
03 Sep 2012|Noida | Taiwan

Engineering Students from Amity bag “BEST ORIGINALITY AWARD” for their unique Scientific Model during “Techo Green Tech Contest” at Taiwan

Amity University has always been at the forefront of Science and Technology. The researchers and scientists at Amity work diligently to bring about a revolution in the area of R&D in the country.

Following the intensive research culture at Amity, a five member team from Amity Institute of Solar and Alternate Energy and Amity School of Engineering and Technology, under the able guidance and mentorship of Dr. V K Jain- Director, Amity Institute of Advanced Research and Studies (Materials & Devices) and Amity Institute of Renewable and Alternative Energy participated in “Techo Green Tech Contest” from August 25- September 2, 2012 held at Taiwan.

The team comprised of four students- Paritosh Saini- Amity Institute of Solar & Alternative Energy, Kshitij Chopra- Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Ankit Tyagi- Amity School of Engineering & Technology and Gurbinder Singh Gill- Amity School of Engineering & Technology and was headed by Dr. Abhishek Verma- Professor, Amity Institute of Renewable and Alternative Energy.

Over 26 teams from 4 countries including Taiwan, China, Russia and India participated in the International competition.

The team from Amity University presented a Scientific Model titled “ GENERATION OF CLEAN ENERGY USING FERRO FLUIDS( Nano materials)” during the prestigious Contest on August 28 and bagged “ Best Originality Award” for the novelty and ingenuity of their project.

The objective behind the model was to generate the cleanest electrical energy with the use of rare-earth magnets, ferro-magnetic fluids. The proposed energy generation system uses the power of magnetic fields generated from moving rare-earth magnets to generate electrical power. This ferro-magnetic power generator is not only clean, but it will also allow generate money-free electricity.

The Model, when developed, can be used for multiple useful applications viz. lighting, charging of cell phone or similar other devices/ instruments in remote areas/defense purpose where no other source of electricity is available.