
18 Sep 2017|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida

UN Ambassador of Mountain Partnership- His holiness Drikyung Kyabgong Chetsang Rinpoche delivers a talk at Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences

During week long International Peace Day Celebration week observed from Sept 14-21 at Amity, the UN Ambassador of Mountain Partnership- His holiness  Drikyung Kyabgong Chetsang Rinpoche was invited  to deliver a talk at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Sector-125, Noida

His Holiness was welcomed and greeted by Prof Dr. Abha Singh, Director, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences and Dr. Rita Kumar along with all the other faculty members of the Institute in a Buddhist tradition and received his blessing with khata(white stole).

Also present during the occasion was Dr. W. Selvamurthy, Director Research and Innovation Amity University.

Prof.(Dr.) Abha Singh, Dean FAHJCSS & Director AIPS,while sharing her views during the occasion, stated that the role of education and University is critical in peace building among Youth.

His holiness addressed 700 students of AIPS on the topic “Peaceful Mind : An Essence of Positive Mental Health”  During his address importance of mind, peaceful mind and its benefits in the modern world,he emphasized upon cultivating a good and positive mind through various anecdotes.He outlined the distinction between love and compassion and said that it is the first step to cultivate a positive mind. He explained it with mother child relationship.He said the feeling that a mother develops when she gives birth to a child is love.  The feeling that dominates during the moment when child is in her lap is compassion. He stressed that it is this seed of compassion that human beings need to sow in themselves to have happiness within and around.  

He remarked that people can be economically strong but their mind wanders in search of peace. Peace cannot be searched outside; it is the internal environment that we have to work upon.  He also highlighted the importance of ego in our lives and the interdependent nature of the phenomenon.  These were seconded by several anecdotes.

He opined that developing a good positive mind is a systematic process and we should work towards it, in an algorithmic way. He emphasized that now it is the time to act practically and save the mankind through actions. Mere speaking will not be able to make a difference in the society. So we need to be mindful always and act with awareness. He laid emphasis on impermanent nature of phenomenon and averred that attachment is the main cause of suffering. His Holiness said that Spiritual Path will develop Holistic Mental Health. He also informed that environment health is connected with Mental Health. If inside is clean then outside is clean. If everything is inter connected and inter dependent, we follow Dharma and then we attain Buddha.  He shared his personal experiences and emphasized on Sustainable development lo lead to overall Peace on Earth.

The lecture was followed by question answer session for students of Amity. Students of AIPS asked about Bodhichitta mind (purified mind), the view of the speaker on Nalanda traditions and views on Myanmar present state.  His holiness clarified all the doubts through his practical projects including Sravasthi Project for restoring the old tradition, ice stupa and go green project for environmental purification etc. Since Buddhism has always taught non violence therefore he has emphasized the difference between politics and philosophy. His holiness blessed the gathering with Chenrezig prayer.

The lecture was summarized by Director Research and innovation Prof. Dr. W. Selvamurthy and he concluded with the remark that essential nature of Indians is genetically peaceful.