
01 Sep 2012-02 Sep 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Law School, Delhi organizes “National Conference of All India Law Teachers Congress on Private International Law”

Keeping in view the growing importance of Private International Law in the era of Globalization, Amity Law School, Delhi organized two day “National Conference of All India Law Teachers Congress on Private International Law” from September 1- 2, 2012 at Amity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida.

Academicians, researchers and students from prestigious Law Colleges/ Institutions from India and abroad such as School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Graduate Student of Politics and South Asian Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, National Law University, New Delhi, Hidayatulla National Law University, Raipur, Unity Law Degree College, Lucknow, Symbiosis Law School, Noida, Nirma University, Rajasthan, Chanakya National Law University, Patna and others are attending and presenting papers during the National Conference.

Hon’ble Mr. Justice Manmohan, Judge, High Court of Delhi and Prof. J.L. Kaul, Professor-in-charge, Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi inaugurated the Conference.

Welcoming the august gathering, Prof. M.K. Balachandran- Director, Amity Law School, Delhi presented a brief overview of the Conference with the detailed information about various sessions that would unfold during the two days including “Stimulating Research Culture to Enhance the Quality of Legal Education in India”, “Private International law & Law Schools Curriculum in India”, “Protection of Rights of Illegitimate Children Under Hindu Law”, “ Surrogacy: Politics and Practices’ and others. Prof. Balachandran shared that over 50 Law researchers, teachers and students would present their research papers during the “Conference”.

Talking about the aptness of the theme chosen for the National Conference, Hon’ble Mr. Justice Manmohan, Judge, High Court of Delhi stressed that the relevance of Private International Law (PIL) has been growing since post liberalization to the extent that now, it has become a facet affecting the common man especially when so many Indians are studying or working abroad and finally, prefer to get settled with foreign nationals. “The disputes arising out of inter- country alliances have to be settled through Private International Law and Indian Courts have already started receiving such cases. Indian Lawyers can handle these cases only if they have some knowledge of Private International Law, which can be imparted in Law Schools or Law related Conferences”, remarked Justice Manmohan.

Sharing his views during the occasion, Prof. J.L. Kaul, Professor-in-charge, Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi referred to the recent tussle going on between legal academicians and Bar Council of India. He remarked that in today’s globalized scenario, Indian lawyers have to compete with their counterparts who have studied in Howard University or other prestigious Law colleges of the world. This necessitates Indian Law students to be regularly enhance with the modern context of legal education, which is possible only when Law Colleges and Institutes are given the freedom to design their own curriculum as per the present scenario in Law. There are several issues which only Law teachers and students can dwell into. Bench and Bar have their own justifications and reasons and they cannot understand the demands of legal academicians which finally aim to improve the state of legal education in the country. Law Fraternity appreciate all those involved in legal education and are ready to dialogue with both, Bench and Bar. Dwelling on the National Conference, Prof. Kaul expressed his desire to develop the National Conference of All India Law Teachers Congress on the lines of Indian National Congress in order to reach out to the maximum law colleges and law fraternity.

The inauguration was followed by Research Paper Presentation on topical concerns such as “Glimpse in Futility poof Unification and Standard forms of International Commercial Transactions, its Laws and Trends” by Mr. Aman Raja/Ms. Ashima Jain, Institute of Law, Nirma University, “Economics of International Commercial Arbitration” by Dr. Muhammad Salim, Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Law School , Noida, “Domestic Application of the Private International Law Doctrine of Denial of Justice” by Dr. Maurya Chandra, Lawyer, Supreme Court of India and Founder Partner, Adyopant Legal, “Protection of Rights of Illegitimate Children Under Hindu Law” by Mr. Arpit Gupta, Institute of Law, Nirma University, Rajasthan amongst others.

Ms. Aanchal Kapoor, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London highlighted different implications of Surrogacy on the health of the women through her paper “Of Surrogacy: Politics and Practices”. She shared how women are reduced to an object eventually during the entire process of “Surrogacy” where most often, the child’s health gets precedence over surrogate mother’s health. She urged to address the Legal vacuum which exists in this area of concern since at present, there is no law to address the issues related to the health of surrogate mothers.

Dr. Jeet Singh Mann, Assistant Professor, National Law University, Delhi, while presenting a paper on “Stimulating Research Culture to Enhance the Quality of Legal Education in India “brought out the grim research scenario in the field of Indian Legal education. He shared several reasons which restrict the legal academicians to pursue research related activities including Lack of Infrastructural facilities- hectic work schedule and workload, Lack of opportunity to participate in Seminars, Conferences etc., IT related challenges-Lack of availability of latest information, Restrictions on the accessibility of the data etc. Dr. Mann stressed that there is no dearth of quality researchers in the law profession but it’s just a matter of right training, orientation, recognition and promotion.

Dr. Alok Mishra, Professor, Amity Law School, Delhi presented a paper on “The Changing Role and Reforms in Universities and Institutions Imparting Legal Education” through which he conveyed that the role of universities has been fast changing in the wake of present education revolution in the country with more than one thousand law schools emerging within a decade. Dr. Mishra remarked that the problem in India, in general, is not of judicial activism but of executive, legislative and academic in-activism. He suggested to raise the standards and promotion of excellence in legal education uniformly across India and called for an urgent need to incorporate reforms in the legal education of the country.

Various informative sessions that will unfold on the final day of the Conference include “Cross Boarder Trafficking of Women and Children in sex industry: How it can be regulated by law?” by Mr. Sachin Sharma- NALSAR, Hyderabad, “Women and Child Trafficking – Gross Human Rights Violation” by Ms. Momina Zahan, Assistant Professor, N.E.F. College of Management and Technology, Guwahati, Assam, “Gift of life: Reorienting the Laws of Transnational Surrogacy” by Mr. Somesh Dutt/Mr. Manjeet Kumar Sahu, College of Legal Studies, University of petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, “NRI-Marriages :Perplexity of Indian Women in Indian Society” by Ms. Richa Dwivedi/Ms. Meghna Mishra, Institute of Law, Nirma University amongst others.