
08 Feb 2018|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125

“The education sector needs to embrace innovations and disruptions in technology” stresses Prof. Martin George Bean, Vice Chancellor, RMIT University, Australia during INBUSH 2018- International Research Conference at Amity

The second day of INBUSH 2018-International Research Conference by Amity International Business School (AIBS)witnessed thought provoking, interesting and informative discussions anddeliberations by leading Academicians and CorporateLeaders from India and abroad including USA, UK, Nigeria, Singapore, Italy,Japan, Netherlands etc on the theme “Dare to dream – Unconventionalideas & stories” at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida Campus.

Prof. (Dr.) Gurinder Singh, AmityGroup Vice Chancellor and Director General – AIBS & Amity UniversityGreater Noida welcomed the distinguished galaxy of Nationaland International speakers.

Sharinghis views, Prof. Martin George Bean,Vice Chancellor, RMIT University, Australia stressed that the tertiaryeducation in almost all the countries is trapped in yesterday’s model. Heopined that education sector needs to embrace innovations and disruptions intechnology, thereby re-inventing itself. Education sector in any country, hestressed, needs to be in sync with society’s demands, industry’s demands anddemands of the students. It needs to be lot more flexible. He stronglyadvocated the democratization of tertiary education and opening it up throughdigital education and doing otherwise, he professed, would be massivedis-service to a generation of human beings. He remarked that young leaders oftoday are looking for skills and not just Degrees/Diplomas. He augured that 10years from now, Robots will change the way work is done in India especially inLaw firms, Artificial Intelligence, Marketing Companies, AdvertisementCompanies and 50% of the jobs are at the risk of replacement in next 20 years.He implored that there is a need for Universities to prepare students for lifeand work, just like RMIT University where skills for exponential economy suchas Critical thinking, Entrepreneurship and Adaptability are nurtured instudents.

Duringthe Panel Discussion, motivating and inspiring personalities shared their views.

Fashion Designer Ms. Sanjana Jon statedthat every step is a challenge in life and deciding to be different is the mostdifficult challenge in one’s life. She called upon the students to focus onwhat they can do in their lives rather then what they could not in order to bedifferent from others.

Mr. Amit Gujral, CMO, LG Electronics,whileaddressing the gathering narrated how a Korean Brand- LG gradually took overIndian market at the time when Japanese products were dominating the market, emphasizedon the fact that change is the only phenomenon to succeed in the market andbrands which will not change or innovate will gradually vanish from the market.He remarked that consumers are now seen as “Persona” by brands with theirpreferences changing almost every day, therefore, this dramatic change in theirbehavior needs to be understood by brands which aim to make big in the future.

Mr. Anirban Chaudhari, Senior VicePresident & Executive Planning Director, J. Walter Thompson expressedthat technology is a great connectorand the present time is of FMCT ie. Fast Moving Consumer Technology. Hestressed that technology is connecting consumers worldwide and the continuousfocus of Industry is to create platforms where people can do lot of diverse thingstogether irrespective of age group.

Sharinghis views, Mr. Bimal Sikdar, Director,Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship stressed that the informationflow and knowledge component has increased amongst today’s youth but no matterhow much knowledge or information one may have, what matters is how well that knowledgeor information could be applied. He opined that very soon the time would comewhen skill, information and education will integrate, increasing theemployability factor of the youth of the country.

Ms. Shveta Raina, CEO, TalerangExpress opined that skills are more important than Degree orthe Brand from where it is received. She remarked that a degree/Diploma from aprestigious University can help an individual to get a job or help in gettingmentorship for starting own venture but at the end of the day, qualities suchas dedication, commitment, loyalty and job specific skills will help in lastmile delivery.

During the occasion, Prof. S. Manian, Vice Chancellor, AnnamalaiUniversity was conferred with “Amity AcademicExcellence Award” for his unparalleled contribution to the educationsector.

“Amity CorporateExcellence Awards” were conferred upon Ms. Cathy Chandhok, Chief Marketing Officer,INFOGAIN; Mr. Amit Gujral, CMO, LG Electronics and  Mr. Satish Aggarwal, Managing Director,Kamadhenu Group.

INBUSH 2018 will conclude on Friday February 9, 2018 at11:00 am, Moot Court I-2 Block, Amity Campus,Sector-125 Noida and the valediction ceremony will be graced by H.E. Ms. Harinder Kaur Sidhu, HighCommissioner, Australian High Commission; H.E. Mr. Adam Burakowski, Ambassador,Embassy of Poland; Prof. H. Deep Saini, Vice-Chancellor & President, Universityof Canberra, Australia; Prof.  TimBlackman, Vice-Chancellor, Middlesex University, UK; Prof. Andrew Wathey, ViceChancellor, Northumbria University, UK and Dr. Kalidindi N. Satyanarayana,Director, Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati.