
13 Jun 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity trains Defence Personnel for second careers

Amity Institute of Education and Training (AIET) started three pre-release courses for Defence Personnel in the area of “Business Management”, “Small Business & Rural Entrepreneurship” and “Management of Academic Institutions” at Amity University, Sector-125, Noida.

The courses, sponsored by Directorate General of Resettlement, Ministry of Defence, aim to prepare and equip the Defence Personnel with requisite skils and knowledge to take up career opportunities in the Corporate world after they are relieved from their services.

During the combined inaugural ceremony of the courses, Maj Gen Subash Bindra, VSM (Retd), Senior Director- Amity Institute of Education and Training (AIET) welcomed the participants and motivated them to work hard towards preparing themselves for their second career. He further exhorted them to make best use of this opportunity at Amity University and empower themselves academically in their chosen field to face the challenges of civil life.

One of the participants, Maj. Monika Slathia who has served in the ARMY for over 10 years and is planning to start up a philanthropic venture in the form of a School or an NGO post retirement, while sharing her views about “Management of Academic Institutions” Course commented that although she comes from a technical background with most of her experience in the field of telecommunications, she does not want to pursue it further in her life. In order to make her journey into the civil world smooth, she has enrolled in the course which is very informative and has made her aware of the detailed planning that goes into opning an educational institution, requisite affiliations and recognitions, funds generation, managing the team etc. The information gained during the course will go a long way in helping her to start on her own later in her life

Col Atul Sarin who has served in the ARMY for over 32 years, is getting trained to join administrative side of education sector after his retirement in March 2013. Dwelling on the importance of the course in facilitating his entry into the education sector, Col Sarin remarked that various modules which are being taught as part of the course such as Structure and Governance of Indian Education, Quality and Assessment procedures, Budgeting, Resource Management, Accounts etc are very relevant and has updted them with the latest trends prevalent in the sector.

Lt. Cdr. (Retd.) Vijay Chaudhary, who has served “Education Branch” of Indian NAVY for more than 11 years and has worked with several schools as Principals for over 5 years post retirement. She has enrolled herself in “Management of Academic Institutions” Course for fulfilling her grand plans to reach the unreachable in India by opening a school in remote part of the country. She thanked Amity University for running such short term useful courses for Armed personnel which brace them for careers post retirement and highly praised the latest infrastructure and trained faculty members who conduct the course in a very interactive and interesting manner, facilitating two way communication.

Also present during the inauguration were Dr. Sanjeev Bansal, Director, Amity Business School & Head of Amity School of Rural Management and Brig Bharat Varma (Retd)-Programme Director, AIET.