
01 Feb 2018|Noida | F2 Auditorium

Ambassador of Mexico rides her customized Auto- Rikshaw to Amity to promote Pollution Free City

HerExcellency Ms. Melba Pria, Ambassador of Mexico to India, visited AmityUniversity Uttar Pradesh, Noida Campus to deliver a Special Guest Lecture onthe topic “Steps & Sills Required for Being Successful Globally and Aspectsof Mexico-Economy, Education & Contemporary issues” as a part ofprestigious Ambassador Lecture Series.

Throwinga big surprise to the students, Her Excellency arrived at the campus in acustomized ‘Auto- Rikshaw’- her official transport and waived enthusiasticallyto one and all.

TheCNG run Auto-Rikshaw painted beautifully in white and colorful floral patternsis equipped with seat belts on driver’s and passengers’ seat, displayingdiplomatic vehicle registration number with Mexican Flag to boot, much to theexcitement of bewildered students.

Addressingthe gathering, Her Excellency Ms. Melba Pria shared that in the year1992, Mexico city was the most polluted city in the world and in order toreduce air pollution, Federal, Central and Local Government took necessaryactions including developing the fuel without Lead and Aluminum which madeit less harmful for the environment and also, started using catalyticconverters in the vehicles that reduced emissions of harmful compounds. Shelamented that despite knowing that catalytic converters are effective inreducing pollution emission from cars, it is yet to be applicable in India.Emphasizing on rising pollution in Delhi NCR, she mentioned that auto-rikshawsare a good solution to pollution and congestion since cars emit 3 times morepollution than autos and the ride also provides a good view of the city andcitizens while travelling.

Shefurther briefed about the history of Mexico and presented an overview ofMexican Economy, Contemporary Issues in Mexico, Network of Free Trade Agreements,growth of various sectors including Aerospace, IT and Creative and highereducation & business opportunities for students in Mexico. Apprising aboutMexico and India Economic Relations, Her Excellency Ms. Pria pointed out that Mexicois one of the biggest investors to India with investment around 800 milliondollars.  She apprised that Mexico is the 8th most visitedcountry in the world with 38 million visitors  in 2017 and about 70,000Indian Visitors last year.

Onresponding to a question on her feeling safe while travelling India, HerExcellency Ms. Pria said that she travels to places without security guards andshe doesn’t feel unsafe. However, she raised her concern over the risingrape incidents in the country especially in the Capital, New Delhi andsuggested enforcement of strong law and order as a solution.

HerExcellency Ms. Melba Pria is an active marathoner and has participated invarious marathons around the world to raise funds for various Indian Cancer andLeprosy aid organizations. She shared that such marathons keeps her focused andalso allows her to help people in need.

Sheadvised the students to be grateful and realize that they have much more thanmany other people in the world. She called upon them to be patient and have faithin their dreams. Her Excellency Ms. Pria suggested students to make good use oftheir time and be determined towards their goals and not to give up easily.

Shewas accompanied by Ms. Andrea Huerta Cruz, Political Affairs Officer; Ms. EdithIbara, Economic and Corporation Affairs and other officials of Embassy ofMexico in India.

Thelecture was attended by thousands of students of Amity University and as sherode past thousands of inquisitive wide eyed onlookers in her auto, studentscheered till the auto vanished from the sight.