
02 Feb 2018|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125

Amity Institute of Telecom Engineering and Management and IETE-Sub Centre organize Annual National Telecom Seminar ‘Telefocus’ on ‘Mobile Data Explosion: Challenges & Opportunities’

“Peoplethink that unsustainable pricing by Jio has caused woes in Telecom Sector” averTelecom Experts during the inauguration of “Telefocus” at Amity

AmityInstitute of Telecom Engineering and Management and IETE-Sub Centre, AmityUniversity, Noida organised 15th AnnualNational Telecom Seminar ‘Telefocus’ on ‘Mobile Data Explosion: Challenges& Opportunities’ at Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

Addressingthe gathering the Chief Guest- Mr. Akhil Gupta, Vice Chairman, BhartiEnterprises & Executive Chairman Bharti Infratel said “The last 23years ever since Telecom Industry has been privatized, every year somethingexciting has been happening but what has happened in the last one year isabsolutely unprecedented. For consumer, it’s been a greatest possible year andfor a Telecom student, this perhaps is the year of utmost pain andstress”.  Corroborating his statement further and dwelling on thechallenges faced by the Telecom Sector, he stated that service providers arefacing problems related to availability of locations and setting up sites sincepeople are scared of radiations being emitted by the towers and when it comesto health, people are very sensitive. The biggest challenge, he remarked, isthe financial health of the industry, without further investment in TelecomSector nothing will come out of it. He opined that the many people think thatunprecedented onslaught of unsustainable pricing by Jio has caused woes in theTelecom Sector. He suggested that the new Telecom Policy should ensure thebalance between the welfare of the customer and financial health of the Telecomindustry. With almost 100 billion dollars invested in the sector, there ishardly any profit that Telecom companies can show. The second challenge is toprovide trained manpower to the Industry who can handle rapid evolution of technologies,services and products and equally important is the concerted efforts toconstantly re-skill and upskill the existing work force in the Telecom Sectorto avoid massive unemployment.

Dwellingon the opportunities created in the wake of  upheavals in the TelecomIndustry, he said “The entire Telecom Industry has been consolidated in lastone year both on Infrastructure and Services side and the Industry structurehas finally been corrected- which is a great opportunity going forward. Thesecond opportunity has been created by 4 G by providing the pleasure of dataconsumption to the consumer and India , today, has become one of the largestconsumer of Data in the world. India would witness the roll out of 5 G by 2020which will create lot of opportunities on Infrastructure as well as ServicesSide.”

Motivatingthe students, he further stated that Telecom Industry remains exciting Industryand students should not get disturbed by temporary upheavals.

Welcomingthe galaxy of Telecom stalwarts, Lt. Gen. P. D. Bhargava – Group Deputy ViceChancellor, Amity Universities & Advisor, Amity Institute of TelecomEngineering and Management stated that the volume of data is practicallyexploding day by day and it may explode several times by 2022 with introductionof Internet of Thing (IoT), Machine to Machine communication, smart cities etc.The data that is available now is becoming increasingly unstructured. Thesefactors, coupled with the need for real-time data, constitute the “Big-Data”environment. He stressed that businesses which are able to identify the rightinfrastructure for their big data project and follow best practices forimplementation will see a significant competitive advantage. He expressed hisconviction that Telefocus 2018 will further enlighten the participants with theemerging challenges and opportunities consequent to mobile data explosion.

Mr.Sanjay Malik, Country Head, Nokia Networks, while addressingthe gathering, stated that the topic of the event is quite relevant in today’s Indiasince India has taken a lead in overall data consumption at the global stage,surpassing countries like US, Korea and Japan. Today, with 4G data itself, thetotal consumption of data is about 6 times than 3G data consumption that use tohappen- creating lot of opportunities but at the same time, our largepopulation is still not covered with broadband especially, the interiors of thecountry and with the limitations of fixed broadband, there is lot of scope formobile data penetration. On the mobile penetration, India is half way throughand there is another half which is yet to come even on 4G which will be seen innext few months. He stressed that lot of opportunities exist for young leaderswith respect to roll out of 4G and networks becoming much more complex leadingto the need for optimization and transformation and readiness of the roll outof 5G resulting in movement of some infrastructure to cloud. He affirmed thatparadigm shift is going to come in Telecom Sector and the opportunities will outweighthe challenges. He called upon the students to make themselves geared enough toexplore the new opportunities.

Mr.Rajan S Mathews, Director General, Cellular Operators Association of India,while sharing his views, expressed that Big Data, Augmented Reality, ArtificialIntelligence have presented lot of opportunities in Telecom Sector and studentsstand on threshold of great future. He called upon the not to despair for thejobs and motivated them to present themselves and train themselves to take advantageof opportunities that are going to be there in terms of what they ought to bedoing. The industry needs to create opportunities that are sustainable whichmeet the lifetime aspirations and demands of current generation in terms ofsatisfaction and fulfilment. He opined that sustainability of an organizationwill depend upon need and not greed. He expressed that 1% of population inIndia enjoys 73% of wealth created and unfortunately, the great disparity ofwealth and income are harbingers of great tragedies. He stressed that 63%people below the poverty line in India cannot be ignored. He stressed thatgreat future lies ahead of India but intrinsic values of the country should notbe left behind.

Duringthe inauguration, Telecom Excellence Awards were conferred upon BhartiInfratel, Indus Tower, Ericsson India Ltd., Bharti Airtel Ltd., Reliance JioInfocomm, PwC, Delta Power Solutions Ltd, Xiaomi and others in differentcategories- “Innovation”, “Broadband and Digital India” and “Make in India” fortheir sterling performances.

Mr.Akhil Gupta, Vice Chairman, Bharti Enterprises & Executive Chairman BhartiInfratel and Mr. Rajan S Mathews, Director General, COAI were conferred uponLife Time Achievement Awards for their exemplary contribution in the growth andadvancement of Telecom Industry.

Col. O.P. Aurora-Advisor- Industry Interaction, Amity Institute of Telecom Engineering &Management proposed the vote of thanks.

Theinauguration was followed by a Panel Discussion on the topic of the “Seminar”wherein eminent telecom leaders such as Mr. Sreenivasa Reddy, Head of Govt.Affair & Industry Relation, Ericson India; Mr. Sandeep Gupta, Sr. VPOStrategy & Architecture, Bharti Airtel ,Mr. Jagdish Mitra, Chief Strategy& Marketing Officer, Tech Mahindra, Mr. Sethumadhavan Srinivasan, ExecutiveDirector, RGF Executive Search, Mr. Vinod Sachanandani, Country Manager, IndianSub-Continent, Gemalto and Mr. Sayantan Chatterjee, Associate DirectorConsulting, PwC shared their views.