
03 Aug 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Dr. B K Gairola- Director General, National Informatics Centre delivers lecture on “e-Governance - New Perspective” during AIC lecture series at Amity University

Amity fraternity had the golden opportunity to attend an informative lecture by Dr. B K Gairola- Director General, National Informatics Centre (NIC) on "e-Governance - New Perspective” during AIC lecture series at Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida. This was 150th lecture under the AIC lecture series.

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group welcomed the distinguished speaker and thanked him for taking time out of his busy schedule to enlighten the members of Amity family.

Dr. Gairola very lucidly highlighted the ways and mediums though which Government is applying e-governance to enhance the range, quality and speed of information and services provided to the citizens of the country in a cost effective manner, thereby improving the delivery mechanism of government along with empowerment of the citizens.

Dr. Gairola dwelt on the different roles played by technology in Government and Business entities. “In Government entities the focus is on public welfare whereas in Business entities, every transaction, every process is focused on profit generation and accordingly, the technology is used in both the entities”, asserted Dr. Gairola.

Dr. Gairola outlined the various objectives of Governance such as Inclusive Growth, Social Equity and Development, Security and Welfare, Transparency and Accountability, Participative Decision Making and Improved Governance and how they are fulfilled through the application of e- Governance.

Dr. Gairola, further, tracked the growth and changed role of e- Governance in India since 1994 from mere MIS Reporting to G2G Focus, G2C Focus and finally to C2G Focus in 2011. Dr. Gairola stressed that the burning need is to accelerate the pace of e- governance to build uniform, secure, standardized and scalable information and infrastructure.

Dr. Gairola also shared the progress made in the area of e- Governance so far and various plans which are in the pipeline including National Knowledge Networks, Unique ID Project “ Aadhaar”, Paperless Government offices, Dial.Gov Service for delivery as a Common man’s interface, e- Courts etc. Most of the projects aim to benefit the bottom of the pyramid ie Common Man.

The lecture saw the humungous participation by Members of Management, Directors, HOIs/HODs, faculty members of Amity University.