
11 Jan 2018|Noida | I2 Moot Court

8th International Conference “Confluence 2018” at Amity University

Toabreast budding engineers about industry trends and new career opportunities,Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amity School ofEngineering and Technology (ASET) in association with DELL EMCCorporation started “Confluence 2018”- 8th International Conferenceon the theme  “Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering” atAmity University Sector 125 Noida.

Theobjective of the two day conference is to provide a common platform to ResearchScholars, Scientists, Industrialists and Academicians to deliberate uponemerging trends and challenges faced by the industry and also to fosterresearch relations between the Universities and the Industry.

Theconference witnessed the submission of more than 570 research papers across theglobe including Australia, Germany, Sri Lanka, Denmark, Nepal, Spain, SouthAfrica, China, Brazil, Taiwan and United Kingdom and participation of more than500 Industry Heads, Foreign Delegates and students. After thorough screening,158 manuscripts and research papers were selected for presentation.

Welcomingthe guest, Prof. (Dr.) Abhay Bansal, Jt Head, ASET and General Chair,Confluence 2018 said that cloud computing system is an emerging area incomputing technology which supports processing of large volume of data as peron-demand service. He apprised that there is a huge demand for professionalswith knowledge of Cloud Computing as most of the companies are implementingthis technology. Dr. Bansal averred that this conference is an opportunity todiscuss emerging trends and innovations and also to share research results toprovide new directions in the field of next generation technologies.

Addressingthe gathering, Prof. (Dr.) Sunil Vadera, Professor, University of Salford,UK said that Cloud Computing brought a revolution in IT Industry and isexpected to gain more momentum in the coming years. He shared that the annualdemand for the fast-growing new roles of data scientist, data developers anddata engineers will be very high. Dr. Vadera opined that before the developmentof a new technology, it is important to research on the practical and positiveimpact of its application on society, otherwise, it may not bring the desiredchange. He mentioned that further change in the industry will depend upon thelearning of students and called upon them to study the impact of applicationof new technologies.

Prof.(Dr.) Maia Angelova, Professor, Melbourne Burwood Campus, Deakin University,Australia highlighted the importance of collaboration betweeninterdisciplinary domains for advancement of technology for the benefit ofmankind.

Eminentacademicians including prof. (Dr.) Shang Hong Lai, Director, NTHU, Taiwan; Prof(Dr.) Nen-Fu Huang, Dean, College of Electrical Engineering and ComputerScience, National Tsing Hua, University, Taiwan; Prof. (Dr.) Keshav Dahal,University of the West of Scotland, UK and Prof. (Dr.) J Ramkumar, IIT Kanpurand Chairman IEEE UP Section were also present during the inauguration.

Duringthe first day of conference, paper presentations were made by Academicians andResearch Scholars on various topics such as “Real Time Stock Prediction usingNeural Network”; “Risk Analysis on Electronic payment and Settlement systemusing Dimensionality Reduction Techniques”; “Cognitive Robotics in ArtificialIntelligence”; Artificial Intelligence Techniques used in Medical Sciences” and“Integration of Cloud Computing and Big Data Technology for Smart Generation.”amongst others

Duringthe two day conference, various technical symposia, keynote talks, paneldiscussions and workshop sessions will be conducted.