
08 Feb 2018|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125

Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, AUUP organizes STAKEHOLDERS MEET- AN INTERACTIVE SESSION

With its endeavor to continuouslystrive for excellence towards the delivery of services to the persons withdevelopmental disabilities; developing appropriate models of care for personswith developmental disabilities; and identifying, conducting and coordinatingresearch in assessment, education, training and rehabilitation of persons withdevelopmental disabilities, Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, AUUPorganized STAKEHOLDERS MEET- AN INTERACTIVE SESSION at University Campus, sector-125,Noida

Theobjective of the Stakeholders Meet was to bring together differentstakeholders and provide them with a platform to exchange theirmotivation and strategy towards training exceptional special educators, carry outa “mapping exercise” of best practices in the field of Rehabilitationand Special Education, deliver a “Step Change” in the development ofcritical skills, knowledge and competencies; brain storming on transacting inputson qualitative, structural and other aspects to be considered when planning,implementing and evaluating training of/for trainers; involving stakeholdersinterest in developing a coherent strategy to train trainers and fosteringstrong relationships between stakeholders and Amity Institute of RehabilitationSciences, AUUP, building strong bridges with the wider community.

Prof.(Dr.) Jayanti Pujari, Director, Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, welcoming the esteemedguests in her presentation, gave an extensive over view on Amity EducationGroup and how Amity is transforming the landscape of education scenario. Dr.Pujari also emphasized on the inception of Amity Foundation of DevelopmentalDisabilities which is the brain child of Hon’be Founder President, Dr.Ashok Chauhan. She focused how Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences isstriving towards exceptionally and holistically preparing competent SpecialEducators and Rehabilitation Professionals in tune with the latest trends inthe field of Special Education.Amity not only develops academicians but alsoinculcate ethics, values and modernity in teacher trainees to give them anopportunity to apply those values to move ahead and make a mark globally.

Dr.JP Singh, Chairman, AmityFoundation for Developmental Disabilities and Former Member Secretary,Rehabilitation Council of India, Government of India chairing the sessionon ‘Partnership in Preparing Human Resource for Disability’ said, ‘Amity Instituteof Rehabilitation Sciences is a centre of excellence for quality education inSpecial Education with its strategic focus on emerging trends. He remarked itis the Stakeholders who have to imbibe the best practices in the curriculum andinclude hands on practical exposure so that solid foundation for learning couldbe provided.

Dr. Singh emphasized that facilitators need to acquaintthe teacher trainees with the various psychological facts required for day today handling of the students in inclusive set-up and Special Schoolenvironment. He stressed that the RPWD Act 2016 is a milestone achievement inthe field of Special Education which has emphasized largely on inclusion forAll. Dr. Singh motivated the participants to present and discuss the mostrecent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered andthe solutions adopted in the field of Inclusive and Special Education.”

The Stakeholders Meet saw participation ofDirectors, Principals, Heads from eminent National Organizations, InternationalInclusive Schools, Special Schools and Non-Governmental Organizations Schools ofDelhi-NCR working in the field of Special Education and Rehabilitation Sciencesnamely National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual   Disabilities (NIEPID), Noida; NationalInstitute Speech and Hearing Disabilities (NIHH), Noida, Mata Bhagwanti ChaddhaNiketan, Noida; Anant Centre for Learning and Development, New Delhi ; KothariInternational School, Noida; Genesis Global School, Noida; Brahma ShaktiSpecial School, New Delhi; National Association for the Blind, RK Puram, NewDelhi; Noida Deaf Society (NDS), Noida; Society for Advance Study in Rehabilitation (SASR), Faridabad, Haryana; LearningLadder, New Delhi; Saksham Daksha School, Noida; Chandra Bhushan Singh MemorialSpeech and Hearing Institute, New Delhi; Greater Valley School, Greater Noida; ListeningEars, New Delhi.

Ms.Pallavi Chauhan, Joint Director, Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences presented the vote of thanks.

The event was coordinated by Ms. Anusuya K. Yadavand Mr. Naveen Singh, Assistant Professor, Amity Institute of RehabilitationSciences, AUUP.