
03 Nov 2017|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125

Debate on the topic “Has Demonetization helped in reducing corruption?” by Amity Institute of Behavioral and Allied Sciences

During “Vigilance Awareness Week”observed from 30th October to 04th November 2017, Amity Institute of Behavioraland Allied Sciences in collaboration with Allahabad Bank organized a Debate onthe topic “Has Demonetization helped in reducing corruption?” at Universitycampus, Sector-125, Noida

 BranchManager of Allahabad Bank, Sector-125, Noida, Ms. Priti Goyal graced theoccasion.  Ten students from AIBASand AIE together participated in the Debate. The participants were divided intotwo groups – one for the motion and the other against the motion and they cameup with facts and figures to substantiate their points. 

Whileone of the groups argued that the Demonetisation has urged the corrupt toreform and tighten their seat belts so that they have a safe ride and noaccidents. The other group termed the effort as a futile attempt that put the‘aam admi’ in distress and nothing else.

 Dr. T Beena, moderated the proceedingsand  Dr .G N Tiwary and  Dr. Amandeep Kaur,  judged the performance of the students  and selected the best speakers and commendedthem.

Ms Anubhuti Raj ,Senior Officer ofAllahabad Bank elucidated the pros and cons ofDemonetisation from the perspective of a banker and emphasized on the need tokeep calm and wait for the result to unfold and fructify in the long term.

Dr. Harish Tyagi, Head of AIBASproposed the vote of thanks.