
30 Jul 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Ubaidur Rehman- BBA student acts becomes a savior to a missing 5 year old girl

Amity Universities are known for their perfect synthesis of modernity with traditions. The students, at Amity, receive the best of Western education along with the rich Indian culture, values and “Sanskaars” to become successful professionals and good human beings.

Ubaidur Rehman- a final year student of BBA, Amity School of Business did his institution, teachers, parents and the entire Nation proud with his noble and humanitarian deed of re-uniting a 5 year missing girl with her family in Khirki Extention, New Delhi who went missing since September 2010.

The girl was kidnapped by a gang of beggars in South Delhi while she was playing outside her house and was taken to Zahidpur village in Bhadoi, where she was forcibly made to work as domestic maid at some house. The girl was spotted by the villagers to whom she disclosed her identity and other details. Haji Ayub Ansari, the father of Ubaidur Rehman and a carpet exporter in Bhadohi, clicked the photograph of the girl and sent it to his son, telling him to approach the local police in Khirkee Extention and help re-uniting the girl with the family.

The local police, due to the pro-activeness, courage, determined attitude, noble intentions and help of Ubaidur, were able to track the details of the missing girl from their records. Investigators immediately traced her parents who were then taken to Bhadohi where they recognized their daughter and the entire family was re-united.

Ubaidur Rehman, a good Samaritan and yet another shinning example from Amity, has proved the importance of culture, values and Sanskaars in raising good human beings and worthy citizens of the Nation.