
26 Sep 2017|Noida | F1 seminar hall

Workshop on ‘Advanced Research on Materials and Devices’ held at Amity

To commemorate the successful completionof 10 years of Amity Institute of Advanced Research and Studies (AIARS) (Materials& Devices) , a Workshop on ‘Advanced Research on Materials and Devices’ wasorganized  at Amity University Noida Campus.

Dr. G.Satheesh Reddy, Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri and Director General,Missiles and Strategic Systems;  Dr. R. K. Sharma, Director, SSPL, DRDOand Dr. Rajiv Sharma, Secretary, Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)were present during the occasion.

Welcoming theguests, Dr V K Jain, Distinguished Scientist & Professor, AIARS(M&D) briefed about the history and research projects of AmityInstitute of Advanced Research and Studies (Materials & Devices). Dr. Jainalso apprised about the latest government associated project of Amity -‘Agri-Voltaics’ and said that the ‘Agri-Voltaics’ is developed with an aim tohelp farmers to mitigate likelihood of financial losses, thereby improvingtheir family life and lifestyle. He further added that the project is alsoconnected to Government’s Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan and 2 KW solar panels havebeen installed to supply the electricity to solar water pumps and farmers’houses.

During theoccasion, Dr Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Group congratulatedDr. V K Jain and his team for completion of 10 years. He appreciated the hardwork and dedication of Amity’s scientists, researchers and faculty members whohave been working tirelessly towards achieving a common vision of making Indiaa general superpower.

CongratulatingAIARS, Dr. G. Satheesh Reddy lauded Dr. V K Jain and his team ofresearchers for their achievements in the area of innovation and research. Hementioned that in the last 30 years, India has grown reasonably well inindigenous development of systems and technologies. He apprised that in variousgovernment organizations like ISRO, DRDO or military agencies, most of thesystems and technologies are designed, engineered and built in India. However,it is important for the country to progress in the area of materials as well.He stressed that various research organizations in India are working onmaterials and scientists have also developed new materials but it is still notsufficient as the need of the hour is to work in a synergic manner to take thefield forward. 

Speaking on theoccasion, Dr. R K Sharma said that in present time, the approach towardsresearch is multi-disciplinary wherein various advance institutes ordepartments collaborate for innovation of new technologies and devices.Apprising about materials and devices, he averred that high performance devicesor sensors are in high demand and various institutions are researching for newdevelopments in the domain but it requires intermediate research, i.e approvalby international laboratories. Hence, it is important for academic institutionsto have collaboration with international laboratories to fill the gap so thatresearch work can be co-related with the industry.

During theoccasion, a booklet on Amity Institute of Renewable and Alternative Energy andAmity Institute of Advanced Research and Studies were released by thedignitaries.