
09 Jun 2017|Noida | I2 Moot Court

223 students participated in Amity University Summer School

Amity Universityconducted the Concluding Ceremony to mark the end of its two week long “11thAmity University Summer School Program” at University Campus, Sector-125,Noida.

Over 220 students of class IX toXII and XII passout from various schools across India participated in theSummer School to learn regarding their preferred programme in higher educationamongst wide array of courses such as Management, Science & Technology,Mass Communication, Fine Arts, Fashion, Interior Design, Law, Tourism,Hospitality, Foreign Language and Physical Education.

The objective of the Summer Schoolis to help students identify their real interest in a particular stream ofeducation. The students gained experience to choose their career wisely as perinterest and personality traits. During the program, the participants wentthrough holistic learning of the potentials of their preferred program alongwith their exposure to extra curricular and recreational activities like Yoga,Personality Development and Sports Activities like Shooting, Squash, Tennis,Football, Horse Riding etc.

Congratulating the students ontheir graduation from Summer School, Dr. Ajay Rana, Director, AmityUniversity Summer School said that during the two week programme, thestudents explored the wide horizon of opportunities available to them throughinsightful learning techniques. The focus of the Summer School was on holisticdevelopment of each individual with a balanced approach. He expressed that bythe end of this programme, the students are expected to be better informed andempowered to opt the best career opportunity. Dr Rana advised the students tofollow the mantra of “BHAAG”- the mantra of Founder President Dr. Ashok KChauhan where, B stands for Behavioral Science, H stands for Hard work, Astands for Ambition, A stands for Attitude and G stands for God.  He addedthat a person can reach pinnacle of success by following the BHAAG Mantra.

During the ceremony, participantsshared their experience of the Summer School.

Angel Kaur,said that after opting for stream in class 11th, it is very apprehensive forstudents to decide on choosing a career path after high school. Through thisprogramme, she can evaluate her interest in the area of Psychology. Shestressed that the two week program has given her so many fond memories whichshe will cherish life long. She further added “It had been an amazing learningexperience as I got the opportunity to interact with the industry experts anddoyens that helped me decide the career road map.”

Another participant, TanmayTaneja, a student who studied Photography said that the stay during AmityUniversity Summer School had been a phenomenal and euphoric experience. Hethanked the mentors and faculty members of Amity for polishing his skills as aPhotographer and Photo-Editor.

During the occasion, studentspresented a Yoga Show and also displayed some of their projects.

The ceremony concluded with theCertificate distribution Dr. Ajay Rana, Director, Amity Summer School; ColRK Dargan, Advisor, Amity School of Communication and Mr. U Ramachandran SeniorVice President, Amity Education Group & Head Amity Global BusinessCampuses.