
16 Feb 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Institute of Pharmacy organises International Conference on Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Sciences and Translational Medicine

For the first time in Noida, a galaxy of Cardiovascular experts from all over the Globe including USA, Canada, Germany, Italy and Japan shared their startling researches and experiences during an International Conference on “Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Sciences and Translational Medicine” organized by Amity University at Amity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida.

Welcoming the distinguished speakers and delegates, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Universe said that cardiovascular health is of paramount importance for everyone. The incidences of cardiovascular diseases are on increase which calls for the development of new technologies and therapeutic approaches to treat the same. Dr. Chauhan expressed his hope that the International conference will provide new insights to the participants in the area of cardiovascular sciences and sensitize the scientists to pursue their research works more intensively.

While making a presentation on Atrial Fibrillation (AF), Dr. Masatsugu Hori- President, Osaka Medical Centre for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases, Japan shared that aged population has a greater risk of AF and since AF is associated with a pro- thrombotic state, the risk of stroke increases five folds in patients with AF. Dr. Hori revealed that 2/3rd of the strokes caused by AF can be prevented by using Vitamin K Antagonist (VKA) and Warfarin but VKA therapy has several limitations including narrow therapeutic range and needs for frequent dose adjustments. To combat these side- effects, new oral anticoagulant have been developed in recent years. Dr. Hori did the clinical trial of the new anticoagulant, “Dabigatran” in 44 countries with 18,113 patients including 500 from India which was successful and now, Dabigatran has been approved for clinical use in US, Canada, Japan and several other countries. Dr. Hori revealed that very soon Dabigatran will be approved for clinical use in India and outlined the numerous benefits of the same over traditional inhibitors including rapid onset/offset of action, no drug food interaction and no requirement for routine coagulation monitoring.

Dr. James T. Willerson- President and Medical Director, Texas Heart Institute, Texas, USA shared his views on Heart Attacks, Cardiovascular Diseases and prevention and treatment of Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS). Sharing some alarming figures from the breakthrough research that Dr. Willerson carried out in US, he revealed that cardiovascular diseases are number 1 kiler in males and children in US. Women are 5 times more likely to die of cardiovascular diseases than of breast cancer In US, Dr. Willerson averred that, over 41 million women are living with cardiovascular diseases as compared with 5 million living with cancer and over 35,000 children have cardiovascular diseases. Further sharing his observations, Dr Willerson said that 1 out of 3 US women are likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases as compared to 1 out of every two men. Suggesting the panacea for keeping cardiovascular diseases at bay, he suggested that right dosage of Aspirin and Thrombin and Influenza vaccination are very effective in preventing and reducing heart attacks to a large extent.

Dr. Naranjan S Dhalla- Professor and Director of Cardiovascular Developments, St. Boniface General Hospital Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Canada, during his address, emphasized that cardiovascular diseases involves a wide variety of risk factors therefore, it is important for people to take care of themselves and indulge in more of cardio-muscular activities. Dr. Dhalla called upon the experts and doctors to take a different approach in finding solutions to cardiovascular diseases.

Dr. S. S. Agrawal-Director General, Research, Innovation and Research Co-ordinator, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh expressed that it is very fortunate for Amity University to host the Conference for the young scholars and academicians of the country.

During the seminal conference, experts opined that there is an immediate and dire need to have an Institute of Preventive Cardiology Diseases.

Also present during the Conference were Dr. Grant N. Pierce- Institute of cardiovascular Sciences, St. Boniface General Hospital Research Centre and the Department of Physiology, University of Manitoba, Canada, Dr. Madhu Srivastava- Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal, Canada, Dr. Ashok K Srivastava- Department of Medicine, University of Montreal and Montreal Diabetes Research Centre, Dr. Emanuele Giordano- Health Sciences and Technologies – Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Research, University of Bologna, Italy and others.