
24 Mar 2017|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida

Academic stimulation of Indian Parliamentary System “Srijan: A genesis of Indian Politics” by Amity Law School, Noida

Amity LawSchool, Noida organised an academic stimulation of Indian Parliamentary System“Srijan: A genesis of Indian Politics” at University Campus,Sector-125, Noida which was attended by over 100 students from colleges and institutionsacross India including Jamia Milia Islamia, NLIU Bhopal, Faculty of Law- DelhiUniversity, KLE Society Bengaluru, Punjab University, Institute of Managementand DSD International Ghaziabad amongst others

The event comprised of two Sadans (committees)-Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha wherein participants discussed various nationalissues. Each committee had 60 participants who shared their views on “RamMandir- Reconstruction and Maintenance Bill 2017” in Loksabha and “Review ofcustomary Abuse including Animal Abuse” in Rajya Sabha

Mr. SatishUpdhayay- Councillor, Malviya Nagar; Mr. Sanjay Saraf – Spokesperson, BJP, Mr.Murari Tiwari- Advocate, Thakur Virendra Pratap Singh Charak – Convener, DelhiState BJP Legal Affairs Department and Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President,Amity Group graced the valediction ceremony

Speaking on theoccasion, Dr. Shefali Raizada- Addl Director, Amity Law School Noidasaid that various National and International issues are discussed in law makingbodies in order to frame laws with regards to the same. She stated that a Lawis passed after many deliberations and discussions in Lok Sabha and RajyaSabha, therefore, law students, who are the future of nation, need to befamiliarized with current socio-political issues and the role of governingbodies. She highlighted that Srijan aims to give budding lawyers anexperience of the working of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha which will help them intheir careers ahead.

Congratulatingthe students, Mr. Satish Updhayay- Councilor, Malviya Nagar said thatthe name of the event is aptly names as ‘Srijan’ which means creation. Heencouraged the students to dream big and make a fine print for creating newthings. He pointed out that events like Youth parliament are very important sincemanagement of youth parliament cannot be taught through books and participationin such events teach students the value of democracy. Mr. Upadhyay persuadedthe students to participate in every event and activity organized by thecollege as it will help them to be successful later in their respectiveprofessional lives. He urged budding lawyers not to manipulate law for harmingothers and advised them not to take up cases of traitors for money. Motivatingthe young students, he averred “whatever you will dream about your country, youwill make it so in future.”

Sharing hisviews, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President- Amity Group said that the legal profession is best profession and lawyers could be assuccessful as they want. He remarked that Indian Lawyers are the best in theworld and advised students to believe in themselves and fight for therighteousness.

Addressing thegathering, Mr. Sanjay Saraf- Spokesperson, BJP stressed thatpresently, youth of the country have no rights and pointed out the need forYouth Commission  in the country. Apprising about distressing situation ofyouth unemployment in every state, Mr. Saraf opined that there is a need forproper reservation system for youth just like SC/ST and Women. He laid stresson formation of a National Youth Commission in the country which could focus onyouth affairs and could coordinate and implement policies to help the youth.Talking about the diversity and unity in the Nation, he averred that there arenumerous issues in the country, in every state or city, there are differentlanguages but despite all this, the people in India stay together and humanitybinds them all. He shared that humanity is the biggest religion and if God doesnot differentiate between human beings and religions then human beings shouldalso not endeavor to do so. He emphasized that we should be fundamentalist forour religion but not for other’s religion. Mr. Saraf called upon the studentsto be a human and have faith in humanity.

Laudingthe efforts of Amity, Mr. Murari Tiwari, Advocate said that events likeSrijan are need of the hour; law teaching institutions must familiarize thestudents with the Indian Parliament System, its structure and working as theyare the future leaders of the country. He apprised that Parliaments need tohave minimum eligibility criteria for entering Politics and pointed out thatany person interested in pursuing law has inherent leadership qualities tobecome a Parliamentarian. He applauded the brilliant work by the studentsduring the event and addressed them as future leaders and parliamentarians inmaking.  Welcoming the budding legal professionals to the profession oflaw, Mr. Tiwari encouraged them to develop interest in the making of laws aswithout it they cannot become good lawyers.