS)Academy advised the students not to take shortcuts but work hard towards achievingtheir goals. He pointed out that a successful entrepreneur has the ability tosee the future and customer needs with rose tinted magnified glasses. Mr. Scottemphasized that understanding the individual customer’s requirement is criticalfor every business. He opined that entrepreneurship is not just to make moneybut it is about the idea, the entrepreneur believed in passionately. 


Addressingthe gathering, The Ambassador of Romania, H.E. Mr. Radu Octavian Dobre saidthat the world is going through a difficult phase and in the next 5years, commerce and different economic relations between states will bediscussed thoroughly on various International platforms. His Excellency Mr.Dobre invited aspiring entrepreneurs to establish business relations withRomania.


Mr.Vijay Kumar, Director, MSME-DI, New Delhi shared thenumerous initiatives and policies initiated by Government missioned towardsboosting the Indian startup ecosystem. He averred that the need of the hour isto promote entrepreneurship since entrepreneurship plays an influential rolefor economic growth of any country. He called upon the aspiring entrepreneursto take advantage of initiatives run by Government for start ups wherein isfunding upto 2 crores as no collateral bank loan can be availed by everydeserving business idea.


Deliveringa video message during the conference, Dr. Suresh Prabhu, Minister ofCommerce & Industry of India shared that start-ups must find ways to‘add value’ to their brand which can help build a strong bond between businessand customers. He advised them to always remember the core values of businesswhich are the essence of company’s identity.


Speakingduring the occasion, Ms. Sangeeta Wiz, President, WISE India, ManagingPartner, SD Engineering Consultants LLP, Vice President (North), IndianAssociation of Structural Engineers said that in the present time, buddingentrepreneurs have a distinct advantage of networking and being well connectedthrough various social media platforms. She stated two essential points forbeing a successful entrepreneur including being familiar with core businessskills to properly launch your organization and secondly, preparing afuturistic business plan which should be adaptable to changes as per marketscenario. Ms. Wij advised the budding entrepreneurs that at the time when thereis high competition in every sector, the most successful companies are the oneswho have adapted the concept of unlearn, learn, relearn and have evolved withit.


Highlightingthe traits of a good leader, Dr. Mustafa Taher Ali Saasa, Chairman – SellForce International, Dubai – UAE emphasized that leadership is about havingan essence of seeing the invisible requirement of society. He further addedthat good leaders nurture future leaders. They share the success and take theonus of failures. Dr. Mustafa stressed that for every individual andorganization, it is fundamental to keep pace with current and upcomingtechnologies or else one may become reluctant.


AStart-Up Expo was also inaugurated during the International Conference wherein30 Start-Ups, of Students, Women Entrepreneurs andestablished Startup Companies, will showcase their products and services. Theaim of the expo is to promote entrepreneurship ecosystem amongst students.


Duringthe day, “Lakshya 2018 – A Business Plan Competition” commenced whereinStudents and Budding Entrepreneurs from Universities, Colleges and Institutionsacross the country will showcase their business ideas, start-ups and earlystage ventures to compete for Incubation and In-Kind Services.


Duringthe inauguration, “Amity Entrepreneurial Excellence Leadership Awards” wereconferred upon prominent business leaders and organizations, to acknowledge theachievements of individual(s) and organization(s) with respect to Leadership,Enterprise, Innovation, Strategy, CSR and Business Performance in creatingvalue for stakeholders and Nation including Mr. Anand Chordia, Chairman, FoodProcessing Committee, Mahratta Chamber of Commerce Industries and Agriculture(MCCIA), Pune, Director Technical - Pravin Masalewale, Pune, Founder- The EcoFactory Foundation, Pune; Mr. Nate Srinath Nudurupati, Founder & Director,Inxee Systems; Ms. Mausmi Ambastha; Founder & COO, ThreadSol; Dr. MustafaSaasa, Chairman – Sell Force International, Dubai – UAE; Mr. Virendra Chahar,Founder & CEO, Brainwork TechnoSolutions Pvt. Ltd; Mr. ManmohanBhutani--Country Head, American Cyber Systems Inc.; Ms. Anu Chaddha, Founderand CEO, 3A Clothing Co. and Mr. Jaydeep Singh, CEO & Founder, Empass LearningPrivate Limited.