
22 Sep 2017|Noida | I 2 Moot Court

Amity Institute of Microbial Technology celebrates its “13th Foundation Day”

Amity Institute of Microbial Technology(AIMT) celebrated its “13th Foundation Day” at Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

During the occasion, Prof. (Dr.) HenryH Chen, Counselor and Director, S&T, Taipei Economic and Cultural CentreIndia, New Delhi; Dr. Shashi Kumar from ICGEB, Delhi; Dr. A. Arunachalam,Principal Scientist & Scientific Officer, ICAR, New Delhi; Dr. SnehalJoshi, Advisor, DSTA R&D Technology Sugarcane Growers, The Deccan SugarTechnologies Association, Pune, Maharashtra and Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, FounderPresident, Amity Education Group shared their views.

Welcoming the august gathering, Dr.Ajit Varma- Vice Chairman, Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundationand Distinguished Scientist, Amity Institute of Microbial Technology (AIMT) shareda brief report about the programmes offered by the Institute, placement record,National and International workshops organized by the Institute, variousR&D initiatives, Patents filed and research papers published by scientistsand faculty members. He apprised about “Rootonic- the Magic Fungus”- a uniqueinnovative product developed by him and his researchers which aids in early seedgermination, provides resistance against diseases, improves soil fertility andboost the growth of the plant.

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President,Amity Education Group congratulated Dr. Ajit Varma for the immense R&Dinitiatives taken by Amity Institute of Microbial Technology under his ableleadership and guidance. He encouraged the students to ignite their mindstowards innovation. He apprised about the importance of patent filing andadvised them to patent the brilliant ideas or innovations of students as wellsince it will further motivate them in their researches which will eventuallybenefit the society at large.

Sharing his views on “Syntheticbiology of algae for higher biofuel and biosafety issues”, Dr. ShashiKumar, ICGEB said that considering  the  rapid  rate of  fossil  fuel  depletion,  many  countries are nowheavily investing in biofuel generation from algae to include the use of genetic  modification  (GM)  research  for enhancing the  baseline  biofuel qualities. He mentioned that India has alsostarted to take its footsteps towards the algae production for biofuelproduction. Raising the concern over regulatory policies, he apprised thatGM  algae  represent  a  relatively  new research  frontier,  and  so  far,  nointernationally-agreed regulations, policies or standards are currently in use.Dr. Kumar stressed that there are various myths surrounding GM Algae , hence,he appealed to spread more awareness regarding its benefits and further addedthat even Indian Government has been supporting the GM revolution.

Speaking on the occasion, Prof. (Dr.)Henry H Chen, Counselor and Director, S&T, Taipei Economic and CulturalCentre India talked about ‘Prospect for Building Indo-Taiwan Scientific& Technological Cooperation’ and said that there are various agreementsbetween India and Taiwan and under the MoUs 70 joint projects and 21 jointworkshops had been conducted. He stated that the focus is on shifting Taiwanindustry towards high value added, service and solution oriented industry inwhich they seek the research and technology support from India.

During the occasion, Dr. Snehal Joshi,Advisor, DSTA R&D Technology Sugarcane Growers, The Deccan SugarTechnologies Association, Pune, Maharashtra delivered a lecture on ‘SustainableSugarcane Production Technology’ and Dr. A. Arunachalam Principal Scientist& Scientific Officer, ICAR, New Delhi presented a brief presentationon ‘Indian Agriculture and Food Policy'