
23 Jun 2012|Noida | Guwahati, Assam

Maitrayee Bordoloi, Student - Amity Law School wins Best Debator Award during the Debate Competition organised by Guwahati Management Association

Maitrayee Bordoloi, Student - Amity Law School won Best Debator Award during the Debate Competition organised by Guwahati Management Association. There were 36 participants which included students, teachers, lecturers, employees of Guwahati Oil Refinery and practising lawyers from the North East Region. The motion for the house was "Industrialistaion is the pancea for development and growth in the Northeast region of India". Maitrayee Bordoloi stood "against" the motion.

The 2nd prize was awarded to a student from Engineering college and the 3rd position was tied beween a student of Medical college and a lecturer from Engineering college