
26 Oct 2017|Noida | F2 Auditorium

“10% drop in Women as Entrepreneurs”, says Women CEOs during ThinkBig Roadshow 2017 at Amity University

AmityCentre for Entrepreneurship Development (ACED) as part of collaboration withWalmart in association with NITI Aayog and Think Through Consulting (TTC) PvtLtd organized a ThinkBig Roadshow 2017 at Amity University, Sector 125, Noida

ThinkBigRoadshows are aimed to mobilize young and aspiring women entrepreneurs bygiving them a platform to connect with successful women entrepreneurs throughinspiring story sharing sessions and will address the challenges faced by thesewomen in their journey.

Welcomingthe gathering, Dr. Neelam Saxena, Head, ACED said that ACED has beentrying to build vibrant ecosystem to create an entrepreneurial mindset. Shepointed out that around 50percent of women population is not a part of economicgrowth of the country. She emphasized that the nation will grow when 70percentof population will actively participate in the economic system. Dr. Saxenaapprised that it is important to recognize the role of women entrepreneurs asthey further create opportunities for more women, subsequently contributingsignificantly in economic development.

Briefingabout ThinkBig 2017, Mr Ranjit Prakash, Director, Think Through Consulting(TTC) Pvt Ltd said that ThinkBig 2017 Summit will be organized on November13, 2017, at Kingdom of Dreams, Gurugram, which will employ a tri-sectorapproach by connecting Women Entrepreneurs, Companies and Government on thesame platform and also nurturing an inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem forwomen-owned businesses.

Talkingabout challenges in Entrepreneurship, Ms. Smita Mishra, CEO, Fandoro saidthat there is no certainty in a business and one has to be prepared for everysituation that may arise. She pointed out that it is necessary for companies,whether start up or established, to keep re-inventing their products orservices to stay in market. Speaking about Women Entrepreneurship, Ms. Bajajmentioned that success of all efforts towards empowering women will be visiblewhen they are addressed as “Entrepreneurs” and not labeled as “WomenEntrepreneurs”. She averred that it is disheartening to see the statisticswhich state that only 17% of working women population is Entrepreneurs andthere has been 10% drop in the last decade. She, however, praised theGovernment for launching various initiatives and programmes to encourageentrepreneurship amongst women and motivate them to be part of country’seconomic development.

Ms.Samiksha Bajaj, CEO, Samshek apprised that journeyas an entrepreneur is a roller coaster ride and one must be equipped withproblem solving ability. Ms. Bajaj pointed out that for a start-up to succeedit is important to form an efficient team, which is a backbone of everyorganization and the team must have equal faith in your idea.

AmityUniversity is Knowledge Partner of Walmart through Think Through Consultancywhich will groom 64 -65 female entrepreneurs (from Noida and Hyderabad campusof Amity) who will be subsequently eligible to be the supplier of Walmart.